Made in Mexico Crate & Barrel “Miguel Highball” Glass: Lead-Free (Click for my guide to buying Lead-free glassware!)
Red Vintage Pyrex Food Storage Container With lid: 310,000 ppm Lead + 14,200 ppm Arsenic + 33,200 ppm Cadmium
Red markings on Lady Lane Farms glass milk bottles, Garry’s Meadow Fresh: 20,500 ppm Lead (90 is unsafe for kids).
2018 purple vintage style Ball jars: 63 ppm Lead (safe by all standards). Personally I avoid the tinted ones.
Tom & Jerry Vintage Milk Glass Christmas Mug: 37,100 ppm Lead + 943 ppm Cadmium (90 Lead + 40 Cadmium is unsafe for kids)
Vintage Spring Blossom Green “Crazy Daisy” Pyrex cup: 39,300 ppm Lead + 833 ppm Cadmium (90 ppm Pb is unsafe for kids!)
Vintage Shenandoah Cinderella Pyrex Mixing Bowl: 85,600 ppm Lead. For context: 90 ppm Lead (& up) is unsafe for kids.
Vintage (c. 1972) “Butterfly Gold” Pyrex Casserole Dish: 87,000 ppm Lead. [Context: 90 ppm Lead is unsafe for kids.]