Today would be an excellent day to “chip-in” in support of my independent consumer goods testing and Lead poisoning prevention advocacy work. TIA

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Do you appreciate the independent consumer goods testing that I write about on my website and on social media?
If so, today would be an excellent day to chip in to help cover the cost of this work (work which is fully funded by YOU, my readers.)
I need to raise at least $300 to make a payment for my outstanding XRF rental bill (this is an outstanding bill that I chip away at whenever I can – and is currently down to about $4,500.) Thank you! [6/10, 4 p.m. (Chicago time) update! This bill is now paid down to $4,207.43. Thanks everyone!]
The good news is that once this XRF rental bill is paid off, it may be the very last XRF rental bill I ever have to pay! 😉 Fingers crossed for new and exciting stuff happening in July!
Here’s my chip-in link (you can use PayPal or a credit card or Venmo – whatever works for you!) Thank you so much for supporting this work in this way.
Tamara Rubin
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