“Silver” necklace charm: 30,500 ppm Lead (no silver at all!)Vintage Bruynzeel green colored pencil: Lead-free, Mercury-free, Cadmium-free!Costume jewelry necklace charm with faux ruby & faux pearls: 7,743 ppm Cadmium + 36,100 Antimony + 51,700 LeadBaldwin Hardware cabinet knob, “Made in Spain” (package has Prop 65 warning): 26,100 ppm Lead + 6,165 ppm Antimony.Small brass colored ring from a necklace: 51 ppm Arsenic.“Gold” beaded necklace: positive for Arsenic (& a little bit of gold.) Mostly copper and zinc!Blue glass & brass necklace charm: Positive for Lead, Arsenic, and AntimonyVintage Brown Prizmacolor colored pencil: Lead-free, Cadmium-Free, Arsenic-free.SVB modern bronze hardware sample: Lead-free, Cadmium-free, Arsenic-free.Kellogg’s Corn Flakes Museum Collection “Beanie Boy” cereal bowl: 6,136 ppm Lead + 784 Cadmium + 1,277 Arsenic.Modern glass door knob. Glass is Lead-free (yay!) Back plate is positive for 2,347 ppm Lead.Vintage design drawer pull: 4,285 ppm Arsenic. (… but no Lead, Cadmium or Mercury!)Leaf design vintage Bassick-Sack drawer pull: 4,575 ppm Arsenic.Trafalgar brand leather belt with brass buckle: 15,600 ppm Lead + 250 ppm Antimony. This is a child’s belt.Original black glass door knob from a 1905 home: 446,600 ppm Lead + 420 ppm Antimony.1905 Door Latch (black painted metal): 3,628 ppm Lead (likely painted with Lead paint.)Modern brass door slide lock: 52,600 ppm Lead + 477 ppm Antimony.1989 Colorforms Batman Adventure set: Lead-free, Arsenic-free, positive for 45 ppm Cadmium + 77 ppm Antimony1993 Barney Travel Pak Colorforms set: Lead-free, Arsenic-free, Mercury-free, and 27 ppm CadmiumCorelle “Forever Yours” dish: 15,300 ppm Lead + 269 Cadmium + 1,678 Arsenic. It’s your choice to eat off these – or not!Good News Everyone, in spite of everything… LeadSafeMama.com is doing okay! (We’re still here!)Marbles from Dollar Tree Store test positive for Lead, Arsenic, Antimony and Cadmium (using XRF technology)“100% Natural” 2019 Eco-Wedge Crayons. Purple tested positive for trace levels of Arsenic. Other colors tested clean.Seattle Space Needle collectors token. Tested positive for 1,245 ppm Arsenic using XRF technology. Posts pagination Previous Page 1 … 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 … 175 Next Page SharePin197PostEmailPrint197Shares
Costume jewelry necklace charm with faux ruby & faux pearls: 7,743 ppm Cadmium + 36,100 Antimony + 51,700 Lead
Baldwin Hardware cabinet knob, “Made in Spain” (package has Prop 65 warning): 26,100 ppm Lead + 6,165 ppm Antimony.
Kellogg’s Corn Flakes Museum Collection “Beanie Boy” cereal bowl: 6,136 ppm Lead + 784 Cadmium + 1,277 Arsenic.
Trafalgar brand leather belt with brass buckle: 15,600 ppm Lead + 250 ppm Antimony. This is a child’s belt.
1989 Colorforms Batman Adventure set: Lead-free, Arsenic-free, positive for 45 ppm Cadmium + 77 ppm Antimony
Corelle “Forever Yours” dish: 15,300 ppm Lead + 269 Cadmium + 1,678 Arsenic. It’s your choice to eat off these – or not!
Marbles from Dollar Tree Store test positive for Lead, Arsenic, Antimony and Cadmium (using XRF technology)
“100% Natural” 2019 Eco-Wedge Crayons. Purple tested positive for trace levels of Arsenic. Other colors tested clean.