Vistaprint Orca Coatings Photo Mug: 676 ppm Lead & 718 ppm Arsenic. 90 ppm Lead is unsafe for kids.#LeadedMugs: The VolunteerGreen (Recycled?) Glass Mug: 431 ppm Lead. [For context: 100 ppm Lead is considered unsafe in toys.]Calypso “Carefree” saucer by Syracuse: > 100,000 ppm (10%) Lead. All Syracuse china seems to be high Lead.Ask Tamara: Could you recommend a Lead-free colander?#AskTamara: What do you use to test for Lead? Can I do this myself at home? How much does it cost?Baking Lead-Free This Holiday Season! Top Tips: Clear Glass, Stainless Steel, Cast Iron, Natural Stone & Untreated Natural WoodPortland Green Festival 2016, Dec. 11“S’Nope!” – The post I wrote in December of 2016 when Snopes first attempted to discredit my work.Fire Note: 1996 from M-C & Lars#AskTamara: The inspector is coming tomorrow, what do I need to know?Q. Do cast iron pans ever test positive for Lead? A. Sometimes. Q. Are cast iron pans safe? A. Mostly! Click to read more.#AskTamara: What kind of water filtration system do you have in your home?Ask Tamara: How do you get Lead dust out of laundry? (And toys… concrete patios, or furniture?)December 2014 Letter to the Portland Public Schools Special Education Representative in response to PPS not offering FAPE to our disabled child.A Dad’s Perspective: Autism vs. Lead PoisoningMy Take on the “V” WordAsk Tamara: My parents said they used these vintage items their whole life and I shouldn’t worry. “Your kids will be fine…”Avi’s Tenth Birthday (originally posted in 2015)January 12, 2015, Adventure Day #6 – HawaiiJanuary 8, 2015, Adventure Day #2January 7, 2015, Adventure Day #1I don’t like the parent I’ve become.Q: I found lead-paint in my home. Now what? Posts pagination Previous Page 1 … 175 176 177 178 179 Next Page SharePin200PostEmailPrint200Shares
Calypso “Carefree” saucer by Syracuse: > 100,000 ppm (10%) Lead. All Syracuse china seems to be high Lead.
Baking Lead-Free This Holiday Season! Top Tips: Clear Glass, Stainless Steel, Cast Iron, Natural Stone & Untreated Natural Wood
Q. Do cast iron pans ever test positive for Lead? A. Sometimes. Q. Are cast iron pans safe? A. Mostly! Click to read more.
December 2014 Letter to the Portland Public Schools Special Education Representative in response to PPS not offering FAPE to our disabled child.
Ask Tamara: My parents said they used these vintage items their whole life and I shouldn’t worry. “Your kids will be fine…”