Vintage Corelle By Corning Butterfly Gold Pattern Glass Bowls: 23,300 ppm Lead [90 ppm is unsafe for kids.]

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For those of you looking for some safer (confirmed lead-free) dish options – here are a few (relatively inexpensive) choices to consider as well:
- Prices below are from April 4, 2024
- 18-piece service for 6: $53.57 (Made in USA) –
- 78-piece service for 12: $199.99 (Made in USA) –
- Set of 6 dinner plates: $38.74 (Made in France) –
- Set of 6 dinner plates: $17.49 (Made in Spain) –
- You can also buy clear glass (unpainted, undecorated) dinner plates from the Dollar Store – and they are typically also Lead-free.
- The white glass plates from Target are also Lead-free (test results here)
- The white glass plates from Ikea are also Lead-free (test results here)
Amazon links are affiliate links. If you purchase something after clicking one of Lead Safe Mama, LLC’s affiliate links, we may receive a percentage of what you spend (at no extra cost to you).
For those new to the Lead Safe Mama website:
Tamara Rubin is a multiple-federal-award-winning independent advocate for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety, and a documentary filmmaker. She is also a mother of Lead-poisoned children (two of her four sons were acutely Lead-poisoned in 2005).
- Tamara owns and runs Lead Safe Mama, LLC — a unique community collaborative woman-owned small business for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety.
- Since 2009, Tamara has been conducting XRF testing (a scientific testing method) using the exact instrumentation employed by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission to test consumer goods for toxicants (specifically heavy metals — including Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Antimony, and Arsenic).
- Since July of 2022, the work of Lead Safe Mama, LLC has been responsible for 5 product recalls (FDA and CPSC).
- Recent notable press… There has been too much to mention already in 2024! Please check out our press page to see some of the amazing coverage of our work so far this year!
Originally published: April 17, 2018
Updated: December 28, 2019
Everybody’s grandmothers seems to have had these!
These butterfly pattern vintage “Corelle by Corning” (Made in New York) bowls tested positive for Lead at 23,300 ppm when tested with an XRF instrument (this is the reading of a test done directly on the decorative pattern elements on the outside of the bowl).
To learn more about the concern for Lead in dishware, Click HERE.
The plain white parts of these bowls (the base material / substrate) is generally Lead-free (and Cadmium-free too!) You can see the full XRF test results of a plain white Corelle bowl if you Click HERE.
To learn more about XRF testing, Click HERE.
For context: the amount of Lead that is considered toxic in an item intended for children (when tested with an XRF instrument) is anything 90 ppm Lead or higher in the paint or coating. [Or anything 100 ppm Lead or higher in the substrate / base material.]
There is no regulation limiting the total Lead content in dishware, as detectable with an XRF instrument. Modern dishware regulations focus on leach testing and other measures of toxicity, not XRF testing — yet.
Antiques and vintage items were also generally not regulated for the presence of toxicants (if regulated at all) to any levels that could be considered protective of consumers’ health using modern scientific standards.
Related: What should I do if my dishes test positive for lead? Click HERE.
A goal for my advocacy is that all dishware be required to test negative for Lead by any and all testing methodologies, including XRF testing.
If a toy is considered toxic for use by a child using a specific testing methodology (for example, toys are toxic for Lead with XRF readings in the following range: “90 ppm Lead and above”), why is it that this same testing methodology and standard is not used across the board for all consumer goods – especially dishware, which is used by humans of all ages (including children of all ages) and used across generations?
Every version of this “Butterfly” pattern that I have tested is either very high Lead OR very high Cadmium (which is also toxic/carcinogenic!) To learn more about the concern for Cadmium toxicity, Click HERE.
Most vintage Corelle pieces with printed decorative patterns are high in Lead. Click HERE to see some more examples of these pieces and their specific Lead readings (as detected with an XRF instrument.)
As a mother of Lead-poisoned children, I personally would never use this type of decorated dish in my home, and would prefer not to use it if I was visiting your home. [Keep some paper plates on hand in case I come visit!]
Do you want to find a modern, Lead-free Corelle pattern that is suitable and safe for you to hand down to YOUR grandkids? Check out these (they are my favorite Lead-free option on Amazon!)*
As always thank you for reading and for sharing my posts. Please let me know if you have any questions!
New to my page? Learn more about me and my work HERE.
Tamara Rubin
*Amazon links are affiliate links. IF you choose to purchase something after clicking on one of my links I will receive a small percentage of what you spent at no extra cost to you!

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This is very upsetting. My family had these exact dishes & we used them for years. They are probably long gone, but I can only wonder what damage they have done.
