#AskTamara: Q. Does my Instant Pot have Lead? A. Yes, some. Here are the test results for a 6-quart Instant Pot purchased on Amazon.
For those new to this website:
Tamara Rubin is a multiple-federal-award-winning independent advocate for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety, and a documentary filmmaker. She is also a mother of Lead-poisoned children (two of her sons were acutely Lead-poisoned in 2005). Since 2009, Tamara has been using XRF technology (a scientific method used by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission) to test consumer goods for toxicants (specifically heavy metals — including Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Antimony, and Arsenic). All test results reported on this website are science-based, accurate, and replicable. Items are tested multiple times to confirm the test results for each component tested. Tamara’s work was featured in Consumer Reports Magazine in February of 2023 (March 2023 print edition).
#AskTamara: Does your Instant Pot have Lead?
More important: When you unpacked your Instant Pot, did you read each and every warning label and wonder why it was there?
The short answer to the first question is (unfortunately): “Yes! The 2018 Instant Pot has at least two components that test positive for Lead when tested with an XRF instrument.” Please read on for details and to better understand the concern.
This is the very first time I have unboxed an Instant Pot that was brand new (in the box, never been opened, never been used, with all of the original plastic packaging, etc.)
Warning Label
I was surprised to see a circular orange warning sheet that I had never seen before/ did not know came packaged in with these pots. (Perhaps they added this warning sheet after we contacted them early in 2017 to let them know we found Lead [Pb] in the heating element of the 2017 Instant Pots?) Here is what the warning says:
“WARNING: Make sure the heating element is free from grease and debris. DO NOT leave food on the heating element. *Use only genuine Instant Pot inner pots for cooking*. Remove card before use!”
I also wonder if they added the bit about using ONLY genuine Instant Pot inner pots for cooking after they heard about the trend of people using their vintage Pyrex mixing bowls (painted with very high-Lead paint in the decorative elements) for cooking inside their Instant Pot?
While I have concerns about the Lead found in the Instant Pot (see specific XRF test results below), it is among the lowest (if not the lowest) Lead content I have found when using XRF testing to test for toxicants (Lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, etc.) in this type of appliance (electric rice cookers and pressure cookers).
Pretty much ALL of the electric rice cookers and pressure cookers I have tested (using an XRF instrument) have high Lead in the heating element (the component at the bottom of the inside of the appliance that touches the interior pot but does not touch the food directly), and nearly all of the pressure cookers also have very high Lead levels in the valves.
Highlights from this testing:
- This new (purchased in 2018) Instant Pot does not appear to have any Lead in the valve. Please see more pieces about this here.
- The older cookers also have high Lead in the electrical cords, which this one does not (the electrical cord was completely Lead-free!).
- While I would prefer to have a completely Lead-free rice cooker/ pressure cooker (and a completely Lead-free kitchen, for that matter!), in an effort to keep peace in my marriage I will reluctantly allow my husband to use this Instant Pot for cooking his rice and beans each day (he is vegan), as it is significantly lower Lead than any other option we have found — and taking into consideration that the Leaded component (the heating element) does not come in contact with the food.
- I hope that Instant Pot continues to honor their statement to me from last year about continuing their efforts to lower the Lead in the heating elements of their cookware.
Full XRF test results for the Instant Pot are pictured here
Below are the XRF test results of the components of the 6-Quart Instant Pot purchased directly from Amazon in July 2018. (Here is my affiliate link to this pot on Amazon.) All components were tested with an XRF. If a component is not listed it is because it is negative for Lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury, and does not have any other test results of interest. Here are two pieces (one and two) with more information about XRF testing.
As always, please let me know if you have any questions!
