A Vogel. Herbamare Original Certified Organic Seasoning Salt tests positive for Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, & Arsenic — August 2024 Lab Report

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For those new to the Lead Safe Mama website:

Tamara Rubin is a multiple-federal-award-winning independent advocate for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety, and a documentary filmmaker. She is also a mother of Lead-poisoned children (two of her four sons were acutely Lead-poisoned in 2005).

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Advertising and affiliate income help Lead Safe Mama, LLC cover the costs of the work we do here (independent consumer goods testing and childhood Lead poisoning prevention advocacy). We have removed ads from most of our more widely-read articles (and newly published articles, too — like this one!) to make them easier for you to read. In addition to supporting this work by starting any shopping you might be doing with a click on our affiliate links, if you would like to support the independent consumer goods testing and childhood Lead poisoning prevention advocacy work of Lead Safe Mama, LLC by making a contribution (which will also help us keep our more widely-read articles ad-free), click here. Thank you!

Important Background: What is an Action Level?

Please note the following key points:

The original lab report for this product is below (at the bottom of this page).

The graphic above shows the levels of metals detected in this product (in red) along with the low threshold of detection (in green) for each the metals not detected with the laboratory testing that Lead Safe Mama, LLC had completed for this product. The numbers are juxtaposed (in blue) to the “Action Level” proposed by the medical and scientific community in 2021 as part of the Baby Food Safety Act.

  • These 2021 levels were proposed as “Action Levels” because they are (in fact) protective of human health.
  • An “Action Level” is NOT the same as a “Maximum Allowable Level.”
    • Many food manufacturers misinterpret guidance on heavy metals to mean “allowable levels” and consider it reasonable for their products to test positive below these levels.
    • This is a (perhaps intentional?) misunderstanding/ misinterpretation the food industry makes — a misunderstanding which food manufacturers use to justify the presence of heavy metals in their products.
  • There is no safe level of Lead exposure.
  • Lead bioaccumulates in the body.
  • Once a food product has the amount of heavy metal (Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, or Arsenic) noted (above) as the “Action Level,” that food product is officially considered (by the scientific and medical community) unsafe for consumption by children as toxicants (found at-or-above these levels) are in the range of heavy metal levels that have been demonstrated to cause lasting harm.
  • Action Levels are not related to serving size.
    • Action Levels are relevant for any amount of a food product that may be consumed (any quantity of the food in question).
    • PPB (parts per billion/ ppb) measurements are a percentage (albeit a very small percentage) and apply to any quantity of the food product tested.
    • For more discussion about serving size considerations (and why relying on “serving size” to limit toxicant exposure is not a relevant metric/ not a metric protective of human health), read this article.
  • These “Action Levels” proposed in 2021 are the levels at which the scientific and medical community believe the manufacturer (or government) needs to take ACTION to fix the problem.
    • One “Action” would be for the manufacturer to take steps to reduce the levels of toxicants in the food product.
    • Another “Action” would be for the manufacturer to cease all sales of the product until the product could be made safe.
    • Another “Action” would be for the manufacturer to inform the public that a specific food product has an unsafe level of the metal detected at-or-above the “Action Level” — making a highly-visible public announcement regarding which relevant batches of the product should be recalled/ not consumed.
  • The Action Levels proposed with the Baby Food Safety Act of 2021 were not arbitrary toxicant levels, but were proposed because they are the levels most protective of human health. However, the Baby Food Safety Act of 2021 was not passed into law.
  • Regardless of the fact that the Baby Food Safety Act of 2021 never passed into law — and it is therefore legal to have food for children test positive for Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, and Arsenic at-or-above these levels — these Action Levels still reflect the current (modern/ relevant) advice of the medical and scientific communities as levels both achievable by the industry and safeguards of infant and toddler health.
  • Food industry lobbyists fought back against formalizing these proposed “Action Levels” as a government standard, alleging they were unachievable.
    • The image below (with the number SIX) links to a landing page with SIX food products we have already tested this year (2024), all of which have been “non-detect” for toxicants with low thresholds of detection (for Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, and Arsenic) far below the 2021 proposed Action Levels.
    • These SIX food products (about 10% of the foods Lead Safe Mama, LLC has tested and reported on so far since March 2024, when we started laboratory testing foods) clearly demonstrate these Action Levels as achievable across a range of food types (salt, flour, coffee, oatmeal, chia seeds, and a soda product — plus we are about to add one more beverages to that list this month, bringing it to seven “non-detect” foods).
  • The legitimacy of these levels as “Action Levels”/ “Levels of Concern” (even though they were not adopted as law) is further supported as the situation is quite similar to the legitimacy of the America Academy of Pediatrics’ level of concern for Lead in water — which is 1 ppb — even though the FDA’s official “level of concern” for Lead in water is 15 ppb (you can read more about that here).

