Little Spoon Babyblend in Sweet Potato + Carrot Flavor: November 2024 Laboratory Report

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A Rather Long, Quick Note from Tamara Rubin:

The text in the next section below is the same text we shared with our FIRST Little Spoon product article published yesterday. To simplify things, we are duplicating it (unedited) here as all the information applies to this product as well. This article is our SECOND report for a Little Spoon product that we are publishing and it is for the Sweet Potato Carrot flavor Babyblend (the lab report is at the bottom of this article).

The most exciting thing about this test is that the ingredients are SWEET POTATOES! and CARROTS! and this product tested non-detect for toxicants (with the low thresholds of detection noted in the lab report at the bottom of this page). This really throws the argument “ALL FOOD IS CONTAMINATED” out the window (an argument most of the food industry is sticking by) — ESPECIALLY regarding ROOT VEGETABLES like SWEET POTATOES and CARROTS!

Good job, Little Spoon!

  • We did test this specific product twice (in September 2024 and then again this month in November 2024 — each batch of the product was purchased separately during each month).
  • Each lab report resulted in non-detect for the four metallic toxicants we look for.
  • With the September lab report there was (erroneously, due to lab error) a low threshold of detection of 10 ppb across the board (for each metal), which was not low enough for us to determine if the product met our standards (using the the Action Levels proposed by the Baby Food Safety Act of 2021 as a metric).
  • In response, we re-tested a November batch of this same product to a lower limit of detection (5 ppb) and the product did meet our standards with the second round of testing (again, that full lab report is below).

Note: As an environmental activist, I want to add that I do not love the plastic-heavy packaging of this brand, but as most packaged foods today come in plastic tubs or pouches, that is another hurdle for society to overcome and is (mostly) outside the scope of the work we do here at Lead Safe Mama, LLC. As always, we recommend home cooking whenever possible (including making baby foods). I also think it would be prudent to test the packaging of these products for Antimony and I will add that to my “to do list.”

The text below is from our first/original Little Spoon article and is important to read for context:

Exciting news, everyone! This Little Spoon Babyblend in Banana Pitaya flavor (pitaya is also known as dragon fruit) tested “non-detect” for Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, and Arsenic with a low threshold of detection of 5 parts per billion (ppb) for each of the four metals (see lab report below)! To better understand what this means (the context for these test results), please read the narrative below and check out the full lab report for this product (in this specific flavor) at the bottom of this article.

At the request of the greater Lead Safe Mama community, we sent a total of 18 Little Spoon product samples (of 10 specific different products/ flavors) for laboratory testing over the past two months (two batches with nine products each). Our intention was to only send nine products (in September), but due to an issue with the first round of results from the September testing, we purchased a second set of nine Little Spoon products to send in November for follow-up testing (with a lower threshold of detection than reported with the first set).

We are very excited to share that several flavors of the 10 examples of LittleSpoon baby food products that we have tested to date tested “non-detect” for Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, and Arsenic (with the limit of detection noted in the lab report for each specific food tested). We are publishing each of these lab reports this week (with this article being the first of 10).

IMPORTANT: I do want to take a moment to emphasize that three of the 10 Little Spoon brand baby food products tested by Lead Safe Mama, LLC have had reports come back from the lab with toxicant levels at or above the “Action Levels” proposed with the Baby Food Safety Act of 2021, so not all of the products tested as clean as the one pictured in this article.

This small but important data set (of 10 products from the same baby food company), gives us the following useful information:

  1. These results demonstrate that it is obviously possible to make baby foods that meet the safety standards of the 2021 proposed Baby Food Safety Act! (Read more on that proposed legislation below.)
  2. These results also demonstrate ample evidence that achieving the proposed 2021 Action Levels within the manufactured/ processed/ packaged baby food industry is indeed possible — for every company producing products specifically marketed for consumption by infants, toddlers, and young children (including LoveBird, Cerebelly, Serenity Kids, Happy Baby, Lesser Evil, Amara Smoothie Melts, GoMacro Kids, Seven Sundays, and others) that claimed (directly or implied in a related public statement) these standards are unachievable — and these companies need to do better.
  3. The positive results we found (i.e. the examples of these Little Spoon brand baby food products that tested positive for heavy metals) provide yet more evidence that some specific ingredients should be avoided for use in baby food products, especially given that the rest of the data set shows there are plenty of safer, toxicant-free ingredient options (and that Little Spoon is doing a relatively good job of identifying those options when sourcing ingredients for their products).
  4. It is especially exciting that even some of the products with root vegetables as the primary solid (or only solid) ingredient(s) tested non-detect for toxicants (stand by for upcoming articles/ lab reports with this information).
    • These examples make it patently clear that the industry narrative of alleged universal and unavoidable contamination in the food supply is false, only designed to deflect blame and thereby protect the industry’s bottom line.
    • This message specifically is directed at all of the companies repeating a version of the same statement that “even natural fruits and vegetables, like apples, strawberries, bananas, and lettuce will test positive for more lead than our products.” 
  5. We hope the results of this testing batch will help consumers see the truth in spite of the persistent false narrative pumped out by nearly every packaged food manufacturer whose products have been found — through Lead Safe Mama, LLC’s food testing initiative — to test positive for levels of toxicants that are unsafe for children’s consumption.