Tamara Rubin
XRF Readings for all Components of a 6-Quart Instant Pot (Pictured), Purchased new From Amazon in July 2018
Stainless Steel Inner Vessel
(for holding the food) — #SS 304 (read more about #SS 304 here):
- Chromium (Cr): 182,600 +/- 1,600 ppm
- Bromine (Br): 31 +/- 14 ppm
- Tin (Sn): 163 +/- 53 ppm
- Copper (Cu): 3,138 +/- 482 ppm
- Nickel (Ni): 81,700 +/- 1,600 ppm
- Iron (Fe): 712,800 +/- 2,700 ppm
- Vanadium (V): 1,302 +/- 461 ppm
- Magnesium (Mn): 13,800 +/- 1,200 ppm
Black Enameled Interior
(that the stainless pot sits in)
- Barium (Ba): 8,858 +/- 345 ppm
- Chromium (Cr): 2,579 +/- 562 ppm
- Tin (Sn): 166 +/- 77 ppm
- Zinc (Zn): 14,500 +/- 700 ppm
- Copper (Cu): 552 +/- 266 ppm
- Iron (Fe): 860,100 +/- 2,900 ppm
- Vanadium (V): 27,100 +/- 1,400 ppm
- Titanium (Ti): 67,800 +/- 2,200 ppm
- Cobalt (Co): 14,100 +/- 1,600 ppm
- Magnesium (Mn): 2,786 +/- 642 ppm
Heating Element (dark gray disc, under stainless pot):
- Lead (Pb): 617 +/- 44 ppm
- Barium (Ba): 1,668 +/- 228 ppm
- Chromium (Cr): 488 +/- 131 ppm
- Selenium (Se): 35 +/- 23 ppm
- Bromine (Br): 20 +/- 10 ppm
- Tin (Sn): 3,398 +/ 89 ppm
- Zinc (Zn): 8,544 +/- 199 ppm
- Copper (Cu): 9,652 +/- 225 ppm
- Nickel (Ni): 236 +/- 34 ppm
- Iron (Fe): 4,499 +/- 167 ppm
- Titanium (Ti): 16,900 +/- 800 ppm
- Balance (likely aluminum): 953,900 +/- 1,200 ppm
Silver-Colored Plastic Button
in Middle of Heating Element:
- Lead (Pb): 30 +/- 9 ppm
- Barium (Ba): 572 +/- 245 ppm
- Chromium (Cr): 233 +/- 101 ppm
- Tin (Sn): 483 +/- 45 ppm
- Zinc (Zn): 127 +/- 22 ppm
- Nickel (Ni): 1,915 +/- 67 ppm
- Iron (Fe): 1,371 +/- 87 ppm
- Bismuth (Bi): 14 +/- 9 ppm
Valve pin (on top & below the lid):
- ND for Pb, As, Hg & CD
Silicone Seal in lid (underside of lid):
- ND for Pb, As, Hg & CD
White Plastic Utensils — Included in the box:
- ND for Pb, As, Hg & CD
Metal Circular “Grate”
Included in the box (likely #SS 304):
- Chromium (Cr): 181,600 +/- 1,900 ppm
- Copper (Cu): 1,037 +/- 513 ppm
- Nickel (Ni): 81,600 +/- 2,000 ppm
- Iron (Fe): 720,100 +/- 3,300 ppm
- Vanadium (V): 1,374 +/- 558 ppm
- Magnesium (Mn): 10,300 +/- 1,400 ppm
Black Electrical Cord:
- ND for Pb, As, Hg & CD
- Antimony (Sb): 7,129 +/- 212 ppm*
- Zinc (Zn): 540 +/- 60 ppm
- Iron (Fe): 195 +/- 107
*I understand Antimony is a fire retardant and I am not surprised to see it in an electrical cord, but I think it is not ideal for it to be in a food preparation appliance at all. I don’t know if it wears onto your hands when you touch the cord or not. I have recently spoken to parents of children who have tested high for antimony in their blood and hair samples, and therefore have a heightened concern for this as a potential issue. I have also found high levels of antimony in couches, mattresses, blankets, pillows, pajamas, and other bedding items.
