“My stainless steel pot has an ‘Aluminum core’… is that a problem? Isn’t Aluminum unhealthy to use for cooking?”
Clearance testing for Lead: What is clearance testing? What is a dust wipe sample? How do you collect and analyze a Lead dust sample?
“What is a ‘safe’ level of Lead in water?” “How much Lead in water is ‘too much’?” Understanding Lead Levels in Water
I’ve been helping a mama whose nutritionist had (unknowingly) put her on a “high-Lead” diet, which poisoned both her & her breast-fed baby.
Why do some stainless steel cookware items have a “Prop 65” warning? Isn’t stainless steel non-toxic?
A concern for Titanium Dioxide in paint on toys: MODERN painted wooden toys may be unsafe for infants & toddlers (even if they meet current safety guidelines)
From the “Official Journal of the European Union,” here are the new European limits for Lead and Cadmium in “foodstuffs” (including salt & supplements) as of August 2021
Understanding ppm vs. ppb vs. percent — what do the terms “parts per million,” and “parts per billion” mean?
How soon after exposure is Lead detectable in my child’s blood? What is the “half-life” of Lead in the bloodstream? How long does Lead stay in the body?
But is this dish or toy or lamp or vitamin or piece of jewelry (or Tibetan brass singing bowl!) ACTUALLY going to poison me? And how would that happen, exactly?
Q. I want to buy some nontoxic cookware — which pots and pans are the safest for cooking? Which pots and pans are the least toxic?
A reporter asked me this question yesterday: “Why aren’t children getting tested for Lead?” Here’s my answer (comparison to COVID-19)
This is what a Leaded sealing dot looks like on a stainless steel water bottle. Please read the full piece if you have questions.
“If the Lead is only on the OUTSIDE (… of my dish, measuring cup, mixing bowl, etc.) why does it matter?”
How the Lead industry deliberately utilized systemic racism to deflect blame for poisoning generations of children
I don’t do what I do to instill fear. I do what I do to educate, so YOU can make informed choices for your family.