Another reason to avoid vintage toys — toy triceratops: 6,298 ppm Lead. This would be illegal if made today.
Vintage Walt Disney Productions Made in Hong Kong Donald Duck Pocket Puzzle: 16 ppm Lead (safe by all standards.)
Vintage (1978-1988) yellow Lego® guy w red hat: 5,096 ppm Cadmium [≥40 is unsafe] & 26 ppm Arsenic
Some vintage Legos® test positive for high level of a known carcinogen. Can I tell if my Legos® are safe?
Larami Toys brachiosaurus toy dinosaur: 2,213 ppm Lead, 2,721 ppm Antimony. This toy would be illegal if made today.
Vintage Fisher Price Doll. Please don’t let your kids play with these dolls. 75 ppm Cadmium (& higher) is illegal in Denmark.
Vintage Fisher Price Doll. Please don’t let your children play with these dolls. 90 ppm Lead is unsafe for kids.
Vintage Plastic Fisher Price Doll. Please don’t let your children play with these dolls. 90 ppm Lead is unsafe for kids.
1984 Vintage Fisher Price Little People Yellow School Bus: 2,953 ppm Lead + 344 ppm Arsenic. Did you have this one?
Vintage Fisher Price Little People Wooden Boy With Red Hat: 4 ppm Lead, 75 ppm Cadmium and 19 ppm Mercury.
XRF [Heavy Metals] Test Results for Vintage Fisher Price Little People Red Wooden Boy With Yellow Pot On Head
Vintage Fisher Price Coffee Table Toy: 460 ppm Lead + 260 ppm Cadmium [90 ppm Lead is unsafe for kids.]
Vintage Fisher Price Little People Blue Wooden Lady With Plastic Hair: 1,202 ppm Cadmium + 42 ppm Lead.
Vintage Fisher Price Little People Yellow Train Car: 3,261 ppm Lead (90 is unsafe for kids) + 304 ppm Arsenic Too!
Vintage Fisher Price Little People Yellow Slide: 1,550 ppm Cadmium [75 ppm Cadmium (and up) is unsafe for kids.]
Vintage Fisher Price Little People Sewing Machine: 2,309 ppm Lead [90 is unsafe for kids] + 126 ppm Arsenic