Vintage Walt Disney Productions Made in Hong Kong Donald Duck Pocket Puzzle: 16 ppm Lead (safe by all standards.)

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My husband bought this for me as a present at a local yard sale. He buys stuff for me when he thinks it might have a lot of Lead (and when he thinks my readers might like to know if it has Lead or not!) Isn’t he sweet! Lol. Thanks hubs.

When tested with an XRF instrument this Vintage Walt Disney Productions Made in Hong Kong Donald Duck pocket puzzle had the following reading set (we were frankly very surprised that the readings were not much higher!):

  • Lead (Pb) 16 +/- 5 ppm
  • Bromine (Br): 19 +/- 3 ppm
  • Zinc (Zn): 139 +/- 12 ppm
  • Copper (Cu): 26 +/- 12 ppm
  • Iron (Fe): 55 +/- 22 ppm
  • Titanium (Ti): 5,674 +/- 388 ppm

Metals not listed were not detected. Multiple readings were done and all had similar results. All readings were done for a minimum of 30 seconds each.

I don’t like for anyone to draw conclusions from a test of one single item so I want to make sure you (my readers) understand the following considerations: Just because ONE vintage puzzle like this is positive for a very low (considered safe) level of Lead, that does not mean that other items of the same type or vintage might not be very high for toxicants (including Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic and Mercury.) In general I would still avoid letting young children play with vintage toys like this as, in the absence of additional testing, you really have no idea whether or not they may be unsafe. That said I think it is possible that some older items that are “Made in Taiwan” or “Made in Hong Kong” are possibly lower lead than their American counterparts of the same era… so that is something I will be keeping an eye on as I test this sort of item.

To see more Made in Hong Kong items I have tested, click here.

To see more Made in Taiwan items I have tested, click here.

To see more Disney items (old and new) that I have tested, click here.

Thank you for reading and for sharing my posts.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

Tamara Rubin

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