Video #3 of 3 from Tamara’s Christmas Eve Interview w/ Jon Fishman, Phish Drummer & Parent of a Lead-Exposed Child

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The Latest #TenMinutesWithTamara interview!

Watch here or click through to the Lead Safe Mama YouTube channel.

On Christmas Eve, I had a great video chat with Jon Fishman (drummer for the band Phish) about “all things Lead” (including discussing his experience with his child’s Lead exposure). The video below is the third of three “Ten Minutes With Tamara” video segments from this interview. Please check out all three of the videos. You can find them here on the website (linked), or on the Lead Safe Mama YouTube channel. Thank you for being here! I hope you are having a great start to the New Year!

Part 3 of the Jon Fishman Christmas Eve Interview… topics include:

  • Parenting a house full of kids during the CoViD-19 pandemic
  • What it is like not working/ not playing music during the pandemic.
  • Being a hermit in the woods in Maine (vs. friends living in the city now!)
  • How CoViD-19 is impacting the number of kids being Lead-poisoned (because of all the home renovations happening with people stuck at home)
  • Jon’s thoughts on the fact that there are still Lead-painted baby bottles (and Lead-painted milk bottles) today (he used to own a dairy!)
  • A conversation about advocacy

Here are links to the articles about the Lead-painted milk bottles I share with Jon in this video:

  1. A Lead-painted milk bottle from New Hampshire.
  2. A Lead-painted milk bottle from Maine.
  3. A Lead-painted milk bottle from Vermont.

Here are some of the Lead-painted baby bottles/ baby feeding products that I reference in our conversation:

  1. Nuk
  2. Hevea
  3. Green Sprouts
  4. Jervis & George

You can also check out all of the videos in the Ten Minutes With Tamara video series on YouTube, including interviews with parents from around the globe (New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the United States are represented so far)! Click here!

For a deeper dive into the issue of childhood Lead poisoning, the full documentary feature film that I produced and directed (with some help from Jon Fishman as a producer!) can be seen at the following YouTube link (please subscribe there, too to get alerts about future videos!):

Please follow and subscribe to Lead Safe Mama in all the places! (We are on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) Thank you. 🙂 

Thanks again! Happy New Year!

Tamara Rubin

For those new to this website:

Tamara Rubin is a multiple-federal-award-winning independent advocate for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety, and a documentary filmmaker. She is also a mother of Lead-poisoned children (two of her sons were acutely Lead-poisoned in 2005). Since 2009, Tamara has been using XRF technology (a scientific method used by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission) to test consumer goods for toxicants (specifically heavy metals â€” including Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Antimony, and Arsenic). All test results reported on this website are science-based, accurate, and replicable. Items are tested multiple times to confirm the test results for each component tested. Tamara’s work was featured in Consumer Reports Magazine in February of 2023 (March 2023 print edition).

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