Red Vintage Pyrex Food Storage Container With lid: 310,000 ppm Lead + 14,200 ppm Arsenic + 33,200 ppm Cadmium
Royal Norfolk Ceramic Snowman Christmas Mug: 1007 ppm Lead + 539 ppm Cadmium (90 ppm Lead, 40 ppm Cadmium is unsafe)
Lucerne Foods Holiday Christmas Food Storage Canister: 5,441 ppm Lead in the decorative glazes (90 ppm Lead & up is unsafe for kids).
2017 Walgreens Ceramic Christmas “Not Intended For Children” Santa Mug: 1,657 ppm Cadmium (40 ppm is unsafe)
#Leaded: 1963 Hardcover Printing of “Volume 14 of The American Heritage New Illustrated History Of The United States; The Roosevelt Era”
#LeadFree: (Surprise!) 1968 Paperback Copy of “Al Jaffee Spews Out Snappy Answers To Stupid Questions”
Vintage English Johnson Brothers Mill Stream Ceramic Ironstone Plate: 54,700 ppm Lead, 90 ppm is unsafe for kids.
About a week after the criminal case against me was wholly dismissed (in May, 2018) the Oregon DOJ representative called my attorney and said they would be willing to dismiss THEIR case against me as long as I would just admit that I was guilty…..
English 1976 Liberty Blue saucer with Boston’s Old North Church: 44,100 ppm Lead. This should NOT be used for food!
Do Franciscan Potteries vintage dishes have unsafe levels of lead? Does Mexican pottery that is marked lead-free have unsafe levels of lead? (video)