2021 Goals

2021 EOY Summary: How much Amazon Affiliate Income did Lead Safe Mama, LLC earn in 2021?

2021 EOY Summary: How much Amazon Affiliate Income did Lead Safe Mama, LLC earn in 2021?

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January 1, 2022 – Saturday Each year I publish End-Of-Year (EOY) summaries of website traffic and income generated by your engagement on the Lead Safe Mama website so that YOU (Lead Safe Mama readers) have a tangible way to measure the difference you are making in supporting this work. This summary (spreadsheet below) is of…

Lead Safe Mama, LLC End-Of Year 2021 Debt Summary

Lead Safe Mama, LLC End-Of Year 2021 Debt Summary

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  Published: December 31, 2021 Hello all! I sort of wish I had been “brave” enough to share this end-of-year summary each year since this legal battle started (2016) …. better late than never! [So you could see the progress!] – I am super thankful for YOUR help with making the very last number on…

Top Ten Lead Safe Mama Posts of 2021!

Top Ten Lead Safe Mama Posts of 2021!

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What are your friends reading? For the most popular #LeadSafeMama posts in 2021, read on! Below you will find the #TopTen #LeadSafeMama posts from 2021. These are the posts written in any year since the start of this website (2014 – 2021) that had the most views this year (with the number of page views listed below…

All I want for Christmas…

All I want for Christmas…

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  Tonight’s Lead Safe Mama Newsletter Note: I do not publish all Lead Safe Mama Newsletters here on the website. If you want to make sure to get each and every Lead Safe Mama Newsletter, please subscribe to the Lead Safe Mama e-mail list. It’s free! Here’s the link! December 24, 2021 — Friday All…

Thank you!

Thank you!

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Thursday – December 16, 2021 Hi friends (new and old!) LeadSafeMama.com just passed 2,500,000 page views for the year (so far)! Thank you for making this possible. Now we just need a wee miracle to reach our goal and pass 3,000,000 by the end of the year. Please do keep sharing our work. Click through to www.LeadSafeMama.com, find…

Click through to read the LeadSafeMama.com stats highlights for July 2021

Click through to read the LeadSafeMama.com stats highlights for July 2021

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Lead Safe Mama Highlights for July 2021 Published: Sunday -August 1, 2021 Yesterday we passed 1.5 million unique page views for the year (so far in 2021!) 1.5 million unique page views is more page views than in all of the first five years of page views for this website combined. [If you add all…

March 2021 final Lead Safe Mama numbers: #9 (in the top 10) to date! 252,302 page views

March 2021 final Lead Safe Mama numbers: #9 (in the top 10) to date! 252,302 page views

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March 30, 2021 — Tuesday Thank you friends for helping March 2021 to recover (especially compared to March 2020)! Remember, the goal is to reach a consistent 600,000 page views each month (7,200,000 page views each year) for this work to be fully self-sustaining (for all the costs of the work to be covered by…

March 2021 made it to the Top 10 best months of all time on the Lead Safe Mama website!

March 2021 made it to the Top 10 best months of all time on the Lead Safe Mama website!

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March 30, 2021- Tuesday Remember the goal is to reach a consistent 600,000 page views each month (7,200,000 page views each year) for this work to be fully self-sustaining. 2019 saw a total of 3,826,782 unique page views. 2020 saw a total of 3,034,670 page views. These represent significant increases over previous years (check out…

Today LeadSafeMama.com passed 166,500 page views for March (already better than March 2020 & still 10 days to go)! Baby steps.

Today LeadSafeMama.com passed 166,500 page views for March (already better than March 2020 & still 10 days to go)! Baby steps.

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Here’s today’s back-end stats for LeadSafeMama.com. Below the image, I will go over some of the exciting highlights 🙂 You can click on the image of the chart below to see it in full size if you like. March 21, 2021 — Lead Safe Mama Stats Highlights: All of March 2020 had only 166,134 page…

February 2021 Final Numbers: #8thBestMonthEver

February 2021 Final Numbers: #8thBestMonthEver

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March 1, 2021- Monday Final numbers for February 2021: 4,846 Instagram Followers 252,849 page views for the month of February 2021 8,800,200 all-time page views Remember the goal is to reach a consistent 600,000 page views each month (7,200,000 page views each year) for this work to be fully self-sustaining. 2019 saw a total of…

February 2021… Bump Again! #8thBestMonthEver

February 2021… Bump Again! #8thBestMonthEver

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February 28, 2021- Sunday Bump! Again! Remember the goal is to reach a consistent 600,000 page views each month (7,200,000 page views each year) for this work to be fully self-sustaining. 2019 saw a total of 3,826,782 unique page views. 2020 saw a total of 3,034,670 page views. These represent significant increases over previous years…

February 2021 is officially in the “Top 10 Months of All Time” on the Lead Safe Mama website. Goal: 261,000 views for the month.

February 2021 is officially in the “Top 10 Months of All Time” on the Lead Safe Mama website. Goal: 261,000 views for the month.

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February 25, 2021-Thursday Thanks for being here! Thank you for sharing this work! It looks like we will likely definitely get to 250,000 page views for February 2021 by the end of the month (at the rate things are going), BUT I have a “stretch goal” of reaching 261,000 page views for the month. IF…

BIG GOALS 2021: I wrote a grant proposal seeking special project funding for Lead Safe Mama, LLC, and I thought you might like to read it.

BIG GOALS 2021: I wrote a grant proposal seeking special project funding for Lead Safe Mama, LLC, and I thought you might like to read it.

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February 21, 2021 – Sunday Hey friends! I recently wrote this grant proposal (below) seeking funding for some special projects / special expenses with Lead Safe Mama, LLC, and having written it, I thought I would also share it here – both so you will know what future plans are for Lead Safe Mama, but…

Lead Safe Mama 2021 Goals: Goal #1 – 20,000 page views each day!

Lead Safe Mama 2021 Goals: Goal #1 – 20,000 page views each day!

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Goal #1: 20,000 page views each day! February 14, 2021 – Sunday The work of Lead Safe Mama will be fully self-sustaining when we reach 20,000 page views each day here on the #LeadSafeMama blog. A goal for 2021 is to restore as much of our pre-pandemic trajectory as possible and to approach an average of…