Handmade ceramic mug with white, blue & brown glaze: 39 ppm Lead in the substrate & 23 ppm on the food surface (safe by all standards).
Portmeirion “The Botanic Garden Circa 1818” Coffee Mug, 1972: 49,700 ppm Lead (90 ppm is unsafe) + Cadmium too.
Corelle Coordinates White Porcelain Mug with Black Stripe Design: 6,300 ppm Lead (90 is unsafe in kids’ items.)
Hearth & Hand with Magnolia (by Chip & Joanna Gaines) Green & Gold mug: 117 +/- 26 ppm Lead (Lead-safe)
Plain White Ceramic Pottery Barn PB Classic Mug: 2,528 ppm Lead on the Logo. 90 ppm is unsafe in kids’ items.
2018 ‘Natural Life” Rainbow Unicorn Mug: 891 ppm Lead + 218 ppm Cadmium [90 ppm Lead is unsafe, 40 ppm Cadmium]
2017 Walgreens Ceramic Christmas “Not Intended For Children” Santa Mug: 1,657 ppm Cadmium (40 ppm is unsafe)