Vintage “Epic” stainless spoon with faux wood / composite handle: 2,170 ppm Lead. For context: 90 ppm is unsafe for kids.
Vintage Temporama dinner plate: 81,600 ppm Lead. For context: 90 ppm and up is unsafe in items intended for use by kids.
Unmarked vintage floral print saucer: 70,800 ppm Lead. For context: 90 ppm and up is unsafe in items intended for use by kids.
Corelle® recommends using their pre-2005 dishes as “decorative pieces” due to concerns of high Lead levels
Stop using your vintage Tupperware NOW. These measuring cups are positive for 2,103 ppm Lead + 250 ppm Arsenic.
At 351,400 ppm Lead, this glass is likely the source of a boy’s mysterious poisoning. 90 ppm+ is illegal in kids’ items.
Vintage Corelle Butterfly Gold glass plate: 18,700 ppm Lead on decorative pattern when tested with an XRF instrument
Vintage (1972-1988) Corning Spice-o-Life Casserole: 26,500 ppm Lead (90 ppm is unsafe) & 236 ppm Cd (75 is unsafe)