XRF Testing

#LeadedAppliances: c. 2010 Cuisinart Blender
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#LeadedAppliances: c. 2010 Cuisinart Blender

Cuisinart Blender Circa 2010. Purchased at Costco. Center nut on top of blade tested positive with 7,941 parts per million (ppm) lead. It is the yellowish leaded brass circle in the center of the blade. No mercury, no cadmium. Tested with an XRF —- #XRFTesting #LeadedDishes • #LeadSafeDishes For more safer choices in dishware options,…

Newer (c. 2014) Yellow Fiestaware Plate: Lead-free, Cadmium-free & Arsenic-free!
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Newer (c. 2014) Yellow Fiestaware Plate: Lead-free, Cadmium-free & Arsenic-free!

Fiestaware yellow plate – newish (as of 2014). When tested with an XRF instrument the dish pictured here had the following readings: Lead (Pb): Non-Detect / Negative Arsenic (As): Non-Detect / Negative Mercury (Hg): Non-Detect / Negative Cadmium (Cd): Non-Detect / Negative Some colors of the new Fiestaware have tested positive for trace-Cadmium or trace-Lead….

Newer Tangerine Orange Fiesta Bowl: 227 ppm Cadmium (& Lead-free). Fiesta is aware their products have Cadmium.
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Newer Tangerine Orange Fiesta Bowl: 227 ppm Cadmium (& Lead-free). Fiesta is aware their products have Cadmium.

When tested with an XRF instrument the newer (c. 2012 – 2016) Fiestaware tangerine orange bowl pictured here had the following readings: Lead (Pb): Non-Detect / Negative Arsenic (As): Non-Detect / Negative Mercury (Hg): Non-Detect / Negative Cadmium (Cd): 227 ppm • • • Please read about my concerns for cadmium here. For safer choices…

Modern Fiestaware Dark Blue Bowl: 50 ppm Arsenic (but Lead Free!) Wait. What? Arsenic?
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Modern Fiestaware Dark Blue Bowl: 50 ppm Arsenic (but Lead Free!) Wait. What? Arsenic?

When tested with an XRF instrument this modern Fiestaware dark blue bowl had the following readings: non-detect (negative) for Lead, non-detect (negative) for Mercury, non-detect (negative) for Cadmium, This dish tested positive for Arsenic at 50 ppm. While I am NOT an expert in Arsenic toxicity and I would imagine it is best not to…

Newer Fiestaware Purple Bowl: 67 ppm Cadmium [but Lead-free]
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Newer Fiestaware Purple Bowl: 67 ppm Cadmium [but Lead-free]

Whent tested with an XRF instrument this newer Fiestaware purple bowl had the following readings: Lead (Pb): Non-Detect / Negative Arsenic (As): Non-Detect / Negative Mercury (Hg): Non-Detect / Negative Cadmium (Cd): 67 ppm The level of Cadmium found in this bowl is considered a “trace” level (likely a contaminant of the colorant for the…