Vintage Rival Crock-Pot Stoneware Slow Cooker: 180 ppm Lead in the food surface + 14,000 ppm Lead in the power cord.
Braun MultiQuick Hand Blender / Food Processor: Lead Free in All Accessible Components (no Lead detected via XRF.)
KitchenAid is developing a bit of a reputation – Vintage (1990s?) Superba Fridge: 1,646 ppm Lead [90 is unsafe.]
Email I sent to VitaClay via their website (in response to finding Lead in their “Lead-free” product).
Another “Lead-free” product tests positive for Lead. VitaClay Chef Slow Cooker: 70,400 ppm Lead ā read on for more info.
XRF Test Results for an OsterĀ® Master Series Pre-Programmed Blender with Reversing Blade Technology – Black
KitchenAid Slow Cooker Black Ceramic Liner (Glazed Surface): 386 ppm Lead (90 is unsafe in items for kids)