Black top Valve
(accessible components tested without destruction):
- ND for Pb, As, Hg & CD
Clear Plastic Measuring cup
(comes in the box)
- ND for Pb, As, Hg & CD
*Links on this article may be Amazon Affiliate links. If you purchase something after clicking on an affiliate link, Lead Safe Mama, LLC will receive a small percentage of what you spend — at no extra cost to you.
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Thanks for posting this Tamara!!!
Would you mind sharing how would you clean the inner pot after each use, specifically the bottom. Would you wash in your sink with a particular soap? Sorry if this question it too silly:)
Also, would you use the glass lid that instant pot makes or would you not buy it at all?
I’ll check with my husband (Leonard) since he is using it (not me!) and I will get back to you!
Tamera, thank you so much for this website. Do you know which Instant Pot is the least toxic or safest? I have health issues and am always concerned about the chemicals in cookware. Thanks in advance for any feedback!
I use a bottle brush and a little seventh generation dishsoap. Anything burned on the bottom I just soak. When the bottom gets discolored or oxidized I’ll occasionally hit it with a soft cloth and a little Barkeepers Friend, which, though any cleaner is toxic, used carefully it is effective and safe. Like any dust, be careful not to spread it or breath it.
Many cleaners and scrub pads like Scotchbright are abrasive and ruin the nice polished finish.
Update: the liner with Teflon or enamel finish *was special ordered* from instant pot. It’s a optional accessory. It came with the familiar polished stainless liner.
One of my concerns is that the bottom of the liner that comes in contact with the heating elelement may end up with some residue from it and then contaminate the surfaces where I put it. Also the process of cooking (vapors), due to the design of the instant pot. I bought it from the link, but have not used it yet.
I think about things like that too.
Tamara? Any input? I also would like to know too
I have also wondered this…like can I put the inner pot on my table to serve? If not, how do I clean it safely? Will it scrape off onto the bottom?
Thanks Tamara! This is the most through information I have found on this!!!
I just got an IP today and was shocked to see it’s made in China instead of Canada as I have thought.
Have you or do you plan to test Ultra 6 quart model? This is the model I purchased and lead plus other chemicals is always my concern.
I just opened the ultra and it didn’t have any of the warnings you shared for the prior model.
We are planning to buy instant pot duo 7 in 1 program. We often hear people saying about cancer warning in that product. Can you please let us know if it’s safe to buy
Actually it did have the same warnings. Now I’m realizing the lead is in the heating element not the pot where you put the food. But I’m guessing it can still have some impact on the food and our absorption of the lead.
Have you seen this? What are your thoughts? Have you done any testing on the Vitaclay pots?
https://amzn.to/2UkAyGZ (aflink)
I have not tested the one you linked (updated with my affiliate link.)
Here’s my post with the VitaClay test results: https://tamararubin.com/2018/11/yet-another-lead-free-product-tests-positive-for-lead-vitaclay-chef-slow-cooker-70400-ppm-lead-please-click-and-read-for-more-info/
Are glass lids free of lead? I am guessing the plastic ones have bpa?!
What type of glass lids? for an Instant Pot?
I am also wondering about the glass lid for instant pot, sold separately. Have you ever tested this? Thanks!
Just wondering if the Anchor Hocking 3 qt Splash-proof mixing bowl has any of the heavy metals in it, this happens to fit into the 8 qt instant pot because I don’t even want stainless steel touching my food… I wish there’s an XRF report on it.
This heavy metal hunting is driving me insane!
Hi Nathan,
I haven’t tested this exact one, but as long as it does not have any painted markings my educated guess is that it is likely lead-free (or if it does have lead that it is only positive at a very low level.)
Thanks Tamara,
I have used the splash proof mixing bowl to cook chicken soup in an instant pot but my soup ended up having an acidic taste.. since it is meant for it as a mixing bowl, I wonder if it leaches anything after being pressurized/heated??
Hi Nathan,
Thanks for commenting. Sorry I don’t have an answer for that. I would love it if Instant Pot would make a lead-free clear glass insert!
