Hiya has resorted to ad hominem attacks in attempt to discredit the work of Lead Safe Mama, LLC
Posted on Instagram: September 19, 2024
The above image is a private message Hiya sent to a LSM community member. She then sent it to me. I posted the following response (along with the above image) on Instagram:
Hiya is f’n off their rocker.
I cannot believe they are responding to their customers in writing like this. It is so unprofessional and disrespectful to treat people who trusted you in this way!
I am not “one woman,” I run a woman-owed community-collaborative small business called Lead Safe Mama, LLC. So in fact what you are calling ONE WOMAN @hiyahealth is really TENS OF THOUSANDS OF WOMEN — many of whom are your former customers.
Lead Safe Mama, LLC does not try “to take down every company across every industry” (you nerdtwaddles, nerfwaddles, & twaddlewhompers)… Lead Safe Mama, LLC conducts independent, third-party, scientifically sound (replicable) scientific testing at the request of the TENS OF THOUSANDS OF WOMEN in this community and also FUNDED BY THE TENS OF THOUSANDS* OF WOMEN IN THIS COMMUNITY.
We then compare the scientific test results for the products we test to the strictest scientific standards currently provided by the scientific and medical community — standards that are not linked to government agencies but are actually protective of children’s health AND, for good measure, standards that we have PROVEN (as a group of women) are actually ACHIEVABLE by corporations making processed food products and supplements.
I, Tamara Rubin, serve as a mouthpiece for these TENS OF THOUSANDS OF WOMEN — but only because I am doing work THEY ASK ME TO DO. Under no circumstances could this work be considered the work of “one woman” — YOU (a company run by a couple of men) are delusional.
You really are handling this so badly.
Did you EVER think of saying “Hey, wow, that’s concerning! We’ll do some follow up testing and get back to our community about that! Thank you for informing us of this issue and educating us about the different standards that we were not aware of. We will try to make sure our vitamins are at least as clean as @smartypants for the time being and we promise to do better in the future.”
Where DID you guys learn your manners?
(*and a handful of exceptional men as well, but our readership and community base ranges from 95 to 97% female!)
My friend and fellow Lead poisoning prevention advocate in New Zealand made this comment, which I shared:
For those new to the Lead Safe Mama website:
Tamara Rubin is a multiple-federal-award-winning independent advocate for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety, and a documentary filmmaker. She is also a mother of Lead-poisoned children (two of her four sons were acutely Lead-poisoned in 2005).
- Tamara owns and runs Lead Safe Mama, LLC — a unique community collaborative woman-owned small business for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety.
- Since July of 2022, the work of Lead Safe Mama, LLC has been responsible for six product recalls (FDA and CPSC).
- All test results reported on this website are science-based, accurate, and replicable.
- Please check out our press page to see some of the amazing coverage of our work so far this year!
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Yay NZ, congrats on the phenomenal comeback and of course congrats to our phenomenal WARRIOR QUEEN, TAMARA RUBIN!
How can I forward you my email correspondence with them??
I believe I have received copies of all versions of their correspondence from Lead Safe Mama community members.
Check out this:
and this
and this
Not from me! they sent me the most fugazi looking lab report. its so bizarre.
Wow, I’m in shock they’d talk to a customer like that! I will be canceling my kids subscription today, may in use verbiage from this article when explaining why?
Yes – there are two other pieces that have additional language:
This one:
and This one:
We are so thankful for the work of this site to help protect our children, since governmental oversight and regulation are silenced by lobbyists. Exceptional response. Please keep up the fight.
I support your rigorous work. Those ate haters with a clear self interest in that hate, because they cannot refute your work.
Wow, I just reordered and my kid has been using this for 2.5 yrs and will be canceling. What other vitamins are suggested or healthier? Thanks for the hard work!