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Tamara Rubin is a multiple-federal-award-winning independent advocate for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety, and a documentary filmmaker. She is also a mother of Lead-poisoned children (two of her four sons were acutely Lead-poisoned in 2005).

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  1. I am wondering about glass manufactured in China. I am specifically looking at KORKEN Jar with lid but I do not see that on your web site. Do you have any information regarding heavy metals in glass manufactured in China? Thanks for all you do!

  2. Hi Tamara,
    thanks for all of your hard work and dedication in honor of your children! Do you know anything about Nagoya Shokai lead levels on their dishes…specifically the encanto pattern?
    Many thanks!

  3. Thank you for all you do. It’s truly a blessing to have this knowledge when this type of testing is out of reach for most of us to do ourselves. Really appreciate the work you put in!

      1. Hi Tamara! I’ve been reading your research for years and am grateful for ‘exposing’ these harmful metals. Can you please tell me if you are aware of lead in Berkey water filters or have tested these? Many thanks!!

  4. I recently became aware of your work and website. I am a physician and environmentalist.

    I am so impressed with the thoroughness of your work and high level of your analysis and insight.

    I look forward to learning more from you.

    Do you accept suggestions about testing products? If so, what is the protocol for new submissions?
    Thank you for what you do.
    I look forward to introducing others to your work.

  5. Hello Tamara,
    I’m a physician, GF and unfortunately recently Lectin-free due to progressive Dupuytrens contracture and trigger thumb that resolved completely after going Lectin free. My GF replacement carbs were loaded. Now that I am enjoying cassava-based pasta, I learn from you it’s lead contaminated. Bummer. Why is it still for sale with such high levels? Any alternatives you know? Thank you for your work.

    1. Hi. I happened to see this and your reference to going lectin free. I had to go lectin and high fiber free for a while but started adding a tablespoon of pureed cooked okra to my morning beverage plus adding the puréed okra to several things that I cooked and after many months, it seems to have allowed my digestive tract to heal. I am able to eat the way I used to, although I haven’t tried popcorn again yet! The okra is barely noticeable in a hot drink of baked goods or soup. Feeling so much better now. Best wishes to you. Oh! Also I can eat organic sourdough bread with no problem now! I can handle organic sugar but white sugar usually gives me an inflammation flare.

  6. Thank you for sharing. I’m pleased you’ve found a less onerous dietary solution! Sadly, my lectin sensitivity expresses itself in whole body connective tissue inflammation rather than severe GI problems. As I often say now, I’m so high maintenance I can’t stand myself. Lol.
    Best wishes.

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