Vintage Bruynzeel green colored pencil: Lead-free, Mercury-free, Cadmium-free!Costume jewelry necklace charm with faux ruby & faux pearls: 7,743 ppm Cadmium + 36,100 Antimony + 51,700 LeadBaldwin Hardware cabinet knob, “Made in Spain” (package has Prop 65 warning): 26,100 ppm Lead + 6,165 ppm Antimony.Small brass colored ring from a necklace: 51 ppm Arsenic.“Gold” beaded necklace: positive for Arsenic (& a little bit of gold.) Mostly copper and zinc!Blue glass & brass necklace charm: Positive for Lead, Arsenic, and AntimonyVintage Brown Prizmacolor colored pencil: Lead-free, Cadmium-Free, Arsenic-free.SVB modern bronze hardware sample: Lead-free, Cadmium-free, Arsenic-free.Kellogg’s Corn Flakes Museum Collection “Beanie Boy” cereal bowl: 6,136 ppm Lead + 784 Cadmium + 1,277 Arsenic.Modern glass door knob. Glass is Lead-free (yay!) Back plate is positive for 2,347 ppm Lead.Vintage design drawer pull: 4,285 ppm Arsenic. (… but no Lead, Cadmium or Mercury!)Leaf design vintage Bassick-Sack drawer pull: 4,575 ppm Arsenic.Trafalgar brand leather belt with brass buckle: 15,600 ppm Lead + 250 ppm Antimony. This is a child’s belt.Original black glass door knob from a 1905 home: 446,600 ppm Lead + 420 ppm Antimony.1905 Door Latch (black painted metal): 3,628 ppm Lead (likely painted with Lead paint.)Modern brass door slide lock: 52,600 ppm Lead + 477 ppm Antimony.1989 Colorforms Batman Adventure set: Lead-free, Arsenic-free, positive for 45 ppm Cadmium + 77 ppm Antimony1993 Barney Travel Pak Colorforms set: Lead-free, Arsenic-free, Mercury-free, and 27 ppm CadmiumCorelle “Forever Yours” dish: 15,300 ppm Lead + 269 Cadmium + 1,678 Arsenic. It’s your choice to eat off these – or not!Good News Everyone, in spite of everything… is doing okay! (We’re still here!)Marbles from Dollar Tree Store test positive for Lead, Arsenic, Antimony and Cadmium (using XRF technology)“100% Natural” 2019 Eco-Wedge Crayons: Purple tested positive for trace levels of Arsenic and other colors tested cleanSeattle Space Needle collectors token. Tested positive for 1,245 ppm Arsenic using XRF technology.Vintage cream colored Sta-Kleen Slater electrical outlet (USA): 12 ppm Arsenic (but no Lead in the plastic!) Posts pagination Previous Page 1 … 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 … 179 Next Page SharePin200PostEmailPrint200Shares
Costume jewelry necklace charm with faux ruby & faux pearls: 7,743 ppm Cadmium + 36,100 Antimony + 51,700 Lead
Baldwin Hardware cabinet knob, “Made in Spain” (package has Prop 65 warning): 26,100 ppm Lead + 6,165 ppm Antimony.
Kellogg’s Corn Flakes Museum Collection “Beanie Boy” cereal bowl: 6,136 ppm Lead + 784 Cadmium + 1,277 Arsenic.
Trafalgar brand leather belt with brass buckle: 15,600 ppm Lead + 250 ppm Antimony. This is a child’s belt.
1989 Colorforms Batman Adventure set: Lead-free, Arsenic-free, positive for 45 ppm Cadmium + 77 ppm Antimony
Corelle “Forever Yours” dish: 15,300 ppm Lead + 269 Cadmium + 1,678 Arsenic. It’s your choice to eat off these – or not!
Marbles from Dollar Tree Store test positive for Lead, Arsenic, Antimony and Cadmium (using XRF technology)
“100% Natural” 2019 Eco-Wedge Crayons: Purple tested positive for trace levels of Arsenic and other colors tested clean
Vintage cream colored Sta-Kleen Slater electrical outlet (USA): 12 ppm Arsenic (but no Lead in the plastic!)