Join me for a tour of my kitchen … and check out all the Lead-free things I have there!
Scroll down for links to many of the kitchen products shown in this video!
For those new to this website:
Tamara Rubin is a multiple-federal-award-winning independent advocate for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety, and a documentary filmmaker. She is also a mother of Lead-poisoned children (two of her sons were acutely Lead-poisoned in 2005). Since 2009, Tamara has been using XRF technology (a scientific method used by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission) to test consumer goods for toxicants (specifically heavy metals — including Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Antimony, and Arsenic). Tamara’s work was featured in Consumer Reports Magazine in February 2023 (March 2023 print edition).
Lead Safe Mama Kitchen Tour
Filmed: Tuesday — March 2, 2022
I have included (below) affiliate links to many of the items in my kitchen — so please watch the short video, and then scroll down to see those (check back periodically for any changes or updates to this list!) Thank you for taking the time.
Amazon affiliate links to things in my kitchen below.
I only use Lead-free things in my kitchen (most of which you can see in this video!), with one exception — do you know what that is?
DISCLAIMER: I am linking the numbered items on the list below to the exact (or very similar) product I have in my home at the time of linking BUT as you know (if you ever shop on Amazon), sometimes things are sold out so the links may change or the product included at that link might be slightly changed from the version I bought. Similar items (by the same brand or other brands) with materials, finishes, or colors different from the exact items in my home may or may not test positive for Lead and other toxicants.
For more information about any product (including the specific one I tested), please use the search bar on this website and put keywords into the search bar — a detailed article should pop up. As an example, search “Bread Box.” For a video that shows how to most efficiently search this website, click here.
Prices updated as of April 10, 2024 (prices may change)
- My bread box – $67.95
- My compost bin – $23.49
- My big iron frying pan – sold out, but here’s another product from this brand
- My electric kettle (they don’t have my color, the others test similarly) – $59.39
- My giant cutting board – $200.95
- My Instant Pot Ace blender (this product is no longer available, here’s a good lead-free alternative for $99.50)
- My Instant Pot (any size should test similarly, though my exact model is no longer available) – $99.95
- My stainless pan (on the stove in the video), this exact product is not currently available, but here’s the link to the company’s website
- The brand of sink I have (I think I would get stainless if I got a new one, I don’t know that all of their enamel is Lead-free, you should always ask) – $434.20
- My Duralex ramekins (they have them in different sizes!) – $24.90 for a set of 4
- My Duralex small bowls (these come in different sizes too!) – $29.98 for a set of 6
- My large Corelle bowls – $21.59 for a set of 3
- My small Corelle bowls – $38.99 for a set of 8
- My clear glass Pyrex mixing bowls – $21.08 for a set of 3
- My Corelle pie plates – $39.99 [This is overpriced, you should be able to find them cheaper elsewhere]
- My Corelle plates – $44.33 for a set of 8
- My Corelle serving bowls – $20.64
- My mugs – $44.95 for a set of 6
- My Duralex glasses – $34.98 for a set of 6
- My Bormioli Rocco pitcher – $27.99 each
- The water bottles I bought for my kids – $24.99 each
- The type of rolling pin I use in my home – $16.95
- The stainless counters I bought (Not currently available – April 2024)
- My piece-of-crap toaster ($39.99 – purchased in November 2019 and hasn’t broken yet!)
- My loaf pans – $16.10 for a set of 2
- My organic cotton dish cloths – $10.13 for a set of 3
Here are a few new additions to my kitchen since I made this video
April 10, 2024 Update
- Soup / Cereal Bowls – $45.73 set of 12
- Espresso Cups – $12.99 set of 4
- Small French Press – $17.09
- Travel Coffee Cup (these things are glass, but really tough! Mine traveled something like 40,000 miles with me before breaking last month) – $33.02
- Cotton Wash Cloths (we use these in the kitchen instead of paper towels) – $20.99 for a pack of 24 (we usually have 48 or more in rotation).
- Glass Measuring Cup / Citrus Juicer – $24.90
- Glass Food Storage – $10.99 (set of 3, small)
- Glass Butter Dishes – $17.09 (set of 2)
Amazon links are affiliate links. If you purchase something after clicking one of our links, Lead Safe Mama, LLC may receive a percentage of what you spend at no extra cost to you. Solidteknics links are affiliate links, too! Soliteknics will contribute 10% of what you spend (when you start with one of our links) back to Lead Safe Mama, LLC in support of our childhood Lead poisoning prevention advocacy work.
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My husband was a salesman in the late ‘60’s. The spoons were a free promotional item. I would say the era is some where around 1967 to 1969.
My husband was a GERBER salesman… add to my last post
Which spoons?
This one?
