1978 Garfield “It’s not a pretty life but somebody has to live it” McDonald’s mug: 99,300 ppm Lead (causes brain damage) + 5,833 ppm Cadmium (causes cancer)Pottery Barn Great White Ceramic Mug: 130 +/- 12 ppm Lead (Pb). [Relatively Lead-safe; below 90 is safe in kids’ items.]Arte Italica with metal rim: 439 ppm Lead–a neurotoxin, 68,600 ppm Antimony–a carcinogen. What’s in YOUR dishes?“Made in Italy” Arte Italica Bella Bianca Stoneware: 3,821 ppm Lead. [90 ppm & up is unsafe in kids’ items.]October 9, 2019: Lead Safe Mama’s Lead Poisoning Prevention Month Travel Schedule Update!How can I tell if the paint on my home is Lead paint? Read this post for close-up images of this Lead painted railing – Brooklyn, NYWhat does peeling Lead paint look like? How can I tell if peeling paint is Lead paint? – Rural PennsylvaniaFacebook Groups: Colorado Lead Safe Mamas… Join us if you live in Colorado!Facebook Groups: New Hampshire & Vermont Lead Safe Mamas… Join us if you live in NH or VT!Facebook Groups: Boston Area Lead Safe Mamas… Join us if you live in (or near!) Boston, Mass!Facebook Groups: Maine Lead Safe Mamas… Join us if you live in (or near!) Maine!Who wants to (literally) help save the bees & help save the world? World-famous honey farm for sale in Napa Valley.Facebook Groups: Australia Lead Safe Mamas… Join us if you live in Australia!Lead Safe Mama Refund Policy: Healthy Home Consultations – Fall 2019 Update.Facebook Groups: Southern California Lead Safe Mamas… Join us if you live in or “near” Southern California!Facebook Groups: Utah Lead Safe Mamas… Join us if you live in or “near” Utah!Facebook Groups: Washington D.C. Lead Safe Mamas… Join us if you live nearby!With the current political climate & the high cost of living in Portland with disabled kids, we often discuss leaving…Earlier today the month of September 2019 bumped up in to the 8th #BestMonthEver spot at LeadSafeMama.com1983 Pizza Hut Care Bear “Grumpy Bear” glass: 122,900 ppm Lead when tested with an XRF instrument (90 ppm is unsafe — did you have these?)Today’s Goal….Q. How much Lead can Lead Safe Mama find in Jennifer Lawrence’s Amazon Wedding Registry Guide? A. Quite a bit!These are my six favorite pages to follow on Facebook…Coming Soon: XRF test results for 1983 Pizza Hut Care Bear collectable glasses. Did you have these? Posts pagination Previous Page 1 … 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 … 179 Next Page SharePin200PostEmailPrint200Shares
1978 Garfield “It’s not a pretty life but somebody has to live it” McDonald’s mug: 99,300 ppm Lead (causes brain damage) + 5,833 ppm Cadmium (causes cancer)
Pottery Barn Great White Ceramic Mug: 130 +/- 12 ppm Lead (Pb). [Relatively Lead-safe; below 90 is safe in kids’ items.]
Arte Italica with metal rim: 439 ppm Lead–a neurotoxin, 68,600 ppm Antimony–a carcinogen. What’s in YOUR dishes?
“Made in Italy” Arte Italica Bella Bianca Stoneware: 3,821 ppm Lead. [90 ppm & up is unsafe in kids’ items.]
How can I tell if the paint on my home is Lead paint? Read this post for close-up images of this Lead painted railing – Brooklyn, NY
What does peeling Lead paint look like? How can I tell if peeling paint is Lead paint? – Rural Pennsylvania
Who wants to (literally) help save the bees & help save the world? World-famous honey farm for sale in Napa Valley.
Facebook Groups: Southern California Lead Safe Mamas… Join us if you live in or “near” Southern California!
With the current political climate & the high cost of living in Portland with disabled kids, we often discuss leaving…
Earlier today the month of September 2019 bumped up in to the 8th #BestMonthEver spot at LeadSafeMama.com
1983 Pizza Hut Care Bear “Grumpy Bear” glass: 122,900 ppm Lead when tested with an XRF instrument (90 ppm is unsafe — did you have these?)
Q. How much Lead can Lead Safe Mama find in Jennifer Lawrence’s Amazon Wedding Registry Guide? A. Quite a bit!