My concern is always about the potential for leaded dishware to add to background lead levels in adults and children. While it may not cause an incidental acute poisoning, it could contribute to long-term, chronic, low level exposure – and this is exposure that might never be detected, because blood lead tests are done so rarely on adults. This could contribute quietly to things that are already known to have ties to lead exposure: increased risk of heart disease, increased risk of kidney disease, arthritis, early onset Alzheimers’, memory loss, fatigue, GI issues, etc.
Just remember the inside of the dishes are lead free! We didnt use microwaves much in the old days either, which would make it worse.
I use these exact same ones now. I have 5 month old, 3 and 5 year old. I use the bowls in microwave and tea cups to feed baby his food. Our whole family has these! 🙁
Please consider getting a lead-free set to err on the side of caution! Modern clear glass or plain white Corelle are good options!
Hi Tamara, I have both butterfly Corelle dishes and spice of life vintage pyrex dishes. Have you tested any of the Pioneer woman’s dishes? Most are very colorful ceramic there a list of all lead safe dishes and toys that you or others have tested that I can use as a reference?
You could use the “Safer Choices” tab at the top of my menu. You can also use the search bar and look for “lead free” or “lead safe” (There are tags you can click at the top of each post to find out more information.). You can also look for Pioneer Woman that way.
Lead safe:
Lead free:
What do you use to test the lead levels in the dishes? I’d like to check mine.
Per the post, I use an XRF instrument. Here is a post about XRF instruments:
What is corell doing for us. I have a set for 16. I am retired and cant afford to go buy more. I love corell. Please could you get a contact number for me. Thanks.
Which ones do you have?
I have the same. Will Corel replace them with safe ones? I am also a senior on a tight budget.
Hi Tamara, I have Corelle country cottage set at home. Is it lead free? Thanks
I don’t know – I would have to see an image – and also know the year made (in order to make an educated guess.)
Hi Tamara. Here the link of the image my corelle set :
Hi Tamara, I use these dishes too so I’m really upset to read this. But since the plain white corelle seems to be lead free, I assume that the lead is in the paint on the pattern, is that right? And since the pattern is on the outside of the bowl, could it be considered safe to eat from the non-painted parts?
I wish I had the money to replace my set but I just don’t right now. Thanks for any clarification you can offer.
Yes the lead or cadmium in these pieces is on the decorative component. The concern is if it is wearing at all. Where does the worn paint go? Into your sink? Dishwasher? Etc. Hold it up to the light and see if you can see if there are a lot of flecks worn off of it or not.
So if the pattern isn’t worn at all they are safe?
I would not be comfortable feeding my family out of these bowls. They are likely safer than some glazed china options of the same vintage. However you can buy new ones for just a few dollars a bowl and I like to be “better safe than sorry.” I don’t think these bowls would specifically necessarily contribute to a child’s lead poisoning – but I don’t know and no one has studied things like that, so why take the risk. This article about similar painted markings on glassware might help provide useful context for you to help make that decision.
Is the lead on the decorative pattern paint or does it exist through out? I know that doesn’t make it safe but I want to understand the specifics, and that may explain why it varies by pattern.
Thank you for your question, Ro. It is in the pattern (the painted components of the bowl). I updated the post to make it more clear! Please let me know if you have any other questions.
– Tamara Rubin
I have a very similar set of Corelle dishes, but in the green pattern. I got them when I got married. My mother had the exact same pattern of Corelle dishes when I was at home. I am 63 years old, so that’s a long time of eating off these dishes! Does this involve all the patterns of Corelle, or just this yellow color? Thanks.
Each of the vintage patterns I have tested have been positive for high levels of lead and/or cadmium. What year were you married (What year did you get them?) Thank you!
Seems to me as long as one is not eating on the patterns these dishes are probably not any more harmful than a lot of the food we eat with all of the additives THAT we are not always told about……………..
This post might help you make a decision in that regard, Patty.
Ack! Ive been wondering about the dishes I have where the painted part is wearing of and it’s always made me feel a little nervous! If you have any info on my set, I would greatly appreciate it as we use them daily!
They are Corelle by Corning bowls, plate and cups, probably made sometime around 1980 (my parents wedding set). The plates have a lime green line on the outside and in the center of the plate is yellow, blue and reddish flowers with the lime green color as leaves and stems.
Can you e-mail me a photo?
I have the butterfly Corell dishes. My mom passed away and I took them home. Should I throw them away?!
Here’s my thoughts on that @Sharon:
Is the dangerous lead just on the vintage pieces like this? Or, is it on ALL printed Corelle pieces, such as the Corelle set I just bought about 2 yrs ago.
I would have to see a picture to give you a better idea before I could weigh in and answer that question (a picture will help me determine if I have tested one like it or not). You can e-mail me a picture at
Alternately you could send some pieces in for me to test. Here’s a link about that:
Tamara Rubin
I just now came across your blog. A couple of weeks ago I was tested for heavy metals doing a pre and post urine test using DSMA as the provoking agent. I came out THREE TIMES over the safe limit of LEAD in my body. To say that I am shocked is a HUGE understatement. I have been using Corelle dishware since the early 90s when I purchased the Symphony pattern. I still use them in fact. Can you tell me if this pattern is Positive for lead as well? I am horrified to think that I’ve been inadvertently poisoning my entire family over the past 25 years. Thanks.