The links to amazon for the instant 2018 are not working in your page 🙁 . Is is the instant pot Lux 60 v3 OR Duo60 6 the one that lead is only found in the heating element? I want to make sure i’m not purchasing the 2017 which has lead in several components?
Thank you!
I ordered the Instant Pot DUO80 8 Qt 7-in-1 Multi- Use Programmable Pressure cooker from your link they had both of them on the page. Can’t wait to use it when it arrives this week.. Now to get rid of my old one and my rice cooker too. The information is so wonderful. Having a son with a heart transplant and a daughter who had Cancer at 7 your helping me to make the right choices for my family. I bought your same white dishes too.
Thank you!
Tamara is the Instant Pot with only the heating elements testing positive for lead the Instant Pot LUX60V3 V3 6 Qt 6-in-1 OR the one Laurie just mentioned above (DUO80 8 Qt)?
Thank you!
Also had prop 65 on bottom of box, Crock pot brand pressure did not have it on box, just saw it at my local Target.
Hi Tamara,
What are your thought on these , i have been using them for years.
https://amzn.to/2XWY5j1 (aflink)
Hi Fenny,
Thank you for commenting. I would need to see the inside (food side) of the lid to give you a better sense as to whether or not it might be positive for lead.) Send me an e-mail with picture: TamaraRubin@mac.com
A friend has a big fancy “instant pot ultra 80” 8 quart model in which the stainless liner is also coated in enamel or Teflon. I’m very doubtful about this finish which many users will abuse and abraid. Without knowing more I would recommend the pure stainless versions.
Thanks Tamara for all your hard work! If the lead is not touching the food but is only in the heating element, etc is there still a health concern?
Have you ever tested anything from this brand ? What do you think of these materials?
Looking to purchase instapot…looking at grey heating element…might that be teflon coated….doesnt touch food but fumes from high heat concerns if it is? Thank you.
What about the new Insta pot a Vortx air fryer and the Vortx of it have is there any research on the Thursday that you have found about the lead I do see it is in the statements Walmart I don’t see it the target as do you see the proposition 65 but in the description of Walmart there’s nothing in their decription that it says the target puts a very big prop 65 in description do you have any input on that I just bought a Vortx oven and a vortex air fryer Insta pot And blender
Hi Deb,
Thanks for commenting. I am not familiar with that product.
I bought a Insta pot blender and Insta instant air fryer Vortx oven and then the Insta pot air fryer Vortx plus and I bought an Insta pot 6 quart I’m just concerned about my investment should I have maybe bought something else and take these back I just wanted your opinion on this I mean this was an investmentHelp you can give me would be greatly appreciated thank you so much for taking the time
Hi Deb,
I will be reporting on the blender this week.
Is the valve, which is made of aluminum, per the company, a concern? It looks like it is visible/exposed in your pic to the inner part of the food container, though the rep thought it was protected/sealed by silicon? Thanks for what you do!
Can you review the ninja foodi?
I want to get rid of my Teflon-coated electric wok, and am thinking of buying a used 12-inch stainless steel Rival electric skillet instead (the one currently on Craigslist -just type in “coquitlam” along with the descriptors and you’ll find it). I’m not sure if it’s old enough to still have a leaded cord. I’m an environmentalist, so I like to buy used things instead of new, when possible. Is there one you can recommend that doesn’t have lead in the cord, or in the tempered-glass lid? It doesn’t necessarily have to be Tamara who answers; it can be anyone reading here.
I am interested in knowing if you have tested the newest versions of Instant Pot. There is a new teal one. Thanks!
I just purchased the Duo Nova 7 in 1 IP. Supposedly it’s the new version. What’s your opinion on this one? Unfortunately I’ve used it a few times and can’t return it.
Hello, thank you so much for all this information! I will be throwing out my slow cookers that I only began cooking in about 5 months ago and I will be purchasing an instant pot. I would much rather buy a newer model so I am wondering if you have any information on the 8 in 1 or 10 in 1 versions. Thank you so much!
