Today (12/15/19) #LeadSafeMama passed 30,000 followers on Facebook & the site passed 4,600,000 all-time views. Thank YOU!
It’s official! November 2019 closed out in 2nd place for #BestMonthEver on the site with 213,587 views. Thank YOU!
Today (11/30/2019), November 2019 became the 3rd “Best Month Ever” on the site with over 203,500 views. Thank YOU!
Site Stats Update: Tomorrow 11/28/2019 – Thanksgiving – will reach 4,400,000 unique all-time views!
Today we passed 26,000 “likes” & 29,000 “followers” on the Lead Safe Mama Facebook page! Thank you!!!
Lead Safe Mama Site Stats Update: November 10, 2019 – 1,603,065 unique readers in the past 12 months alone!
Earlier today the month of September 2019 bumped up in to the 8th #BestMonthEver spot at
Fun Facts: Yesterday July 2019 moved in to #LeadSafeMama’s 11th top month ever spot, and this morning it just popped up two notches into 9th place!