Tamara’s “Toxic Mug” Directory

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Have I tested your mug for lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic? Click through and find out!

This page is a “directory” of sorts, with links below to all of the types of the mugs I have tested to date. I have categorized, tagged and linked all of the mugs that I have listed here on this site below. You can also use the search bar to look for your brand or type of mug. So far I have tested more than 1,000 mugs — and I am adding more mugs all the time, so please do check back later if you don’t find yours now.

Note: sadly, most mugs are leaded. Lead-free mugs are few and far between, but since most of us use our mugs every single day, it’s worth choosing a non-toxic mug as your favorite/daily mug!

For my guidelines on finding safe mugs, click here.
For a simple list to links of mugs on Amazon that I recommend, click here.

Links to mugs I have tested below:

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    1. I don’t, mugs with lead are not considered a CPSC violation. However I encourage my followers to report them! There is too much to do for me to do it all myself!

  1. Hi Tamara! I appreciate all of your hard work & research! I’m curious….. I have matte black (ceramic, I think) coffee mugs from Target. They’re from the Magnolia collection. How do we know if they contain lead? May I ship you one for testing? Do you do that? We drink coffee and/or tea out of them every single day. My daughter & her husband have the same ones.
    Thanks for your time –


    1. Hi Ellen,

      Thanks for commenting!

      Here are a few products from the Magnolia collection – they tend to be in the safe range although I have not tested mugs like the ones that you mention (but there is a black glazed ceramic bowl in this set of test results):

      Here’s how to send something to me for testing (frankly it is cheaper to just buy a lead-free mug – vs. having me test something – but having me test things helps raise awareness for others, so that is up to you!)


  2. I am new to your site and insight and foresee a new set of kitchen everything in my very near future.
    I downsized last year and have been eating off bunnykins mug, bowl, and plate and a made in China coffee mug. I have been very ill, flu like symptoms, not able to get up most days. I just read over many of your Bunnykins Pages . My Bunnykins is different but having bot been well for so long, it is worth testing this by getting something that is known to be lead free. Perhaps a Smash video is in order? Thank you.

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