Smithsonian Magazine: The Toxic Truth Behind Mardi Gras Beads, an article from 2017.XRF Test Results For Portmeirion “The Botanic Garden” Plate, c. 1972Vintage (1995-1997) Corningware Rosemarie Tulip Pattern Oven Casserole: 8,164 ppm Lead + 165 ppm CadmiumXRF Test Results For Vintage WWII Era Coffee, Tea & Biscuit Tins.My new bio from the articleI’m going to give away a Pioneer Woman Instant Pot in my Facebook Group!A relatively mundane thing with profound significance in light of my experiences of the past year.Another family story shared in response to this week’s article on Mayim Bialik’s Grok Nation.This vintage Lenox china has glaze that’s more than 13% Lead! [136,000 ppm] – 90 ppm is unsafe for kids.Tamara, can you come to my home and make sure my stuff is safe for my family?Check out Mayim Bailik’s today for an article I wrote about childhood lead poisoning.Antimony (Sb) Found in Wild Harvest Organic Peanut Butter Spread Plastic JarAntimony (Sb) Found in Kirkland (Costco) Organic Peanut Butter Plastic Jars2018 ‘Natural Life” Rainbow Unicorn Mug: 891 ppm Lead + 218 ppm Cadmium [90 ppm Lead is unsafe, 40 ppm Cadmium]The only chicken book available today that discusses protecting your chickens from lead-poisoning!Check out and stand by for an article written by “yours truly”!October 17, 2018 CNN Coverage of Dr. Ruth Etzel Story, InterviewOctober 1, 2018 letter In protest of the suspension of Dr. Ruth Etzel from the EPAStuff I’ve Actually Bought: Swim GogglesOn November 28, 2017, I was arrested for allegedly stealing health insurance for my Lead-poisoned children (and other true stories).Films discussing the environmental impact of lead in hunting and fishing…Lead Fishing Tackle: The Case for Regulation in Washington State (A Graduate Thesis)Articles discussing the impact of lead on the California CondorLead in Hunting & Fishing Sports, A Series Posts pagination Previous Page 1 … 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 … 180 Next Page SharePin200PostEmailPrint200Shares
Vintage (1995-1997) Corningware Rosemarie Tulip Pattern Oven Casserole: 8,164 ppm Lead + 165 ppm Cadmium
This vintage Lenox china has glaze that’s more than 13% Lead! [136,000 ppm] – 90 ppm is unsafe for kids.
2018 ‘Natural Life” Rainbow Unicorn Mug: 891 ppm Lead + 218 ppm Cadmium [90 ppm Lead is unsafe, 40 ppm Cadmium]
On November 28, 2017, I was arrested for allegedly stealing health insurance for my Lead-poisoned children (and other true stories).