For safer snack ideas, click here.

For links to all six food items we have tested so far that have tested “non-detect” for Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, and Arsenic, click the image below (with the big green and pink number six)!

Published: August 16, 2024

Hello! We are working on publishing a LOT of test results very quickly this week.

We will be updating this section of each article (with more information about the specific product and other similar products for context) in the next week or two, but we wanted to ensure the greater Lead Safe Mama community (and the general public) had access to this scientific data (about foods and supplements in their home) as quickly as possible.

Please scroll down to see the full lab report for the product pictured above.

Thank you for your patience.

Please do check out the other links on this page for additional information about the truly independent, third-party, laboratory testing we are conducting on food products.

As there are almost no reasonable safety thresholds proposed for toxicants (heavy metals) consumed by adults (in foods and supplements), our focus is (as always) on the health of children. The available proposed safety thresholds (and guidance) for foods consumed by adults are not levels that are protective of human health and therefore are not relevant to the work we do here at Lead Safe Mama, LLC.

Some additional reading & links that may be of interest:

  1. This is the Lead Safe Mama affiliate link to purchase the test kits we used for this testing.
  2. Here’s our landing page with links to all the food test results for products we have tested and reported on so far.
  3. Here’s our landing page listing all of the food testing we have in-progress (at the lab/ pending, etc.) — please consider making a contribution in support of any of the pending crowd-funded foods if they are a food you use! Thank you.
  4. Here’s information on how to send your own food samples into a lab for testing (the cost is $195 per single food sample tested for Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, and Arsenic) and how to collaborate with Lead Safe Mama, LLC on the food testing we are organizing.

Amazon links are affiliate links. If you purchase something after clicking on a Lead Safe Mama, LLC Amazon affiliate link, Lead Safe Mama, LLC may receive a percentage of what you spend — at no extra cost to you.

Lab report for the A. Vogel Herbamare Organic Original Seasoning Salt product pictured:


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  1. I had 10 years of chelation therapy, initially for mercury poisoning courtesy of an exterminator (Calo-Clor, aka mercuric chloride, before Sierra Crop Management reformulated the product to calcium chloride), about 28 dental amalgam fillings (50% mercury by weight), and thimerosal from various vaccines. Recently had another chelation challenge by Doctor’s Data Lab still showing mercury, arsenic and very high levels of lead and palladium (no, I did not eat my computer!) Now dealing with diagnoses of breast cancer, colitis, diverticulitis, kidney damage (not failure! thank God!), systemic Candida, and very likely undiagnosed parasites from my pets and time in SE Asia. I am amazed I am still alive and SO grateful to you for exposing the bastards. Herbarmare. . .thought that was one I could trust, but thankfully I haven’t used very much of it. In the garbage it goes!! Love you for all your efforts.

  2. I’m still alive and determined to tell my story, just call me “Silent No Longer”. I put up with a lot of crap from the medical establishment, the same one I worked in most of my life. Finally found a doctor who actually cares and understands and is encouraging me to write my book. Wow!! That’s worth gold, and your site gives me hope that there are still a few normal caring people out there. Keep up the good work!

  3. I very recently discovered your website and am angry and extremely disheartened that items we have been thinking are healthy options are toxic.
    Like many who have serious health problems, I have spent a lot of time and money searching for “gluten free,” “non-gmo” and “organic” options thinking they were better.
    I’ve used this herb salt for years, hate to think how much, loved it. It’s been my mainstay, shared it with my family.
    And other salts you’ve tested recently as well, used electrolytes they market…
    This was an eye opener and rather overwhelming seeing all the results.
    Thank you for your diligent efforts to raise awareness and alert others so at least they can have the option to make better choices.

    Kind regards

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