Mason Jars, Kerr Brand: 23 ppm Lead (plus Cadmium) — but WAIT! Don’t panic! Read more here.

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Mason Jars ... Kerr Brand: 23 ppm Lead (+ Cadmium too). WAIT! Don't Panic! Read post instead! TIA.

For those new to the Lead Safe Mama website:

Tamara Rubin is a multiple-federal-award-winning independent advocate for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety, and a documentary filmmaker. She is also a mother of Lead-poisoned children (two of her four sons were acutely Lead-poisoned in 2005).


When tested with an XRF instrument, this Kerr Mason jar (pictured here, year unknown) was positive for Lead at 23 parts per million.


  • Almost all of the newer Ball jars I have tested have tested NEGATIVE for Lead and Cadmium.
  • These levels (of Lead and Cadmium) found in this jar after testing are typical for Kerr and are considered to be trace/ very low/ negligible and are not likely to leach at all.
  • These levels are considered SAFE by ALL STANDARDS.
  • Newer clear (undecorated) glass is still likely the best thing to store your food in (even with trace/ low-level toxicants in some options).
  • Ball is the most consistently Lead-free brand (for canning jars) I have found (with just a few exceptions).
  • Conversely, almost all Kerr jars I have tested have been positive for low-levels of Lead (in the 20 to 40 ppm range), with very few exceptions.
  • All Weck jars I have tested have been positive for Lead in the 200 ppm range (still very low, but consistently higher).

To see more glass food storage options, click here.

Similar jars found on Amazon.
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If you appreciate what Lead Safe Mama, LLC does and would like to support this advocacy work (including the independent XRF testing we conduct on consumer goods) please consider clicking here to make even a small contribution via my GoFundMe — every $5 and $10 (or whatever you can afford) makes a big difference during what is currently a very difficult transition time for me. Thank you!

Thank you for reading and sharing these articles.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Tamara Rubin

Mason Jars ... Kerr Brand: 23 ppm Lead (+ Cadmium too). WAIT! Don't Panic! Read post instead! TIA.

Affiliate link disclosure: If you choose to purchase any items after clicking the Amazon links above, Amazon pays Lead Safe Mama a small kick back as a thank you for sending business their way. It doesn’t cost you anything extra and helps support this website, allowing us to keep sharing information about childhood Lead poisoning prevention (as well as making it possible to keep sharing about safe products for your home and family). Sharing this information in turn helps families everywhere protect their children from potential environmental toxicity in their homes. I only link to products that are the same as (or very similar to) ones I either have direct personal experience with in my home or that I have personally tested with an XRF Instrument and found to be Lead-safe or Lead-free. (March 2017)
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  1. You should post a youtube video of your entire house or maybe just your kitchen 😉 😉 I’m super curious on what your healthy home looks like. I’m just now learning about all of these different toxins in our dishes and cups etc. it’s really overwhelming.

      1. Great! Can’t wait to see, so I can get some more ideas about healthy living. I’m currently trying to find some clear glass dinner plates and cups that are nontoxic. Can you recommend a set??

  2. Thank you so much for the work you do.
    Have you ever tested new (not vintage) amber ball jars?
    We are wanting to store dry spices in them.
    Thank you for any advice.

  3. How about reusing clear glass jars from jams, cucumbers and similar from grocery stores. Can those test lead positive as well please?

  4. Hi! I am looking at purchasing a set of the Jardens harvest canning jars which from what I understand is owned by the same company that produces the kerr and ball? Anyhow I am looking to purchase those as as far as I can tell they don’t have the undercoating on the lid as we are worried about BPA and BPS as well can you tell me if you know if there’s any lead in any of the Jarden’s harvest jars?? Thank you and I have always looked forward to reading all of your posts you’re one about the sippy cups and cups for kids have really helped me a lot for my toddler!! God bless you ☺️

  5. When you say newer Ball jars, how old are you referring to? Is there a way to tell when looking at a glass jar?

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