Myth: “Plain white china is usually Lead-free.” For your consideration, Homer Laughlin Ceramic Plate: 75,032 ppm Lead.
Vintage Sheraton Pattern English Saucer by Johnson Brothers: 77,498 ppm Lead [90 ppm Lead is unsafe for kids.]
White Wedgwood Bone China Plate: 98,000 ppm Lead. [For context 90 ppm Lead is unsafe in children’s items.]
Lenox Dimension Collection Eternal China, c. 1994: 349,000 ppm Lead (35% Lead!) Over 90 ppm is unsafe in new kids’ items.
1972 Handmade Christmas Mug / Teacup: 90,900 ppm Lead + 9,617 ppm Cadmium Too! [90 ppm Lead is unsafe for kids.]
Pyrex Glass 100th Anniversary Measuring Cup (2013): Positive for 54 ppm Cadmium in the Dark Blue Exterior Markings.
2011 Ceramic Lined Stainless Steel Starbucks Travel Mug: 63,549 ppm Lead. Context – 90 ppm is unsafe in kids’ items!
Vintage Crown Trent Staffordshire Made In England Teacup: 47,200 ppm Lead. [90 ppm Lead is unsafe for kids.]
Vintage Bauer Los Angeles Blue Mixing Bowl: 474,100 ppm Lead. 90 ppm is unsafe in children’s items.
Syracuse China “Old Ivory” “Made In America” Tea Cup: 26,200 ppm Lead [90 ppm Lead is unsafe for kids.]
How worn is your vintage Pyrex? Even with very worn paint, this piece is still positive for a high level of Lead (Pb) at 23,000 ppm.
Vintage Green Pyrex Mixing Bowl: 36,599 ppm lead [Context: 90 ppm Lead is considered unsafe for kids in newly made items.]
Pyrex Glass Measuring Cup (c. 2004): Positive for 31,300 ppm Lead in the Red Exterior Writing. 90 ppm is unsafe.
Vintage Blue Pyrex Casserole: Positive For 108,400 ppm Lead [90 ppm is unsafe for kids] (& Arsenic Too!)