Last year I called Williams Sonoma out, yet again, for making & selling Lead-contaminated dishes. Their “solution” for 2023? Just slap a big ol’ sticker on the back.
Communications with Williams Sonoma Public Relations team in response to my recent findings of Lead (and other toxicants) in their new (2022) dishes.
NEW 2022 Williams Sonoma Sicily Pattern Dish (Made in Italy): 15,800 ppm Lead, 20,000 ppm Cobalt, 243 ppm Antimony, 381 ppm Cadmium
Red Waechtersbach German Nesting Bowl: 107,500 ppm Lead + 20,600 ppm Cadmium. 90 ppm Lead (& up) is unsafe for kids.
“Made in Portugal” Williams Sonoma dinner plate: 151,800 ppm Lead on the food surface. 90 ppm is unsafe for for kids!
List of stores I won’t shop at because they recently sold things with Lead or still sell things with Lead…
Red Waechtersbach German Nesting Bowl, Purchased at Williams Sonoma c. 2009: 40,100 ppm Lead & 3,506 ppm Cadmium.
#AskTamara: Do my Waechtersbach nesting bowls have heavy metals (like Lead and Cadmium) in the glaze?