I submitted the Lead Safe Mama, LLC KitchenAid violation report to the CPSC today (1/28/2023)… the latest…
Sign the Petition!
Saturday – January 28, 2023
I submitted my violation report (about KitchenAid) to the Consumer Product Safety Commission today. I will be publishing the full text and images shortly (exactly as I submitted with my report) so you can read it, but since I am at the airport (in transit – on way to Denver from LaGuardia right now) I may not have time to post it right away. Check on the site later today (www.LeadSafeMama.com). Once it is published I will also pin it to the home page so you can find it easily. You will also be able to find it by clicking the LeadSafeMama.com menu link, and then clicking the KitchenAid button. #BecauseScience #KitchenAidDoesHaveLead
PS – in case you have the opportunity to share anything with friends about this issue… please communicate that if one actually ignores the noise and sensationalism (there has not yet been a recall — this is true, and was an Internet rumor (started by a few people who saw my work — but didn’t bother actually reading my articles! Lead Safe Mama, LLC never said there was a recall – we said we were filing a petition to demand a recall, and support the need for a recall!) — and LISTENS to the words of the news reports carefully, consumers will hear what all of the reporters are actually saying. The reporters in the current news blitz are ALL actually publicly confirming that the KitchenAid products do have Lead in some components — and that KitchenAid is clearly aware of this fact. [They go on however, to deflect concern about the Lead in those the attachments — but their specific language chosen does not actually deny the fact that the attachments have Lead (“at allowable levels”).
- What I am – and always have been – arguing (it’s clear on my website if you read my articles!) is that the “level’ that KitchenAid executives are using (as a benchmark to claim it is “safe”) is NOT the measure that is protective of children’s health.
- What I am saying is that because KitchenAid clearly markets to families with young children, and also because they market their products to be for used by the whole family, and also because they use images in their marketing of children using their products — because of all of these facts, their products should be regulated to the more strict level set by the CPSIA of 2008 (The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008) – which states that if something is sold or marketed as an item intended for use by children, it is not allowed to have substrate levels above 100 ppm Lead (which is the applicable limit for children’s items — and is far stricter than the other “limits” [with which they already do comply] Is that explanation clear? (If not, please read the recall notice and then let me know if you have questions.)
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I had sent that templated letter to them and this is the response I got back from them weeks later:
Throughout our 111-year history, Whirlpool Corporation has been committed to providing safe products for our consumers.
The company’s aluminum alloy stand mixer accessories, including the beaters, dough hooks and whisks, are tested through a third party, independant laboratory to ensure they comply with all applicable regulations in the locations where they are sold regarding lead content. They are safe for any family’s cooking needs.
In addition, all current models of aluminum stand mixer accessories have a food-safe coating over the aluminum that is tested both for lead content and lead migration to ensure that it is safe for all consumers.
Hi Natasha – here is the response I wrote to that “111-year history” letter:
We have recieved a very similar reply. In fact the response is identical verbatim for some parts, in particular the comment regarding third party, independent laboratory testing. We asked for further details on the nature and results of the test. Nearly two weeks later, no response.
Despite politely chasing, we have been blanked.