We will be publishing all 10 sets of reports for the Little Spoon products we tested over the next coming days. Please click THIS LINK to see all of the published reports for products we have tested from this brand (Little Spoon) alongside the lab reports for each of those specific products.

I want to give a shout-out to Bruce Lanphear, who is an incredibly well-respected scientist and researcher in the childhood Lead poisoning prevention space that helped advise the Little Spoon team in their journey as a company. Bruce is one of the scientists also featured in our documentary film, linked here. I hope Bruce can continue collaborating with Little Spoon, encouraging Little Spoon to remove the ingredients in the formulations that did test positive for toxicants from the company’s offerings, until finding an alternate toxicant-free source for those ingredients.

Little Spoon has made a concerted effort to offer the cleanest baby food products available (stating they have the most transparent business model in this area), so it would be consistent with their goals, branding, and public messaging to take this “all the way,” working toward the (obviously achievable) goal of having all their products meet the strictest, most health-protective standards proposed by the scientific and medical community as set forth with the Baby Food Safety Act of 2021.

Important to note: While we started a community-sourced fundraiser to cover the cost of the laboratory testing for these Little Spoon products, the owner and founder of Little Spoon learned that we would be testing their products and offered to fund all of the testing for these products directly. We asked our community (the Lead Safe Mama online community) how they felt about this testing being funded in this way (directly by the manufacturer) and they were incredibly supportive of the idea as it would make it possible for us to test more products quickly. To see the budget for our food and supplement testing initiatives, click here.

As noted above (and discussed in more detail here), we sent a batch of Little Spoon products to the lab in September and the low threshold of detection for all of those lab reports was not sufficiently low (to meet our standards). So in addition to the costs incurred that Little Spoon covered for the initial round of testing nine products (and our costs related to processing the data and reporting the results, per the budget above), we incurred $2,250 in costs above and beyond their sponsorship — costs incurred to re-purchase and re-test nine of their products (in November) to our standards (which meet or come as close as possible to meeting the Action Levels proposed with the Baby Food Safety Act of 2021).

Please check out our open/ not-yet-funded campaigns on GoFundMe if you would like to support some of our additional independent, crowd-funded, third-party laboratory testing. Thank you!

For those new to the Lead Safe Mama website:

Tamara Rubin is a multiple-federal-award-winning independent advocate for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety, and a documentary filmmaker. She is also a mother of Lead-poisoned children (two of her four sons were acutely Lead-poisoned in 2005).

This is an ad-free article.

Advertising and affiliate income help Lead Safe Mama, LLC cover the costs of the work we do here (independent consumer goods testing and childhood Lead poisoning prevention advocacy). We have removed ads from most of our more widely-read articles (and newly published articles, too — like this one!) to make them easier for you to read. In addition to supporting this work by starting any shopping you might be doing with a click on our affiliate links, if you would like to support the independent consumer goods testing and childhood Lead poisoning prevention advocacy work of Lead Safe Mama, LLC by making a contribution (which will also help us keep our more widely-read articles ad-free), click here. Thank you!

Important Background: What is an Action Level?

Please note the following key points:

The original lab report for this product is below (at the bottom of this page).

The graphic above shows the levels of metals detected in this product (in red) along with the low threshold of detection (in orange, above the action levels discussed/ or in green, below the action levels discussed) for each metal not detected with the laboratory testing Lead Safe Mama, LLC had completed for this product. The numbers are juxtaposed (in blue) to the “Action Level” proposed by the medical and scientific community in 2021 as part of the Baby Food Safety Act. For this round of testing, SimpleLab (our laboratory testing provider) had a change of labs and their low threshold of detection is slightly higher than in previous testing rounds.

