In Dec. 2019 I earned $16,054.63 from advertising, making it possible to pay the forensic bookkeepers for my legal battle
#TeamWork! Mighty Nest is offering full refunds if you bought (Lead-containing) Paulie Jars from them!
Anchor Hocking royal ruby red pressed bubble glass tea cup: Lead-free, 24 ppm Cadmium (safe by all standards.)
Vintage glass vase: 4,420 ppm Cadmium (Cd causes cancer, but I am not too concerned to find it in a vase.)
Today I heard back from Paulie Jar regarding Lead found in their “non-toxic” insulated stainless containers.
Today I heard back from the CEO of Mighty Nest regarding Lead found in stainless containers purchased on their site.
Paulie Jar insulated stainless steel containers (sold by Mighty Nest & clearly marketed for use by kids), positive for Lead.
My friend said she would eat a bug before voting for Biden. I said “Just don’t eat these! They’re really high Lead!”
Harvest Hill Press (Maine) porcelain coffee mug with bald eagle design: 17,800 ppm Lead on black of the eagle.
Unmarked mug with urns and vases: 39,400 ppm Lead on decorative elements (high Lead inside of mug too!)
I earned $114.43 yesterday. Can you help me earn enough to pay off my legal debt by sharing articles this holiday season?
My father called me on August 25th to tell me he had just started hospice. We hadn’t actually spoken for 8 years.
A list of folks across the U.S. who do consumer goods testing with the appropriate instrumentation… Stand by!