EllaOla Toddlers’ Unflavored Multivitamins test positive for Lead, Cadmium, & Arsenic. Laboratory report here.

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Quick Summary: All federal agencies agree that there is no safe level of Lead exposure for children. None. Lead bio-mimics Calcium, which means it is absorbed by the body in the place of Calcium by Calcium-dependent biological structures. This makes the presence of Lead in a children’s daily multivitamin especially concerning given it is being consumed by young children’s whose brains are rapidly developing Calcium-rich structures. This is how Lead causes brain damage (by being absorbed by the brain in the place of Calcium during key developmental periods in the lives of young children). There is therefore NO EXCUSE (in 2024!) for any children’s daily multivitamin to test positive for any amount of Lead, especially when we have evidence that achieving Lead-levels of “less than 5 ppb” in processed foods and supplements is an achievable standard (the standard that proposed with the Baby Food Safety Act of 2021). Please scroll down for more information and the full lab report for this product.

When evaluated using the context of the health protective standards (for maximum allowable heavy metal contamination levels) proposed by the medical and scientific community with the Baby Food Safety Act of 2021, this product should not be considered safe for consumption by children (more on this below in the section titled” “What is an Action Level”).

More than a century ago, Lead was identified and classified as a neurotoxin. More recent science has also clearly demonstrated that Lead accumulates in the body over time. Nearly all of the Lead our body has been exposed to — through ingestion, inhalation, or transdermal absorption — is still in our body.

In spite of what popular culture health “gurus” might have you believe, Lead is not easily released or “detoxed.” Lead bio-mimics Calcium and the body “efficiently,” actively stores Lead in the place of Calcium when Lead is present — in bones, the brain, and other tissues and organs that are reliant on Calcium to function. What this means is that Lead has the potential to impact all biological systems that are reliant on Calcium (from neurocognitive function to joint function to reproductive functions and more). 

  • All U.S. federal agencies agree there is no safe level of Lead exposure for humans (especially for children).
  • The CDC “reference level” for Lead poisoning (currently a blood Lead level [BLL] of 3.5 micrograms of Lead per deciliter of blood) is misunderstood by most healthcare practitioners to be a BLL below which a child should not be considered poisoned. This is not the case: “The BLRV is simply the level at which a child has more lead in their blood than do most U.S. children (97.5% of children ages 1–5 years).” Here’s our source for more on that.
  • In fact, the average BLL of an American child today is in the range of 0.4 to 0.5 micrograms of Lead per deciliter of blood.
  • Any BLL of 0.5 or higher is an indicator that there has been a likely significant (or persistent) Lead exposure source for that child — an exposure source which should be identified and removed/eliminated from the child’s life.
  • BLL’s in the range of 2.0 and higher have been long-known to cause life-long health impacts, behavioral disorders and learning disabilities (read more about that here).
  • More recent scientific studies have shown long-term negative health impacts with blood Lead levels in the range of 0.4 micrograms of Lead per deciliter of blood. You can read more about one related study of women of childbearing age here.
  • We (Lead Safe Mama, LLC) are seeing — in our consulting work with families — that food-based Lead exposures (for children who live in New Construction homes, with no identified or suspected potential environmental sources of exposure) often result in a BLL in the range of 1.0 to 4.0 (micrograms per deciliter).

The concern for Lead-contamination, Cadmium-contamination, and Arsenic-contamination in our food supply is even more disturbing in light of the recent (August 2024) study demonstrating an increase in 17 specific types of cancer among younger generations (read more info on that here).

The scientific community has long shared that the best practice to avoid the potential for life-long impacts from Lead exposure is “primary prevention” (avoiding exposure to Lead in the first place, vs. attempting to repair the impacts of exposure after they have happened). It is therefore the recommendation of Lead Safe Mama, LLC that — given the above considerations — families not use this product (and instead ask their doctor for a recommendation that may be safer, based on independent scientific testing).

