Red Glass With Cadmium

How much Lead can you buy for $6.99 at Hobby Lobby? Ceramic red rose cabinet knob / drawer pull: 1,387 ppm Lead, 11 ppm Cadmium.

How much Lead can you buy for $6.99 at Hobby Lobby? Ceramic red rose cabinet knob / drawer pull: 1,387 ppm Lead, 11 ppm Cadmium.

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Introduction to Tamara Rubin (for those new to this website!) Tamara Rubin lives in Portland, Oregon and is a child health advocate, author, documentary filmmaker, and mother of four sons. Her young men are now 24, 18, 15, and 12. She has won multiple national awards for her Lead-poisoning prevention advocacy work (including two from U.S….

Anchor Hocking royal ruby red pressed bubble glass tea cup: Lead-free, 24 ppm Cadmium (safe by all standards.)

Anchor Hocking royal ruby red pressed bubble glass tea cup: Lead-free, 24 ppm Cadmium (safe by all standards.)

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Vintage Red Glass Anchor Hocking Cup When tested with an XRF instrument the vintage red Anchor Hocking punch glass pictured here had the following readings. Cadmium (Cd): 24 +/- 5 ppm Bismuth (Bi): 37 +/- 9 ppm Tin (Sn): 873 +/- 28 ppm Copper (Cu): 574 +/- 50 ppm Indium (In): 36 +/- 7 ppm…

Vintage glass vase: 4,420 ppm Cadmium (Cd causes cancer, but I am not too concerned to find it in a vase.)

Vintage glass vase: 4,420 ppm Cadmium (Cd causes cancer, but I am not too concerned to find it in a vase.)

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Vintage Red Blown Glass Vase When tested with an XRF instrument the vintage red glass vase pictured here had the following readings. Cadmium (Cd): 4,420 +/- 197 ppm Barium (Ba): 452 +/- 59 ppm Silver (Ag): 40 +/- 9 ppm Palladium (Pd): 14 +/- 7 ppm Platinum (Pt): 777 +/- 212 ppm Zinc (Zn): 106,700…