Pyrex Glass 100th Anniversary Measuring Cup (2013): Positive for 54 ppm Cadmium in the Dark Blue Exterior Markings.
Ball Mason Jars (year of manufacture unknown): 43 ppm Lead (safe by ALL standards.) Don’t Panic! [Read this post first.]
Starbucks Coffee Recycled Glass Tumbler: 1,732 ppm Lead [For context: 100 ppm Lead is considered unsafe in toys.]
Vintage Arcoroc Glass Plate: 256 ppm Lead. For context: 90 ppm is unsafe in items intended for use by children.
Vintage (c. 1957-1966) Pyrex Cinderella Mixing Bowl in Black & White “Gooseberry” Pattern: 35,500 ppm Lead. [90 is unsafe]
How worn is your vintage Pyrex? Even with very worn paint, this piece is still positive for a high level of Lead (Pb) at 23,000 ppm.
“Orange Fiesta” pattern vintage Pyrex casserole dish with lid, 1971: 55,000 ppm Lead in the paint (90 ppm is unsafe for kids)
Pyrex Glass Measuring Cup (c. 2004): Positive for 31,300 ppm Lead in the Red Exterior Writing. 90 ppm is unsafe.
M-I-C-K-E-Y… Mickey Mouse Anchor Hocking Disney Mug: 75,300 ppm Lead + 15,400 ppm Arsenic (90 ppm Pb is unsafe 4 kids!)
Baking Lead-Free This Holiday Season! Top Tips: Clear Glass, Stainless Steel, Cast Iron, Natural Stone & Untreated Natural Wood