There is no excuse for consuming products (especially vitamins) contaminated with any measurable level of Lead. There is also no excuse for our government agencies to allow these levels of toxicants in ingested products  — especially children’s vitamins.

For those new to the Lead Safe Mama website:

Tamara Rubin is a multiple-federal-award-winning independent advocate for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety, and a documentary filmmaker. She is also a mother of Lead-poisoned children (two of her four sons were acutely Lead-poisoned in 2005).

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Advertising and affiliate income help Lead Safe Mama, LLC cover the costs of the work we do here (independent consumer goods testing and childhood Lead poisoning prevention advocacy). We have removed ads from most of our more widely-read articles (and newly published articles, too — like this one!) to make them easier for you to read. In addition to supporting this work by starting any shopping you might be doing with a click on our affiliate links, if you would like to support the independent consumer goods testing and childhood Lead poisoning prevention advocacy work of Lead Safe Mama, LLC by making a contribution (which will also help us keep our more widely-read articles ad-free), click here. Thank you!

Important Background: What is an Action Level?

Please note the following key points:

The original lab report for this product is below (at the bottom of this page).

The graphic above shows the levels of metals detected in this product (in red) along with the low threshold of detection (in orange / green) for each metal not detected with the laboratory testing Lead Safe Mama, LLC had completed for this product. The numbers are juxtaposed (in blue) to the “Action Level” proposed by the medical and scientific community in 2021 as part of the Baby Food Safety Act. For this round of testing SimpleLab (our laboratory testing provider) had a change of labs and their low  threshold of detection is slightly higher than in previous testing rounds.

  • These 2021 levels were proposed as “Action Levels” because they are (in fact) protective of human health.
  • An “Action Level” is NOT the same as a “Maximum Allowable Level.”
    • Many food manufacturers misinterpret guidance on heavy metals to mean “allowable levels” and consider it reasonable for their products to test positive below these levels.
    • This is a (perhaps intentional?) misunderstanding/ misinterpretation the food industry makes — a misunderstanding which food manufacturers use to justify the presence of heavy metals in their products.
  • There is no safe level of Lead exposure.
  • Lead bioaccumulates in the body.
  • Once a food product (or other ingested product, like a vitamin or supplement) has the amount of heavy metal (Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, or Arsenic) noted (above) as the “Action Level,” that food product is officially considered (by the scientific and medical community) unsafe for consumption by children as toxicants (found at-or-above these levels) are in the range of heavy metal levels that have been demonstrated to cause lasting harm.
  • Action Levels are not related to serving size.
    • Action Levels are relevant for any amount of a food product that may be consumed (any quantity of the food in question).
    • PPB (parts per billion/ ppb) measurements are a percentage (albeit a very small percentage) and apply to any quantity of the food product tested.
    • For more discussion about serving size considerations (and why relying on “serving size” to limit toxicant exposure is not a relevant metric/ not a metric protective of human health), read this article.
  • These “Action Levels” proposed in 2021 are the levels at which the scientific and medical community believe the manufacturer (or government) needs to take ACTION to fix the problem.
    • One “Action” would be for the manufacturer to take steps toward reduce the levels of toxicants in the food product.
    • Another “Action” would be for the manufacturer to cease product sales until the product could be made safe.
    • Another “Action” would be for the manufacturer to inform the public that a specific food product has an unsafe level of the metal detected at-or-above the “Action Level” — making a highly-visible public announcement regarding which relevant batches of the product should be recalled/ not consumed.
  • The Action Levels proposed with the Baby Food Safety Act of 2021 were not arbitrary toxicant levels — they were proposed because they are the levels most protective of human health. The Baby Food Safety Act of 2021, however, was not passed into law.
  • Regardless of the fact the Baby Food Safety Act of 2021 never passed into law — and it is therefore legal to have food (and other ingested items, including vitamins and supplements) for children test positive for Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, and Arsenic at-or-above these levels — these Action Levels still reflect the current (modern/ relevant) advice of the medical and scientific communities as levels both achievable by the industry and safeguards of infant and toddler health.
  • Food industry lobbyists fought against formalizing these proposed “Action Levels” as a government standard, alleging they were unachievable.
    • The image below (with the number ELEVEN) links to a landing page with 11 food products we have already tested this year (2024), all of which have been “non-detect” for toxicants with low thresholds of detection (for Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, and Arsenic) far below the 2021 proposed Action Levels.
    • These 11 food products (about 10% of the foods Lead Safe Mama, LLC has tested and reported on so far since March of 2024, when we started laboratory testing foods) clearly demonstrate these Action Levels as achievable across a range of food types (flour, coffee, salt, packaged snacks, oats, chia seeds, hemp seeds, beverages, etc).
  • The legitimacy of these levels as “Action Levels”/ “Levels of Concern” (even though they were not adopted as law) is further supported by the situation’s similarity to the legitimacy of the America Academy of Pediatrics’ level of concern for Lead in water — which is 1 ppb — even though the FDA’s official “level of concern” for Lead in water is 15 ppb (you can read more about that here).

