Check the bottom of your reusable glass milk bottle… If it says StanPac, chances are it is painted with high-Lead paint.
Evenflo glass bottle with white painted markings: 11 ppm Cadmium in the glass (safe by all standards)
Medela glass baby bottle/breast milk storage: 25 ppm Cadmium + 68 ppm Lead + 86 ppm Antimony. Safe by all standards.
XRF test results for Parent’s Choice glass bottle with gray markings: 17 ppm Lead & 9 ppm Cadmium (safe by all standards)
Philips Avent Natural Glass Baby Bottle: Lead-free, 21 ppm Cadmium in the silicone nipple (Cadmium is a known carcinogen, but this is considered safe by all current standards)
Painted logo and markings on Lansinoh mOmma glass bottles contain high Lead paint (at levels considered unsafe for children)
Sailor themed glass NUK baby bottle (2021): BPA-Free and *only* 15,400 ppm Lead in the paint. 90 ppm Lead (& up ) is unsafe for kids.
Paper Airplane pattern glass NUK brand baby bottle purchased on Amazon in 2021: 14,600 ppm Lead in paint when 90 ppm Lead (& up ) is unsafe for kids
Lead painted Teal colored leaf pattern on glass NUK brand baby bottle purchased on Amazon, 2021: 14,000 ppm Lead, 90 ppm Lead (& up ) is unsafe for kids.
Yellow flower pattern glass Nuk baby bottle purchased on Amazon, 2021: 20,300 ppm Lead in the paint – 90 ppm Lead (& up ) is unsafe for kids
4 oz clear glass evenflo baby bottle: Lead-free + 10 ppm Cadmium. Safe by all standards – full XRF test results in post
Green painted clear glass “Seed” brand probiotic container: Lead-Free + 24 ppm Cadmium. Full XRF test results in post; safe by all standards.
Vintage Coke bottle (can you help me determine what year this is from?): 27,900 ppm Lead in the painted logo. 90 ppm (& up) is illegal in items used by kids.
Here are the links to all Lead Safe Mama posts on clear glass: Bottles, cups, mixing bowls, and food storage
Voss Glass Water Bottle (c. 2018): Non-detect (negative) for Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic, Antimony & Mercury!
Red markings on Lady Lane Farms glass milk bottles, Garry’s Meadow Fresh: 20,500 ppm Lead (90 is unsafe for kids).
Dr. Brown’s Natural Flow Glass Baby Bottle: Lead-free, but trace Cadmium found in the glass of the bottle & nipple