Lead Safe Mama Site Stats Update: November 10, 2019 – 1,603,065 unique readers in the past 12 months alone!
Hardcover 1946 children’s book – “Fun with Dick and Jane”: 1,045 ppm Lead [90 ppm is unsafe for kids.]
2019 Cost Plus/ World Market “Here Comes Santa Claus” Christmas dish: 1,705 ppm Lead (90 & up is unsafe for kids)
Cost Plus/ World Market iridescent ceramic alicorn Christmas ornament: Only 69 ppm Lead (under 90 is safe for kids)
Waterford crystal bud vase: 386,000 ppm Lead (39% Lead)! Crystal items can passively create Lead dust in your home.
Think twice before wrapping a baby in poison for the holiday pics. Christmas lights can be 15,000 ppm Lead (90 ppm is unsafe).
Vintage Coca-Cola Glass: 74,200 ppm Lead (a neurotoxin toxic at 90 ppm+) & 3,023 ppm Cadmium (a carcinogen toxic at 40 ppm+)
Vintage Pepsi Glass: 64,100 ppm Lead (a neurotoxin toxic at 90 ppm+) & 296 ppm Cadmium (a carcinogen toxic at 40 ppm+)
1978 Garfield “It’s not a pretty life but somebody has to live it” McDonald’s mug: 99,300 ppm Lead (causes brain damage) + 5,833 ppm Cadmium (causes cancer)
Pottery Barn Great White Ceramic Mug: 130 +/- 12 ppm Lead (Pb). [Relatively Lead-safe; below 90 is safe in kids’ items.]
With the current political climate & the high cost of living in Portland with disabled kids, we often discuss leaving…
Earlier today the month of September 2019 bumped up in to the 8th #BestMonthEver spot at LeadSafeMama.com
2019 Ikea Brand, Made In Portugal “Arv” floral white & green plate: 126 ppm Lead. (Read full post for details.)
2019 Ikea Brand, Made In Turkey – Lilac Arv “Ruffled” Dish: 341 ppm Lead + 34 ppm Cadmium (Read full post for details.)
2019 Ikea Brand, Made In China – Turquoise Fargrik Plate: 34 ppm Lead (Please read full post for details.)