White Ceramic Ikea 365 Mug, Made in Romania: Lead Safe
White Ceramic Ikea 365 Mug, Made in Romania: Lead Safe
When tested with an XRF instrument, the readings on the mug picture here are as follows
- Lead (Pb): 37 +/- 11 ppm
- Mercury (Hg): Non-Detect / Negative
- Cadmium (Cd): Non-Detect / Negative
- Arsenic (As): Non-Detect / Negative
- Barium (Ba): 91 +/- 41 ppm
- Antimony (Sb): Non-Detect / Negative
- Selenium (Se): Non-Detect / Negative
- Iron (Fe): 1,990 +/- 196 ppm
- Bismuth (Bi): 49 +/- 11 ppm
- Vanadium (V): 149 +/- 26 ppm
- Titanium (Ti): 469 +/- 48 ppm
The XRF reading on the logo on the bottom was positive for the following elements and levels:
- Lead (Pb): 30 +/- 12 ppm
- Copper (Cu): 101 +/- 39 ppm
- Iron (Fe): 1,184 +/- 182 ppm
- Bismuth (Bi): 31 +/- 11 ppm
- Vanadium (V): 666 +/- 177 ppm
- Titanium (Ti): 2,322 +/- 356 ppm
These levels are considered safe by all standards.
For context: levels in the 90 ppm range or below are considered TRACE lead, meaning a very small amount.
When this amount of lead is found in a consumer good that is made of ceramic, it is generally a contaminant in the clay or glaze and is not usually an added ingredient that is intentionally part of the manufacturing process.
To read more about XRF testing Click HERE.
Read more about the concern for lead in pottery and dishware here.
In general I am comfortable feeding my children off of Ikea dishware. A lot of Ikea dishware is, in fact, Lead-free and we have a few Lead-free Ikea dishes in our home. Newly made Ikea that I have been testing in the past year or so has all either been Lead-free or Lead-safe (in the range of 90 ppm lower.)
Please note: If I was visiting and you served me food on newer (post 2010) Ikea dishes I would not be concerned about lead in the dishes.
Lead at this level (below 90 ppm in a newly manufactured piece) is also very unlikely to leach or to cause any harm to humans, especially given the Ikea pottery is mass manufactured and high fired.
I am much more concerned about so much of the vintage pottery I have tested that often has lead levels in the THOUSANDS of parts per million (or even the tens of thousands of parts per million.).
Click here for more #SaferChoices for your family!
As always, thank you for reading and please let me know if you have any questions.
Tamara Rubin
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Hi Tamara, so I am assuming all 365 dishware from Ikea is kinda safe? https://m.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/art/40341101/ I would like to hear your opinion.. thank you!
Hi Tania,
Yes – generally. All new Ikea products I have tested have been either lead-safe or lead-free. I have not tested many of the latest patterns and designs, so that could change at any time – but overall Ikea is a good choice (and has been for the past 5 to 6 years.)
Thank you Tamara so much for response!
Of course!
Hi Tamara again.. I just wanted ask what you think about that black lettering on Ikea knive you posted as safe without lead .. should that be a concern? Thank you so much
I noticed a standard deviation of +-11ppm. Does this mean that a reading of less than 11 ppm on the XRF can be taken as “lead free”, or will truly lead free items give a reading of 0?
Also, I ordered a “Vardera” coffee mug from Ikea that claims to be lead free. I know that generally this may not mean that it is absolutely lead free, but I was wondering if in your experience, since this is a mug from Ikea, you think I can probably take their word for it?
Thanks again (sorry for the multiple questions)!
Hello, my goodness, I am new here and I am so so thankful you are doing all of this research for us! I was going to purchase the IKEA 365 white mug (802.783.67) based on what I understand from your recommendations. I was just wondering if you have ever tested some of their newer glazed pieces. I do love the looks of the Gladelig mug (article 704.571.52) . They describe it as stoneware with colored glaze. I am a busy mama too, so take your time. And really, please know how much I appreciate your work!
Hi Jennifer!
Take a look at this video which shows how to use the website and use that to browse through some of the other Ikea and related pieces posted here: https://tamararubin.com/2020/12/how-to-use-the-lead-safe-mama-website-video/
Hopefully that will help to answer your questions.
Oh this is good to hear that the lead in the stamp isnt a threat as I was going to rule it out but aslong as it doesnt leach when left down held. I dont like the look of the oftast ones as much and the barium was putting me off too.