  • These 2021 levels were proposed as “Action Levels” because they are (in fact) protective of human health.
  • An “Action Level” is NOT the same as a “Maximum Allowable Level.”
    • Many food manufacturers misinterpret guidance on heavy metals to mean “allowable levels” and consider it reasonable for products to test positive below these levels.
    • This is a (perhaps intentional?) misunderstanding/ misinterpretation the food industry makes — a misunderstanding food manufacturers use to justify the presence of heavy metals in products.
  • Heavy metals accumulate in the body.
    • It is the cumulative/ aggregate impact of heavy metal exposure (over a lifetime) that makes even small/ incidental/ seemingly trivial exposures particularly damaging and dangerous. You can read more about that here.
  • Once a food product has the amount of heavy metal (Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, or Arsenic) noted (above) as the “Action Level,” that product is officially considered (by the scientific and medical community) unsafe for consumption by children as toxicants (found at-or-above these levels) are in the range of heavy metal levels that have been demonstrated to cause lasting harm.
  • Action Levels are unrelated to serving size.
    • Action Levels are relevant for any amount of a food product that may be consumed (any quantity of the food in question).
    • PPB (parts per billion/ ppb) measurements are a percentage (albeit a very small percentage) and apply to any quantity of the food product tested.
    • For more discussion about serving size considerations (and why relying on “serving size” to limit toxicant exposure is not a relevant metric/ not a metric protective of human health), read this article.
  • These “Action Levels” proposed in 2021 are the levels at which the scientific and medical community believe the manufacturer (or government) needs to take ACTION to fix the problem.
    • One “Action” would be for the manufacturer to take steps to reduce the levels of toxicants in the food product.
    • Another “Action” would be for the manufacturer to cease sales of the product until the product could be made safe.
    • Another “Action” would be for the manufacturer to inform the public that a specific food product has an unsafe level of the metal detected at-or-above the “Action Level” — making a highly-visible public announcement regarding which relevant batches of the product should be recalled/ no longer consumed.
  • The Action Levels proposed with the Baby Food Safety Act of 2021 were not arbitrary toxicant levels but were proposed because they are the levels most protective of human health. However, the Baby Food Safety Act of 2021 was not passed into law.
  • Regardless of the fact the Baby Food Safety Act of 2021 never passed into law — and it is therefore legal to have foods and supplements marketed for consumption by children test positive for Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, and Arsenic at-or-above these levels — these Action Levels still reflect the current (modern/ relevant) advice of the medical and scientific communities as levels both achievable by the industry and safeguards of infant and toddler health.
  • Food and supplement industry lobbyists fought against formalizing these proposed “Action Levels” as a government standard, alleging the levels were unachievable.
  • The list of safer choices (below) clearly demonstrate these Action Levels as achievable across a range of food types (salt, flour, coffee, oatmeal, chia seeds, hemp seeds, soy milk, packaged fruit-based snacks, beverages, and more).
  • The legitimacy of these levels as “Action Levels”/ “Levels of Concern” (even though they were not adopted as law) is mirrored by the legitimacy of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ level of concern for Lead in water, which is 1 ppb despite the FDA’s official “level of concern” for Lead in water being 15 ppb (you can read more about that here).

“Simply Not Achievable”

To reiterate: While the packaged, processed food industry would have consumers (and the government) believe the standards proposed in 2021 are unachievable, this industry position (an oft-rearticulated response to nearly every set of laboratory test results for food and supplements that we have published to date) is simply not true.

It is possible to make safer processed, packaged food products and supplements that fall well below the safety limits for toxicants proposed within the Baby Food Safety Act of 2021. To wit, all of the 25 products listed below tested “non-detect” for Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, and Arsenic — several even tested non-detect for Lead with the low threshold of detection being “less than 1.5 ppb.”

Below is an EXPANDING list of products (foods and supplements) that have tested “non-detect” for Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, and Arsenic with independent, third-party, crowd-funded laboratory testing coordinated by Lead Safe Mama, LLC (an Oregon-based small business with a unique community-collaborative business model and a focus on consumer goods safety and childhood Lead poisoning prevention).

The limits of detection for each of the metals tested are noted in the lab report for the specific product listed. To see the full lab report for any of these products, type the brand name into the search bar at the top of any page on Lead Safe Mama dot com (and scroll down to the bottom of the related article).

Flavors tested are noted, and other flavors of the same product (or other products from the same brand) have either not been tested or have been tested but did not yield similar results. Test results only apply to the specific products linked below.

LIST UPDATED November 26, 2024:

  1. Beverage — Olipop Grape Tonic:
  2. Breakfast Item — 1 — Nature’s Path Envirokidz Organic Panda Puffs:
  3. Breakfast Item — 2 — One Degree Organic, Gluten-Free, Sprouted Rolled Oats (Canada):
  4. Candy — Cavendish & Harvey Wild Berry Drops, not Organic (Germany):
  5. Coffee — 1 — Chameleon Handcrafted Organic Cold Brew Concentrate:
  6. Coffee — 2 — Death Wish Organic Espresso Roast Ground Coffee (Multi-country origin, non-USA):  
  7. Plant-Based Coffee Creamer — 1 Laird Superfood Coconut Creamer:
  8. Dairy Coffee Creamer — 2  Organic Valley Grassmilk Half and Half:
  9. Fruit Snack — 1 — GoGo Squeez Organic Apple Sauce Pouch:
  10. Fruit Snack — 2 — Pure Organic Layered Fruit Bars in Strawberry Banana Flavor:
  11. Fruit Snack — 3 — Once Upon A Farm Dairy Free Fruit Smoothie Pouch in Strawberry Banana Swirl Flavor:
  12. Fruit Snack — 4 — Pure Organic Layered Fruit Bars in Raspberry Lemonade Flavor:
  13. Infant Formula — 1 — Bobbie Organic Gentle Infant Formula Milk-Based Powder with Iron: 
  14. Infant Formula — 2 — Bobbie Grass-Fed Milk-Based Powder with Iron:
  15. Infant Formula — 3 — ByHeart Infant Formula (USA-made, not organic):
  16. Infant Formula — 4 — HiPP Bio Combiotik Infant Formula Powder, Stage 1 (imported)
  17. Infant Formula — 5 — Holle Bio Goat Stage 2 Infant Formula (for 6-10 months, organic, European — Swiss/ German/ Austrian) is not available on Amazon, but the Stage 3 version of this product is (not yet tested, but will likely test similarly):
  18. Infant Formula — 6 — Kendamil Goat Infant Formula (not organic): This product may be available at Target (it is not available on Amazon)
  19. Infant Formula — 7 — Kendamil Organic Follow-On Milk (European/ British Toddler Formula, for 6-12 months, Cow Milk): Not available on Amazon (report link)
  20. Infant Formula — 8 — Kendamil Organic Infant Formula (Cow Milk): Not available on Amazon but may be available at Target
  21. Ingredient — 1 (salt) — Jacobsen’s Sea Salt (Oregon, USA):
  22. Ingredient — 2 (baking flour) — Jovial Organic Einkorn Flour (Italy): 
  23. Ingredient — 3 (seeds) — Costco Kirkland Organic Hemp Seeds:
  24. Ingredient — 4 (seeds) — Navitas Organic, Gluten-Free Chia Seeds (Mexico):
  25. Oil — 1 — Chosen Foods 100% Avocado Oil (not organic):
  26. Oil — 2 — Dr. Adorable’s Organic Perilla Seed Oil (Korea):
  27. Plant-Based Milk — 1 — Kiki Milk Organic Plant-Based Milk (original flavor):
  28. Plant-Based Milk — 2 — West Soy Unflavored Unsweetened Organic Soy Milk:
  29. Supplement — 1 — Nordic Naturals Omega-3 Fish Oil:
  30. Supplement — 2 — Mary Ruth’s Organic Toddler Multivitamin Liquid Drops with Iron:

Stand by for more!

BONUS FOUR: Below are FOUR additional products that each tested positive for trace (very low levels of) Arsenic   at levels considered safe by all standards (with the limits of detection noted in the lab report for the specific product listed):

  1. Infant Formula — Kendamil Goat Toddler Milk, not Organic (positive for traces of Arsenic): May be available at Target or through other online retailers of European infant formulas
  2. Fruit Snack — That’s It Apple Cherry Bars, not organic (positive for traces of Arsenic):
  3. Oil — Chosen Foods 100% Pure Avocado Oil, organic (postive for traces of Arsenic):
  4. Supplement — Now Sunflower Lecithin, not organic (positive for traces of Arsenic):

Amazon links are affiliate links. 

Published: November 23, 2024

Hello! We are continually working on publishing a LOT of test results very quickly this month. We sent 67 products to the lab for testing in September 2024 and 61 in October 2024. We have not yet reported on all of those products as we are still waiting to receive final results from the lab for many of them.

We will be updating this section of each article (with more information about the specific product and other similar products for context) as time permits, but we wanted to ensure the greater Lead Safe Mama community (and general public) had access to this scientific data (about foods and supplements in their homes) as quickly as possible.

Please scroll down to see the full laboratory test report for the product pictured above. Thank you for your patience.

As there are almost no reasonable safety thresholds proposed for toxicants (heavy metals) consumed by adults (in foods and supplements), our focus is (as always) on the health of children. The available proposed safety thresholds (and guidance) for foods consumed by adults are not set at levels protective of human health and are therefore irrelevant to the work we do here at Lead Safe Mama, LLC.

This is the Lead Safe Mama Amazon affiliate link to purchase a test kit similar to what we use for our laboratory testing.

To see more articles related to the laboratory testing of foods and supplements Lead Safe Mama, LLC is conducting (including background on this initiative and safer food choices and guidelines), click the pink square below. To see the full, independent, third-party laboratory report for the product pictured above, please scroll down to the bottom of this page.

Amazon links are affiliate links. If you purchase something after clicking on a Lead Safe Mama, LLC Amazon affiliate link, Lead Safe Mama, LLC may receive a percentage of what you spend at no extra cost to you.

Lab report for the product pictured above:

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