Did you happen to test mealthy pot? Interested to know the result.
If anyone has tested mealthy pot for lead, pls do share your results.
Thank you.
Hi there – I am not familiar with that product.
Do you have a link?
Here is the link. I wrote a email to them asking if its lead free/ safe. The reply i got is its food safe. 😐
so have you tested the instant pot duo 6 qt. it was one of the first ones that came out I think. I got it like three years ago. I didn’t even see that prop 65 warning. we got an air fryer this xmas and it was on the vortex and someone said the instant omni didn’t have coating on the inside so thought it was safe and that lead and bpa warning was on it. it is on the box of all instant products. I looked at store. it si on a lot of different things I am finding and trying to find an air fryer free of lead, bpa, pfoa, ptfe etc is very hard to do. if you have any recommendations that would be great and also about the lead in the instant pot I have as I have been using it and didn’t realize that warning was on there.
Would you recommend the 360 slow cooker made in America stainless steel slow cooker. Is it really PFOA,lead free cooking?
Thank you!
Hi Lolly, Thanks for commenting.
Is this an Instant Pot product you are referring to? Can you find a link with pictures of the product to share with me?
Hi Tamara,
I’m not sure if the OP Lilly ever sent you the link to the 360 Cookware Slow
Cooker, so here is the link. The base can be purchased separately or with their stainless steel pans. It’s advertised to be made in USA from USA steel. What do you think? https://www.360cookware.com/products/slow-cooker-base?_pos=3&_sid=4a3cdae7c&_ss=r&variant=801743011
I bought the instapot zest rice cooker coated inside pot not sure whether to use it? Is that inside pot aluminum ? It is non stick? Is it safe? Health standards?
Hi would you be testing or know much about the instant pot duo eco plus? It also has painted on measurement inside the pan and wondered if this would be a concern. I cool all my baby’s meats and beans here ! Thank you .
Hi Just wondering about the instant pot duo nova, 8 qt. Is it one of the ones that has a lot of lead that comes in contact with food or is it relatively safer?
Duo evo plus I meant!
Is the instant pot lined with aluminum? Due to a serious health condition I cannot cook with aluminum (heated aluminum is a no-go for me). Stainless steel is fine. Thank you to anyone who knows!
About the Stainless Steel Inner Vessel
(for holding the food) – #SS 304 (read more about #SS 304 here):
Chromium (Cr): 182,600 +/- 1,600 ppm
The part that holds the food has chromium? Is this a dangerous level, what is the max allowed? Is chromium the cancer causing metal?
Hi, are you familiar with this one? Claims to have safe class c glass. https://amzn.to/331bE8q
Interesting – I haven’t seen this one.
HI, I’m on the market mainly for a rice cooker, but it would be nice to have other options that the Instant Pot has..aka cooking beans and roasts quickly. I almost bought a vitaclay slow cooker and then happened to stumble on your post about lead in there product so naturally I didn’t buy it. I’m wondering what instant pot you’ve test for this year 2020 that meets your standards? Also, have you heard of SaladMaster cookware? They claim there pots don’t leach any heavy metals.. I’d be curious what your testing reveals.
Is that above model instapot with crisp airfryer, lead free?
I have not tested those additional components.
Thanks Tamara. My daughter is in a very small dorm room in UK, so looking for multipurpose devices to save space. I see waring has some lead free products. Have you tested this, waring soup maker blender, https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0052C9JN0/ref=cm_sw_r_wa_api_i_LdomFb70A0CJE
Also, are Corelle classic collection plain dinner ware ok?
Many thanks,
Tamara, any chance you have tested the ceramic inner pot sold by instant pot? We already own this, but I stopped using it because I am afraid it could have lead. But it’s such a waste to ot use a perfectly good item. I wish I knew if it indeed has lead.
do you think the instant pot nova plus or duo duo have the same amount of lead
Thank you for your reply Tamara,
The 360 slow cooker as well as their supposedly made in USA stainless steel pots are listed on Amazon.
