Tamara’s “Toxic Mug” Directory
Have I tested your mug for lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic? Click through and find out!
This page is a “directory” of sorts, with links below to all of the types of the mugs I have tested to date. I have categorized, tagged and linked all of the mugs that I have listed here on this site below. You can also use the search bar to look for your brand or type of mug. So far I have tested more than 1,000 mugs — and I am adding more mugs all the time, so please do check back later if you don’t find yours now.
Note: sadly, most mugs are leaded. Lead-free mugs are few and far between, but since most of us use our mugs every single day, it’s worth choosing a non-toxic mug as your favorite/daily mug!
For my guidelines on finding safe mugs, click here.
For a simple list to links of mugs on Amazon that I recommend, click here.
Links to mugs I have tested below:
- Mugs
- Starbucks Mugs
- Corelle Mugs
- Corning Mugs
- Princess House Mugs
- Milk Glass Mugs
- Vintage Mugs
- Anchor Hocking Mugs
- Portmeirion Mug
- Baum Mug
- Johnson Brothers Mug
- Christmas Mugs
- Halloween Mugs
- HF Coors Mugs
- Baby Mugs
- Wedgwood Mugs
- California Pantry Mug
- Crate & Barrel Mug
- Dollar Store Mug
- Fiestaware Mugs
- Polona Polona Mugs
- Handmade Ceramic Mugs
- Disney Mugs
- Unbranded Mugs
- Ceramic Mug
- Photo Mugs
- Plastic Mugs
- Metal Mugs (including Moscow Mule)
- Fine China Mugs
- Souvenir Mugs
- #Leaded Mugs
- #LeadFree Mugs
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Do you report these to the CPSC?
I don’t, mugs with lead are not considered a CPSC violation. However I encourage my followers to report them! There is too much to do for me to do it all myself!
Tamara, have you tested Le Creuset mugs? I have a brown one and a red one.
Hi Lori,
I don’t believe I have tested Le Creuset mugs. I have tested other Le Creuset ceramics though. Have you looked through the Le Creuset category on my blog? There are at least two posts with ceramics from that brand (each high lead): https://tamararubin.com/category/le-creuset/
Hi Tamara! I appreciate all of your hard work & research! I’m curious….. I have matte black (ceramic, I think) coffee mugs from Target. They’re from the Magnolia collection. How do we know if they contain lead? May I ship you one for testing? Do you do that? We drink coffee and/or tea out of them every single day. My daughter & her husband have the same ones.
Thanks for your time –
Hi Ellen,
Thanks for commenting!
Here are a few products from the Magnolia collection – they tend to be in the safe range although I have not tested mugs like the ones that you mention (but there is a black glazed ceramic bowl in this set of test results):
Here’s how to send something to me for testing (frankly it is cheaper to just buy a lead-free mug – vs. having me test something – but having me test things helps raise awareness for others, so that is up to you!)
I am new to your site and insight and foresee a new set of kitchen everything in my very near future.
I downsized last year and have been eating off bunnykins mug, bowl, and plate and a made in China coffee mug. I have been very ill, flu like symptoms, not able to get up most days. I just read over many of your Bunnykins Pages . My Bunnykins is different but having bot been well for so long, it is worth testing this by getting something that is known to be lead free. Perhaps a Smash video is in order? Thank you.
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