I bought a set of three of these stainless baking sheets for my son’s college apartment. He loves them!
For those new to this website:
Tamara Rubin is a multiple-federal-award-winning independent advocate for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety, and a documentary filmmaker. She is also a mother of Lead-poisoned children (two of her sons were acutely Lead-poisoned in 2005). Since 2009, Tamara has been using XRF technology (a scientific method used by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission) to test consumer goods for toxicants (specifically heavy metals — including Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Antimony, and Arsenic). Tamara’s work was featured in Consumer Reports Magazine in February 2023 (March 2023 print edition).
Continue reading below the images.
My affiliate link for this product: https://amzn.to/3oS5DR8
I bought these pans for my son (A.J.) to use in his apartment at college. He absolutely loves them and has been using them every day that he cooks. He especially likes the high edge, so they can used as a tray even when not being used for baking or roasting. Bonus: They also ended up being low-nickel stainless steel AND they are fairly inexpensive.
When tested with an XRF instrument the pans pictured here (Wildone Baking Sheet Set of 3, Stainless Steel Cookie Sheet Baking Pan, 9/12/16 Inch, Non Toxic & Heavy Duty & Easy Clean) had the following readings:
- Chromium (Cr): 131,500 +/- 2,000 ppm
- Nickel (Ni): 1,092 +/- 234 ppm
- Iron (Fe): 861,000 +/- 2,300 ppm
- Manganese (Mn): 4,065 +/- 707 ppm
- Vanadium (V): 1,028 +/- 511 ppm
- No other metals were detected in consumer goods mode.
“Tamara, tell me more about this testing…”
Testing is done with the same instrumentation used by the Consumer Product Safety Commission to test consumer goods for Lead (and other toxicants), when screening for safety (including screening items intended for use by children to make sure they fall within acceptable levels). All tests are done for a minimum of 60 seconds unless otherwise noted. Tests are repeated multiple times on each component to confirm the results. Test results are science-based, accurate, and replicable.
Some additional reading for those interested:
- More pots and pans that we have tested.
- Stainless steel cookware we have tested.
- What is stainless steel? That is explained here.
- This is a video explaining how best to navigate the more than 2,700 articles and pages here on the Lead Safe Mama website (it’s worth checking out, I promise you!).
- My overview piece about the concern for Lead in dishes (and cookware).
To read more about the testing methodology for nearly all test results reported on this website, click here. Thank you for reading and for sharing my articles. As always, please let me know if you have any questions. With 1.165 Million unique readers in 2020 alone, I am not always able to answer each and every question personally, but I do try. Thank you.
Tamara Rubin
Amazon links are affiliate links. If you purchase something after clicking on one of our links, Lead Safe Mama, LLC may receive a small percentage of what you spend at no extra cost to you.
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I’m in Canada and I purchased these Wildone baking sheets from Amazon.ca. after reading your article about them. I’m concerned because they had no stamp anywhere on them to verify that they are stainless steel and no Wildone name written on them. Is there any reason I should be concerned by that? Thank you for all the information you provide.
I think they are a great inexpensive alternative and I don’t really have a concern for them – especially given the price point and the fact that they test well / have tested well in the past. There are much more expensive branded stainless baking sheets, but that is out of most people’s price point for baking sheets (I try to choose options that most people can afford.) There is a problem with Amazon switching out product on links periodically – and that’s the think I hate most about recommending products… but outside of that concern this product should be Stainless steel – and should be Lead-free, Cadmium-free, Arsenic-free and Mercury-free. For a cost-no-object option… I like these: https://solidteknicsusa.com/shop/medium-baking-tray
What about leaching Cadmium and nickel into food which research suggests.
Does it matter that these are advertised as technically 18/0 stainless steel yet it tested positive for nickel? Is that normal??
Nickel is typically present in all stainless steel – even stainless advertised as “Non-nickel” stainless. Here’s another example:
I have a severe nickel allergy, do you recommend any nickel free baking pan or cookie sheet?
Hy! do you recommend the 360 brand of pots and pans?
thank a lot!!!!!
Hi there – I have not yet tested them.
Thanks for all the work you do. I recently purchased the Team Far baking sheet from your Amazon store and the P&P CHEF 6-Cups Muffin Pan with the link from your Lead-free bakeware post. Do you have the XRF testing readings for these?
Thanks again!
Hi Tamara,
I used your link for the Solid Teknics fry pan but the discount code is not working. Any idea why?
Hello ! I am having a had time finding some good and safe pots and pans ! do you know if Le Creuset are safe?
I have some pans (2 cupcake and 1 roaster) from 1980 by mirro…I think they are aluminum. They still look great, but are they safe? Also a friend gave me a 9×13 pan that looks like it’s from Nordic Ware, with a metal cover…it may contain aluminum…not really sure. Have never used it…but she engraved on the lid…have you tested any of those?
I have the nordicware aluminum cookie/baking sheets from Costco and my lead swab test was positive. These I’ve had for a while and the aluminum is discolored. won’t be using them anymore. Just FYI.
It sounds like you used one of the fraudulent Lead test kits.
Please read this (about the faulty Lead test kits, that give false positive and false negatives and cannot be relied on at all): https://tamararubin.com/2023/01/dont-panic-these-lead-test-kits-do-not-work-for-testing-consumer-goods-you-might-as-well-tear-up-your-money-and-throw-it-in-the-trash/
Hi! I am absolutely grateful for coming across your site! Thank you for the information and hard work you do! I don’t know if you’ve come across nordicware baking sheets/ sheet pan? Curious if those are safe?
Hi! Do you have an Amazon storefront I can add all of your lead free non toxic products to my cart and buy? I’m doing a whole kitchen “throw away the toxic crap party”
Here’s my Amazon store front
Here’s my shopping website – which iw a bit more current
Thank you!
just got these.. btw – I have never wanted to support someones affiliate links more than yours. if you have an Amazon store front link, I’d love to take a look at all the goodies on there. thanks!
Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. I put together a shopping only site a while back! Check out the links there: http://www.ShopLeadSafeMama.com
I bought these based on your recommendation in the uk but am returning them because it came loose in just bubble wrap with no stamping or branding, just a card with a chinese address and a random hotmail email address. It could be any piece really…
Hi Tamara, thanks for all you do! I just ordered the Wildone baking pans, the set of 3 that came with wire racks because they would be useful for certain recipes. Have you tested the wire racks/do you think they’d be safe as well? Thank you.
I have not tested the racks… sorry – i think those can ho either way.
Have you tested All Clad pans and mixing bowls?
Many thanks for your amazing work!!