Their website and Amazon say they are lead free in all parts in contact with food. It would be worth it if You thought it really was lead free.
Thank you for all you do!
Hello. Do you know if the instant pot/air fryer duo are safe? I’m attaching a link.
Hi there, I wanted to buy an Instant Pot from your link but it appears that there are a few different stores selling them how do I know it’s the right year and model that you tested?
i bought a 8 quart instapot at Macy’s. It has the air fryer lid. A stainless steel inner pot, Is this one safe? I bought this almost a year ago.
I am also curious about the air fryer lid. Or the standalone instant pot air fryer? I don’t think I saw any air fryer being tested by Tamara.
pardon my ignorance, I would like to fully understand and be sure – so because of heating element which has high amounts of lead, there are (pronbable) high amounts of lead in the air surrounding the food hence there is probably some in the food? And that is also the reason why there are high amounts of lead found on the valve?
That means that no slow cooker on Earth today is actually fully safe, right?
Thank you very much for your help.
No. That’s not how I would characterize it.
Would you explain it to me then? I really want to understand.
Please, indeed, elaborate.
Is it possible to measure the lead in food? That would be interesting to do after cooking!
And/Or there is the concern it goes out in the air we breathe through the valve?
Coule you please, please help me understand?
Hey Tamara,
Do you recall if you tested the paint/logo/decal on the outside of the stainless steel inner pot or just the bare pot itself?
Just trying to figure out what the results included. Thank you!
Hi Justin,
There was no logo on the stainless steel pot for the one we tested in depth. Is there one now? I haven’t seen it. Test results are details by component.
Yes there is. I have have a 6 qt. Ip-lux (2-3 years old?) And a 8 qt. Ultra (bought late last year). Both have an Instant Pot logo on the side of the inner bowl.
Ah – that’s disappointing. I haven’t tested one with a logo like that.
I watched the video of you pwrforming the XRF test and you can see the label at around the 3 minute mark. It looks like you placed the XRF near the label not not directly on it. Would a reading show up for the label this way if it had lead in it? Thank you!
Oh the one in the video is not the same one as the one I tested for this post. That belonged to someone else and I only had it for a short time.
I will double check with my husband tho. I never use the thing (he does!)
The markings inside the pot are part of the bowl surface. It does not look like it’s painted. Is it fine?
Can you test for the 8 quart one?
Test results will likely be the same or very similar.
Here’s how to send something in for testing. https://tamararubin.com/2019/08/tamara-can-i-send-you-one-of-my-dishes-to-test-for-lead/
An instant pot is a very complex item – so I would have to think about what the cost might be.
I purchased the Instapot zest rice and grain cooker. The site I purchased it from stated it was BPA free, but on the box it mention the California proposition warning. This was never mentioned on the site.
I’m too afraid to use it. Can you please advise me. Thank you.
I am not familiar with that product – sorry.
Did the instant pot in 2017 inner pot that comes into contact with food or valve contain lead? I believe mine was winter 2017 purchase. Would I need to replace the inner pot for it to be safe ?
The full test results broken out by component for a typical instant pot are here – above on this post.
Why not just cover heating element with aluminum foil. Thereby no lead contacting stainless steel pot.
how do you feel about the silicone rings in instant pots, do they leach toxic contaminants during cooking in the pressured heat?
thanks for your incredible in- depth arduous research investigations to help us make better consumer choices!!!
This is a question about the nickel level in the stainless steel inner pot. How much of a hazard does this create for someone who has allergic rashes from jewelry,belt buckles, etc. that contain nickel?
“Thank you”, Tamara, seems so inadequate when I realize the sheer numbers of consumers who are desperately trying to find safe products to prepare meals in while our government offers its citizens no real protection from manufacturers whose bottom line is only for their profit. It’s so incredibly sad and frustrating. I feel like I’m fighting a losing battle, but I am ever so grateful for your commitment to & advocacy of this urgent cause!
