IF you are shopping on Amazon today… (July 2023 — post #3)


For those new to the Lead Safe Mama website:

Tamara Rubin is a multiple-federal-award-winning independent advocate for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety, and a documentary filmmaker. She is also a mother of Lead-poisoned children (two of her four sons were acutely Lead-poisoned in 2005).

Published: Wednesday July 12, 2023

Here’s another “Prime Deal” to AVOID this Prime Day: We confirmed that these are made with Leaded sealing dots https://amzn.to/3JXpXx4 (aflink so you can see it in the wild). We DO NOT recommend buying this product.

Here are the full test results for one of these:

Here’s an article that shows what a sealing dot is:

Instead: Here’s Lead-Free Alternative

For a Lead-free alternative, buy one of these instead! Any newly purchased (post-2017) size and any color from this brand is Lead-free. This is because I called them out for having Lead in their products (over 10 years ago) and they eventually fixed the problem! (Although y’know… they never thanked me for my help in fixing their product, lol! #sigh.) Affiliate link: https://amzn.to/43qIYih!

Reminder: You don’t need to buy what we link to for Lead Safe Mama, LLC to receive a percentage of what you spend (in support of our programs for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety), at no extra cost to you. You simply need to start ANY Amazon shopping you are going to do (on any day not just today) with a click on one of our affiliate links (and then go about your Amazon shopping as you normally would). We typically receive between 2 and 4% of what you spend.

Thank you for supporting this important work in this simple and free way! Yesterday your clicks on our Amazon links earned us $171.17!

Amazon links are affiliate links. If you purchase something after clicking on a Lead Safe Mama, LLC affiliate link we may receive a percentage of what you spend, at no extra cost.

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  1. I missed the sale but I just wanted to confirm that any size or color from this brand has been ok’d by you. ? Wide mouth or small ? Etc
    Thanks fir all your hard work

    Denise Toledo Silbert xoxo

  2. Is it only if the protective outer dot falls off that you are exposed to lead? I already have an expensive Stanley and don’t want to get rid of it but I do have little ones in the house.

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