June 2024 Laboratory Test Results for One Degree Organic Gluten Free Sprouted Rolled Oats

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For those new to the Lead Safe Mama website:

Tamara Rubin is a multiple-federal-award-winning independent advocate for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety, and a documentary filmmaker. She is also a mother of Lead-poisoned children (two of her four sons were acutely Lead-poisoned in 2005).

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Advertising and affiliate income help Lead Safe Mama, LLC cover the costs of the work we do here (independent consumer goods testing and childhood Lead poisoning prevention advocacy). We have removed ads from most of our more widely-read articles (and newly published articles, too — like this one!) to make them easier for you to read. In addition to supporting this work by starting any shopping you might be doing with a click on our affiliate links, if you would like to support the independent consumer goods testing and childhood Lead poisoning prevention advocacy work of Lead Safe Mama, LLC by making a contribution (which will also help us keep our more widely-read articles ad-free), click here. Thank you!

For safer snack ideas, click here.

For links to all six food items that we have tested so far that have tested “non-detect” for Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, and Arsenic – click the image below (with the big green and pink number six!)

Published: June 30, 2024
Updated: August 13, 2024

MORE good news, Everyone!

  • One Degree Organic Gluten Free Sprouted Rolled Oats is now officially the SECOND food product we have tested and reported on that resulted in “Non-Detect” for the four metals of concern we are looking at during this testing.
  • Here is our affiliate link for the exact product we tested: https://amzn.to/3VNsfnv
  • What these test results mean is that this product tested “effectively negative” for Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, and Arsenic.
  • We say “effectively negative” because, as with all laboratory testing, there is a “low threshold of detection” the testing is capable of — and within the context of this low threshold of detection for the testing we completed, this product did not test positive for these four toxic heavy metals.
  • While the product could possibly still have heavy metals at trace (very low) levels BELOW our laboratory’s low threshold of detection, it is very important to note that NOT ONLY did this product test non-detect for heavy metals (given our lab’s low threshold of detection), but our lab’s low threshold of detection for the testing and reporting done on this product ALSO falls well below the Action Levels for toxic heavy metals recommended by the scientific and medical community in the proposed Baby Food Safety Act of 2021.
  • The MOST IMPORTANT piece of information to share here (the MOST IMPORTANT outcome of testing this product) is that it serves as yet another piece of SOLID EVIDENCE (clearly-demonstrated scientific evidence) that the proposed Action Levels (included in the Baby Food Safety Act of 2021) are ACHIEVABLE. This is useful information in challenging all the food companies (Lesser Evil, Serenity Kids, Cerebelly, Selina Naturally, and others) that are defending the unsafe levels of heavy metals we have found in their “healthy” or “Purity Award Winning,” and otherwise touted as “safer,” products.

Here’s the affiliate link again for this food product: https://amzn.to/3VNsfnv

Links to Laboratory Test Reports for Other Cereal/ Breakfast Food Products we Have Tested

  1. Cascadian Farm Organics Purely O’s
  2. LoVEBiRD Grain Free Cereal
  3. Cerebelly Blueberry Smart Bars (cereal bars)

Some additional reading & links that may be of interest:

  1. This is the Lead Safe Mama affiliate link to purchase the test kits we used for this testing.
  2. Here’s our landing page with links to all the food test results for products we have tested and reported on so far.
  3. Here’s our landing page listing all of the food testing we have in-progress (at the lab/ pending, etc). Please consider making a contribution in support of any of the pending crowd-funded foods if they are a food you use! Thank you.
  4. Here’s information on how to send your own food samples into a lab for testing (the cost is $195 per single food sample tested for Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, and Arsenic) and how to collaborate with Lead Safe Mama, LLC on the food testing we are hosting.

Amazon links are affiliate links. If you purchase something after clicking on a Lead Safe Mama, LLC Amazon affiliate link, Lead Safe Mama, LLC may receive a percentage of what you spend — at no extra cost to you.

Lab report for the organic rolled oats product pictured:

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  1. That’s great, I just started using these! I wonder how Bobs Red Mill organic gluten free oats, which I’ve used for years, would test?

    1. Hi Penni!

      Please check out this link if you would like to nominate a food that has not yet been tested:

      Also – if you want to stay on top of what has been tested and what is pending, this link has that information as well:

      Thank you for commenting!

      1. Yes please, anything Nature’s Path’s. If possible Nature’s Path Berry Blast Cheetah Chomps Organic Cereal. Thank you so much!

  2. I am so happy to see this! Thank you!!! I use their sprouted quick oats and their granola too…

  3. Woohoo! So relieved to have confirmation that there are companies producing clean food! My fav is their steel cut oats. Hope to see One Degree continue to expand their product lines!

  4. YES!!! This also happens to be one of the brans which is glyphosate reside free so I’ve been buying this brand for a couple of years however I have read some recent reviews that says some packages have gone rancid so just smell before consuming, wonder if it can be refrigerated?

  5. I wonder how One Degree boxed cereals would test? We buy their “Rice Krispies” (Sprouted Brown Rice Crisps)

  6. Thank you for this and all of your hard work! It would be sooo helpful if you included nickel content as part of your readings as well.

  7. Tamara, what coffee grinder to you recommend to be able to grind these oats into a flour? I have gluten sensitivity and can’t eat the jovial einkorn flour (even though it says it has a low gluten index)

  8. I’m wondering about ochratoxin levels. Lots of grains get a bit moldy and develop vary8ng levels of this fungus that is very unhealthy.

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