XRF Test Results for Glazed Handmade Ceramic cup (sent in by a Lead Safe Mama reader from California)
Handmade ceramic mug with white, blue & brown glaze: 39 ppm Lead in the substrate & 23 ppm on the food surface (safe by all standards).
Handmade ceramic mug [markings: “G. Nikolaou”; “2000”] – 351,500 ppm Lead (this is an alarmingly high level of Lead)
Things From Canada – Handmade Look Ceramic Mug: 28 +/- 12 ppm Lead in the substrate (safe by all standards!)
1972 Handmade Christmas Mug / Teacup: 90,900 ppm Lead + 9,617 ppm Cadmium Too! [90 ppm Lead is unsafe for kids.]