Could you share a picture of it with me? Maybe find a link online? Thanks.
Why are you testing this vintage Corelle? What about wear and tear? These are now 40+ years old and are seen in thrift stores now a days. Sets are even passed down from generation to generation. People are still using them. Why lead testing? People eat healthy food to junk food on these
Hi Melissa!
That’s what I do! I test things that people send me to test, things that people want to know about. I do lead testing because my kids have permanent brain damage from being lead poisoned as babies.
Here’s how I do the testing I do:
We are a multi generational household and my grandmother had these, and we still have the cups of the same pattern. The cups are only used during holiday parties which we don’t host anymore, but I plan on still getting rid of them. I just know my grandmother will be really upset if/when she finds out, so I’m going to hold off for a bit and in the meantime look for lead safe options.
Have you tested according to ASTM C738-94(2016) Standard Test Method for Lead and Cadmium Extracted from Glazed Ceramic Surfaces or ASTM C927-80(2019) Standard Test Method for Lead and Cadmium Extracted from the Lip and Rim Area of Glass Tumblers Externally Decorated with Ceramic Glass Enamels? These and similar tests have been the industry standards for many years and measure the amount of lead and cadmium that can be released by contact with food or beverages.
I was wondering if you tested the Corelle Callaway (IVY) pattern of dishes that was very popular around 1995 for lead? Because I have a lot of it.
Can you post pattern photos of the lead contaminated plates?
I used corelle (old town blue) most of my life I am 70 years I am a bit crazy . I can quit blaming Trump and blame corelle now.
Hi Nancy – thanks for commenting! I am 50 years old… we (you and me) have childhood lead exposure for sure (from leaded gasoline use when we were young) – so there is no question we have had impacts (Trump too!) and if there are little things we can do to improve our lives (and our chances for better health) moving forward – it seems like a simple solution (getting rid of old leaded dishes and swapping out for new – usually inexpensive – lead-free ones.) Of course I wish there was not so much waste generated in what I propose, but I want to give future generations better chances. I would also LOVE for corporations to be a little more accountable for their past actions – but that’s rare.
Have a great day. Stay safe!
I find being afraid of everything nowdays to be common. It is very amusing to me. Enjoy what you have and stop thinking your life is over if someone says your dishes are dangerous. These writers use this to make money. Everything you breathe, touch, smell, tadte is deadly. Stop buying into it.
Gloria –
I spent all day on a response.
Please take the time to read it:
Have you tested the Callaway (Ivy) patterned plate? I know someone else asked, but I didn’t see an answer posted.
Memphis set?? Lead?? Or is this set too new? Set was given to my son as he left after college. Thanks
I just purchased the country cottage corelle set and I was wondering if you’d be kind enough to test that print if you’re able to. I’m wondering if the newer prints have the toxins as well. Thank you.
Hi Katerina,
My readers direct the things I test by sending me things for testing. I am sorry but I am not accepting new items for testing at this time, but if you subscribe to my newsletter (it’s free) you will be among the first to know when I start testing things again.
I have these dishes & they get used almost everyday
Hi Adam – thanks for commenting. Here’s a post that gives some context to the concern:
This is a post with a link to a relevant scientific study as well:
And this post about potential impacts might be helpful:
All my plates & bowls are the Golden Butterfly Corelle dishes. They were my grandma’s & I’ve had them since 2015. It makes me so sad to find out about this because I’ll miss using her dishes. I am also really worried because I am 30 weeks pregnant & have been using these dishes during my pregnancy. This is my first baby & now I’m so worried if I hurt it by eating on these dishes
I think it would be worth getting a blood lead level test asap, because even low level persistent lead exposure can lead to preeclampsia and other complications and you want to rule that out now if you can.
Right now I am 31 weeks. We moved in with my in-laws when I was 21 weeks & I haven’t been using my Corelle dishes since then. Would you still recommend getting tested, even though I haven’t been exposed for 10 weeks? Thanks.
please read this for context:
Please also read this:
Hello. I have these exact plates and bowls. My mom handed them down to me from my grandparents who got them in the 1980s. I have actually done heavy metal testing on my body due to some military experience and found that I had higher than average levels of Cadmium. I’m going to stop using these immediately. Would you be interested if I sent them to you for further evaluation?
Sure – I have actually tested some of these that ended up being Cadmium-baed paint (vs. Lead-based paint) – because there are both Lead-Yellow and Cadmium-Yellow pigments for this sort of thing. Please email me: