Dowan response to Lead Safe Mama’s detection of (trace-level) Lead in their “Lead-free” products is “ATTACK!” LOL — Read the latest!
XRF test results for brand new Le Creuset red (“Cerise”) glazed stoneware espresso mug: Positive for Lead & Cadmium (a known carcinogen)
Dollar Store blue “carnival glass” bottle with golden leaf ornament: Negative for Lead, Arsenic, Mercury, & Antimony
Dollar Store yellow “carnival glass” bottle with golden leaf ornament: positive for trace Cadmium & Antimony (at relatively safe levels.)
Dollar Store purple “carnival glass” bottle with golden leaf ornament: positive for trace Lead, Cadmium & Antimony (at relatively safe levels.)
Dollar Store Royal Norfolk Greenbrier International Gray Dish: Lead-free, Arsenic-free, Mercury-free, Antimony-free.
Dollar Store Royal Norfolk Greenbrier International “Grateful” Dish: 573 ppm Cadmium (a known carcinogen).
Dollar Store Royal Norfolk Greenbrier International Sunflower Dish: 738 ppm Cadmium (a known carcinogen).
2020 Dollar Store Royal Norfolk White Greenbrier International Dish: 26 ppm Lead. Safe by all standards.
Dollar Store plastic robot toy (in red), made in China: 48 ppm Lead (in the black legs), safe by all standards.
2019 “made in China” ceramic Ikea mug (21963-1 ): Lead-free glaze, 38 ppm Lead in the substrate. Safe by all standards.
2018 Emerson Creek Pottery Bowl: Lead-free food surface glaze & 17 ppm Lead in the substrate. Advertised as Lead-free.
Made In China Gourmet Chef Glazed Ceramic Dish: Lead-free glaze + 68 ppm Lead in the substrate. Safe by all standards.
Dollar Store Royal Norfolk White Ceramic Plate by Greenbrier International: 30 ppm Lead. Safe by all standards.
#AskTamara: Which mugs are Lead-free? How can I tell if my mug has unsafe levels of Lead? Which mugs do you use?
Pyrex Glass Measuring Cup: Positive for 326 ppm Cadmium in the Red Exterior Writing. 75 ppm is illegal in Denmark.