 “Simply Not Achievable”

While the packaged, processed food industry would have consumers (and the government) believe that the standards proposed in 2021 are not achievable, this industry position (an oft-rearticulated response to nearly every set of laboratory test results for food that we have published to date) is simply not true. It is possible to make safer processed, packaged food products that fall well below the safety levels for toxicants proposed with the Baby Food Safety Act of 2021. To read more about the 11 food items Lead Safe Mama, LLC has tested and reported on so far that resulted in “non-detect” for Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, and Arsenic (with the limits of detection as reported for each product), click the image below (with the big number 11)!

Here are direct Amazon links to those 11 safer products as well (this list is growing alongside the food testing we are organizing — to see the updated list at any time, click the graphic with the number above):

  1. Sea Salt (Oregon, USA)
  2. Organic Einkorn Flour (Italy)
  3. Organic, Gluten-Free, Sprouted Rolled Oats (Canada)
  4. Organic, Non-GMO, Gluten-Free Chia Seeds (Mexico)
  5. Organic Espresso Roast Ground Coffee (Multi-Country Origin, Non-USA)
  6. Sparkling Grape-Flavored Tonic
  7. Pure Organic Layered Fruit Bars in Strawberry Banana Flavor
  8. Pure Organic Layered Fruit Bars in Raspberry Lemonade Flavor
  9. GoGo Squeez Organic Fruit On The Go in AppleApple Flavor
  10. Organic Soy Milk
  11. Organic Hemp Seeds

Amazon links are affiliate links.

Published: September 18, 2024

Hello! We are working on publishing a LOT of food test results very quickly this week.

We may be updating this section of each article published this week (with more information about the specific product and other similar products for context) in the future (especially as we have aggregate data about more food products in this category to share), but we wanted to make sure the greater Lead Safe Mama community (and the general public) had access to the scientific data provided in these lab reports (about foods and supplements they may have in their home) as quickly as possible.

“My children have been taking these! How can I ‘detox’ them / what can I do?”

