Lead Safe Mama is Scheduling Now for Lead Poisoning Prevention Month Events in October 2019!

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If you are interested in scheduling a Lead Safe Mama event (speaking engagement, one-on-one personal home consultation, testing party, community outreach event, corporate employee education event or lunch-and-learn, etc.) contact Tamara directly at: TamaraRubin at Mac dot com.

The current October 2019 calendar is the image above (and below the image has more specific details.) Dates with green are fully available days. Some of the Fridays or Saturdays may be available depending on the time event and the location (city, state / country) of the event. This image will be updated as new dates are booked.

Important point to note: I love traveling and meeting all of my readers and will go almost anywhere to do an outreach event!

To learn more about the events I do and the cost (my speaking fees, etc.), check out these related posts:

  1. Tell me more about the events you do! How do they work? Who pays for them? Who comes? What does it include?
  2. Tamara’s Bio
  3. Event Info Summary [one sheet]
  4. Rates

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

The calendar below was last updated on July 30, 2019.

Tamara Rubin

Lead Safe Mama’s
Lead Poisoning Prevention Month Availability.

Green dash means the full day is available.

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  1. Can I drive over to Waltham, Ma with some of my things to test? How does this work? I have had a heavy metals chelation/urine test done and I have extremely high levels of lead (it should be under 2 and I am 33!), aluminum, cadmium, antimony, mercury, barium, cesium and gadolinium. Thank you for all your amazing work! I sold Tupperware in the ’70’s and have used it for decades. Thanks to you I threw it out along with other dishes you reported on.

    1. Hi Claudia! The event in Waltham is private, but as soon as I confirm where I will be staying there’s a possibility you could meet me there. I will let you know!


  2. I live on the MA/NH/VT border and would be interested in talking to you about hosting an event if you can get back to me with more information about how to do it.

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