Hi Tamara, thank you so much for your work!!
I have an instant pot that I bought from Amazon in 2018 that seems to have lead in the inner pot (where you cook food). I used one of the lead swabs available on Amazon and it turned bright pink which is supposed to indicate that there is lead. I use my instant pot mostly for slow cooking so I’m really worried.
Thank you in advance for your insights on this.
Those swabs do not work for consumer goods (assuming they are the ones on this link: https://tamararubin.com/2023/01/dont-panic-these-lead-test-kits-do-not-work-you-might-as-well-tear-up-your-money-and-throw-it-in-the-trash/)
Please confirm with me that you got the swabs linked above.
Thank you so much Tamara for getting back to me! Yes, these are the swabs I used.I think they have a newer version which states in the label that it can be used with consumer goods. Here is the exact link:
Didn’t know it still had many false positives! So my question is this: would it still be safe to use my instant pot knowing that it tested positive to a metal even if we don’t know which one? What would you recommend I do? I’m very grateful for your insight on this!
Hi Safa – if you used those particular swabs it did not test positive. It is literally the same as throwing your money in the trash – they don’t work.
Tamara thank you for your work! Quick question, I’m still not clear about… Considering that the leaded component (the heating element) does not come in contact with the food, what are the potential risks if any? (assuming you don’t touch the heating element). Can the food get contaminated? Does the component cause gases with lead to potentially affect the food?
Hello! Thank you for this article. Do you know if the Star Wars edition instant pots test positive for lead?
I am looking for a slow cooker or Instant Pot and have read your articles on them. Do you know if there are any Instant Pots currently being sold that would be lead free on parts that food touches?
All of the instant pot brand appliances are lead-free on the components that touch food.
Is it possible for the heating element of the Instant Pot to release lead fumes/gas once heated?
I don’t have an answer for that question. I cannot imagine that anyone has studied that concern (scientifically). There is a lead-free coating over the lead-contaminated heating element. If your coating becomes scratched you may choose not to use the product anymore. We are very careful with ours and the coating is not scratched at all. But I NEVER use it – and my husband rarely uses it… so… frequency of use is also a relevant consideration.
Thanks for your response. Just wondering, how do you know the coating is lead free? At what depth of a material does the XRF machine take a reading?
Thanks again!
Hi Tamara,
I appreciate you get a lot of comments to follow up on but I was still wondering: how do you know the coating of the Instant Pot heating element is lead free? At what depth of a material does the XRF machine take a reading?
Also- was able to find out some info re lead gas and Instant Pot. The company states the heating element should not exceed a temp of 250 degrees celcius, which is below the temperature lead can form a gas. Thought you’d be interested to know. So theoretically, the only risk I can see is lead dust, so as you say, making sure you don’t scratch it and don’t directly touch the element etc.
Hi Tamara,
We are now in 2024. I am curious if you will be giving some current recommendations for slow cookers?
Thank you for all you do!!
Hi Tamra,
Can you share with us how you know the coating of the heating element is lead free?
For those worying about lead.
I tested one and the fumes smelled like plastic even after multiple times of running and cleaning it.
Some parts of your food are going te be indirectly in contact with the plastic valve and the silicone seal.
No go for me.
Hi there,
Our instant pot sticker started peeling and looked uncannily like lead paint – identical to the photos you see of how lead paint peels symmetrically etc etc .It was leaving little chips all over our kitchen. It was almost impossible to remove and I’ve never seen anything like it. We wrote instant pot and received a disturbing, canned response about “no lead on food surfaces.” Does this mean the sticker would have lead? Have you ever tested a sticker?
Thank you!
I am not sure what you mean by sticker. There are no stickers on our instant Pot.
Yes, there are stickers on your Instant Pot. You can see them clearly in the photo above. They are on either side of the pot, and are black and white. They are the exact same as ours.