  • Please note: Lead Safe Mama, LLC and Tamara Rubin are not healthcare providers/ medical practitioners and do not represent themselves as so. Instead, we share scientific considerations from the greater global scientific community and ask that you evaluate any concerns you might have on the merits of the scientific data, discussing any medical decisions with your doctor.
    • In this case it might be prudent to ask your doctor if there is a cleaner (prescription) vitamin your child might take (vs. an over-the-counter vitamin) if, in fact, your doctor recommends that your child take a vitamin at all.
  • With the above disclaimer noted, if you have been taking this product (or consuming any other confirmed or suspected Lead-contaminated products) and you can tolerate garlic, you may want to increase their garlic consumption.
    • Roasted garlic spread on toast
    • Garlic on pizza
    • Garlic on pasta
    • Garlic in green smoothies
    • Chopped garlic on veggies
  • Most “detox” products and potions on the market simply do not work (they are snake oil products designed to separate desperate parents from their hard-earned cash). Some detox products are also heavily Lead-contaminated and may result in a child (or adult) being Lead-poisoned.
    • Please stay away from these types of detox products (any packaged/ manufactured “detox” product sold by a company).
  • Science has repeatedly demonstrated (in multiple scientific studies from around the globe) that simply increasing the consumption of garlic (in any form, cooked or raw) to help with the elimination/ excretion of heavy metals (and specifically Lead) may be significantly beneficial after a known or suspected exposure (read more about that here).
  • Blueberries have also been scientifically demonstrated as a helpful “natural detox” too (when my children were babies I used to serve them frozen organic blueberries with a little bit of cream [or soy milk] drizzled over the top, which then freezes and turns it into an “ice cream”-like treat)!
  • It is also always prudent to ask your doctor about getting a heavy metals panel (blood or urine) for anyone who has been eating contaminated foods — especially if you have not had one recently as a baseline.

Please scroll down to see the full lab report for the product pictured above.

Please do check out the other links on this page (below and above) for additional information about the truly independent, third-party, laboratory testing we are conducting on food products and other ingested items (including supplements and vitamins).

As there are almost no reasonable safety thresholds proposed for toxicants (heavy metals) consumed by adults (in foods and supplements), our focus is (as always) on the health of children. 

Some additional reading & links that may be of interest:

  1. This is our article with guidance for safer food choices in general.
  2. This is our article with lists of possible safer food choices.
  3. This is our article with safer snack ideas for children.
  4. This is the Lead Safe Mama affiliate link to purchase the test kits we used for this laboratory testing.
  5. Here’s our landing page with links to all the food test results for products we have tested and reported on so far.
  6. Here’s our landing page listing all the food testing we have in-progress (at the lab/ pending, etc.) — please consider making a contribution in support of any of the pending crowd-funded foods if they are a food you use! Thank you.
  7. Here’s information on how to send your own food samples into a lab for testing (the cost is $195 per single food sample tested for Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, and Arsenic) and how to collaborate with Lead Safe Mama, LLC on the food testing we are organizing.

Amazon links are affiliate links. If you purchase something after clicking on a Lead Safe Mama, LLC Amazon affiliate link, Lead Safe Mama, LLC may receive a percentage of what you spend — at no extra cost to you.

Lab report for the EllaOla Toddlers’ Unflavored Multivitamin product, pictured below:


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  1. Hi. Do you have any information regarding NanoVM flavorless children’s powdered vitamin?

    I want to verify that they do not have lead, arsenic and/or cadmium.


  2. I’m curious if this test is outdated info? Basically I’m wondering if Ellaola changed things after your review to receive the Clean Label Award?

    Ellaola says “Our multivitamins meet and well exceed safety standards, including those established by the FDA and California’s Proposition 65, which mandates the most stringent regulations on heavy metals in consumer products in the US for dietary supplement. Our multivitamin also has received the Clean Label Project Purity Award. The Clean Label Project™ tests for 200+ toxins and contaminants. https://cleanlabelproject.org/product-categories/?query=ellaola

  3. Great. Ugh. It’s the only thing I’ve gotten my autistic son to take. I didn’t see any multivitamin recommendations….. do you have any. Thx ! I’m thinking of sending back the box I JUST ordered

  4. What kid multivitamin/nutrient supplement etc DOES pass your tests? I’ve been looking for a multivitamin/nutrient supplement for ages and everytime I find something that seems great, your test says it’s not. My son is a picky eater and has some behavioral problems that were GREATLY reduced when I had him on those First Day gummies. So he does benefit some from the ingredients, but I wanted to find something else without it being a gummy, and without sugar and heavy metals. So I haven’t re-purchased it, but in the meantime he has been getting in trouble almost every single day at school and nothing else has changed besides me stopping those vitamins.
    I appreciate the passion you have for the truth, I just wish you would give us a list of what does pass the tests so we have some recourse! Thank you

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