Today (June 24th) was the best day here on the site since CoViD-19 hit (over 7,000 views!) — Thank you for being here!
I applied for the PPP loan, was approved & got nothing! One small business’ story; click for details!
The preview screener of my film passed 21,000 views on YouTube this morning! Please keep sharing friends, TY!
#ZombieApocalypse Day 48: I’m taking the day off & not asking my boys for anything all day! A poem, of sorts.
A reader asked why I was sharing about canned food we are eating today (why were were eating canned food at all)….
With today’s grocery delivery I will [for the first time in my life] have a full two weeks of food on hand (for my family of five.)
Share your personal GoFundMe (or one for your favorite cause) here in the comments so my readers can share it too!
How the Zombie Apocalypse impacted our life: My son’s special needs *urgent* dentist appointment was cancelled!
I thought y’all might also find this interesting… “How CoViD 19 panic onset has impacted my website traffic…”