Hi! Thank you so much for all that you do! I was wondering which cotton bag/purse you use or could recommend that is lead free? I would like to buy the same one or similar! Thank you so much 🙂
There is also this brand Crystalyn Kae that claims to be lead free – is there a chance you are familiar with this brand or have tested their purses before? (
Hey Tamara!
Which glass jars were there in which you kept your legumes and other grocery items?
Thank you so much. Would you mind sharing any info on the dehydrator you have?
Ball Jars like these:
Here’s an affiliate link too:
Is the old etch-a-scetch safe from lead?
I recently bought an etch-a-scetch at a yard sale. It was original, still in the box. I’m worried about giving it to my great grand children.
I remember giving one to my own kids some 50 years ago!
Th older ones do have Lead. If it was made in the past 20 years it should be Lead free.
Do you have a pitcher that you like for hot things like tea? In trying to get rid of some plastic things I was looking towards ceramic but am somewhat nervous about glazes now… having small kids glass can be tricky also. We drink tea fairly frequently and since lead and other things seem to leach more with hot things I’m just curious if you have any recommendations.
This one is good for both hot and cold just warm up first with warm water so it does not crack:
For lead free bags I use rawganique:
Their bags and purses are made with organic hemp. We actually buy other things from them as well like kids turtle necks made of organic cotton, etc…
For kids back packs we use Ocean & Ground (non toxic, 100% Nylon): The bags come in XS, S, M and L sizes. This is our favorite:
For lunch bags we use Fluf bags (100% organic cotton, excellent sizes):
There were ones like lunch backpacks with straps:
Thank you!
The spatula, I need the name of the spatula! lol
I still haven’t tested it – I recommend wood spatulas.
Hi, are the aus-ion skillets safe and does the coating matter? That brand seems to have a few different finishes for their pots. On a different note have you ever tested the nordicware line? Thank you for all that you do!! It has opened my eyes!
Hi Anna – the Aus-ion pots are not coated (unless they have something new that I am aware of).
Here’s the first post with test results for a Solidteknics product:
Here’s the second post with test results for a Solidteknics product:
I don’t believe I have tested anything from Nordicware. Here’s how to send something in for testing:
Here’s how to search for items and articles on the website:
Hi, Tamara
Do you have a link to your coffee grinder shown in this video? I couldn’t find it in a search for ‘coffee grinder’ or ‘cuisinart’. Thank you!
Do you have a safe coffer maker? My husband uses a cheap plastic one! Can only think of all the bpa and phytates!
I use a french press and sometimes my husband uses a glass pour over.
Do you have any links or recommendations for colanders? I have ‘stainless steel ‘ ones in various sizes, but given that they rust, I assume they are not just stainless steel…
Any recommendations on pans that you can use in the daily basis just to make scramble eggs and simple dishes? The ones that you listed are not available on Amazon and I need to move of my Greenpan ASAP.
Have you tested the Madura plus skillet from Zwilling? They’re made in Italy.
Clicking on toaster link no specific one comes up . What is the name please?
Hi Tamara,
What are your thoughts on Induction stoves? I worry about their EMF! We are about to purchase one.
I have seen a photo of you with a handheld detector on a Moroccan tea glass (gold with green diamonds) but the text does not say if this is toxic or not. I have 6 of these exact same ones. Are they toxic?
I have tested tens of thousands of items and do not recall testing those – do you have a link to where you saw that photo? Perhaps I can research the results in my archives based on the photo you saw (if I know when it was taken.) Thank you!
Would you comment on galvanized steel in counter top ovens? Do galvanized steel interiors of toaster ovens contain lead? This article quotes your work multiple times, but recommends ovens with galvanized steel; I am a very confused.
Thank you for taking the time to read and respond.
Is the Ninja Professional blender lead free? Also are there any air fryers that are lead free?
I am in a new stove (electric), would you be able to suggest any please?:) Thanks much!
So am I and I would love any advice!
Is electric better than gas?
…in need of …
I am probably missing them but any recommendations for hand mixers and stand mixers (to replace KitchenAid)?
Thank you!
I just read all the info on KitchenAid stand mixers! I am calling to get replacement attachments ! Thank you!!!
Any safe options for toaster ovens and hand mixers?
That tortilla press! What brand is it?
Hi!! What dehydrator do you have? Thank you!!
I would love info on dehydrator as well. Thank you!!
I’ve tried searching a few areas but not finding any articles…. I know you don’t have an air fryer/toaster oven but do you know any that aren’t horrible? We use our toaster oven type air fryer instead of our oven on a daily basis but looking for the best option for that!
Hi Tamara! Any recommendations on toaster overs with a door? I have an old toast-r-oven from Black & Decker and wondering if there are any health risks with it. Thanks!
Yes, my Breville is old and needs replacing. Dial labels are wearing off! But they all have PFAS liners, not for me!! Help!
Do you have any test results for Mason/Ball canning jars? Thanks!