January 2023 LeadSafeMama.com readership stats update (for those who like to follow these things with us!)
As anticipated, December 2022 is already in the top 10 months of all time (for readership, reach & impact) here on LeadSafeMama.com
We just passed 5,000,000 unique page views for 2022 (our best year ever here at LeadSafeMama.com)! To celebrate, I’m sharing the top 20 most popular Lead Safe Mama articles of all time!
November 2022: #BestNovemberEver and NINTH #BestMonthEver for readership on LeadSafeMama.com! Thank you!
#BestAugustEver #BestYearEver – LeadSafeMama.com is breaking new records (for the reach and impact of this work!) every day!