So many milestones (in spite of the pandemic!) Lead Safe Mama just passed 2,000,000 unique views for the year… & more
July 2020 just made it to 5th place on the list of #BestMonthsEver on! Thanks everyone.
For those who only read headlines: yesterday the Lead Safe Mama site passed 7,000,000 unique all-time views!
July 2020 just jumped onto the Lead Safe Mama top ten #BestMonthsEver list, with 196,754 views so far this month!
Now and then I share my site stats with my readers so you can see why I am so grateful for your support of this work.
Each of the past 12 months has seen more than 100,000 unique page views per month! Thank you!
February 2020 closed out the month in 4th place on Lead Safe Mama’s #BestMonthsEver list with 351,421 page views!
I’m excited to share this with you… year-over-year growth for looking at December-January-February!
February 2020 is officially “Number 4!” (as of today) on Lead Safe Mama’s #BestMonthsEver list! #MischiefManaged
February 2020 is officially in the “Top Ten” for Lead Safe Mama’s #BestMonthsEver, popping into 9th place today.
Lead Safe Mama closed out December 2019 with 814,387 page views from more than 436,000 people! In.One.Month!
2020 Goals: 12,102,470 unique page views for in 2020? How could that possibly happen?
Three million eight hundred and twenty six thousand seven hundred and eighty two unique page views in 2019!
The impossible happened mid-day Saturday: #LeadSafeMama passed 5,000,000 unique all time views! Thank you!
Today (12/17/19) Dec. 2019 vaulted forward into the 4th #BestMonthEver spot on Thank YOU!