Pink Yeti Rambler 20 oz. Tumbler: Lead-Free in all Accessible Components (Leaded sealing dot is under stainless bottom cap)I will never cease to be amazed by the truly global reach of this work! Thank you!Artificial (c. 2008) Christmas tree from Costco: 5,896 ppm Lead (90 ppm is unsafe for kids)LeadSafeMama just reached 20,000 followers on Facebook!Vintage Fisher Price Little People Downtown Garage Set, A Game!: Guess how much Lead ???Let’s play a game! Lead or no Lead? Guess! 2018 Oregon Espresso Mug from Starbucks.Giving Tuesday: Lead Safe Mama is NOT a nonprofit, but that doesn’t mean you can’t support our work today! Thank you.2018 Ikea Stainless 2.5 Liter Cooking Pot: #LeadFree and very low Nickel!My new bio from the articleEmail I sent to VitaClay via their website (in response to finding Lead in their “Lead-free” product).Another “Lead-free” product tests positive for Lead. VitaClay Chef Slow Cooker: 70,400 ppm Lead — read on for more info.Another Record: My site received over 100,000 unique views already this month!Mud Pie 2005 First Tooth First Curl Baby Treasure Box Set: 6,598 ppm LeadMcFly Red Roshambo Baby Junior Shades: 1278 ppm CadmiumIkea Stainless Steel 430-40 Spoon 224 22, c.2014: Lead FreeAsteroid? Meteor? Meteorite? Rock? When you have access to an XRF instrument friends ask you to test all sorts of things!Stainless Steel Restaurant Supply Chopsticks, c.2016: Lead Free18-10 Stainless Steel Fork, c. 2003 – Borromeo Pattern by Calderoni, Italy: Lead FreeStainless Steel 430-40 Ikea Fork, c.2014: Lead FreeTamara’s Toxic Dishes Guide: “Do my dishes have Lead?” Read this article to check if YOUR china has Lead!Carissa is the BESTEST friend EVER! Look what she gave me for my birthday!!!!Please click and read for more info! Walmart Holiday Time LED Christmas Lights With Green Wire: Lead Free!!! #Yay!2018 Ikea Reusable Silicone Muffin Cups: Cadmium FREE!!!Mrs. Anderson’s Non-Stick Silicone Baking Mat (2018): Positive for Trace Levels of Cadmium Posts pagination Previous Page 1 … 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 … 180 Next Page SharePin200PostEmailPrint200Shares
Pink Yeti Rambler 20 oz. Tumbler: Lead-Free in all Accessible Components (Leaded sealing dot is under stainless bottom cap)
Giving Tuesday: Lead Safe Mama is NOT a nonprofit, but that doesn’t mean you can’t support our work today! Thank you.
Email I sent to VitaClay via their website (in response to finding Lead in their “Lead-free” product).
Another “Lead-free” product tests positive for Lead. VitaClay Chef Slow Cooker: 70,400 ppm Lead — read on for more info.
Asteroid? Meteor? Meteorite? Rock? When you have access to an XRF instrument friends ask you to test all sorts of things!
Tamara’s Toxic Dishes Guide: “Do my dishes have Lead?” Read this article to check if YOUR china has Lead!
Please click and read for more info! Walmart Holiday Time LED Christmas Lights With Green Wire: Lead Free!!! #Yay!