Preliminary XRF test results for one sample of Black Oxygen Organics (BOO) Fulvic Acid: Lot #21720, expires 08/2023HABA stuffed snail rattle baby toy with flower: 144 ppm Antimony in the snail head (typical in stuffed animals with polyfil.)2014 Nintendo Super Mario Stuffed Doll (#2) – Made in China: 170 ppm Antimony (commonly found in stuffed animals.)Fantasia Brand Christmas Tree Ornaments (Made in Poland): 23 ppm Lead + 9 ppm Arsenic (plus the finish is peeling!)Silicone Push Pop Bubble Fidget — Rainbow Frosted Cup Cake Design: 18 ppm Cadmium (a known carcinogen). Safe by all standards.Vintage Belleek Ireland Shamrock Pattern Creamer: 55,500 ppm Lead (+ Mercury) on the food-contact areas of the glaze.Stuffed pineapple “doll” – no tag: 156 ppm Antimony (likely in the polyfil).2014 Nintendo Super Mario Doll, Made in China: 158 ppm Antimony (likely in the stuffing).Vintage plastic Tupperware blocks toy: non-detect for Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic, Mercury (likely has BPA given the age.)Fabric from a sofa arm rest: 43 ppm Antimony. There are no regulatory standards for Antimony in Fabric. This is low compared to other synthetic fabric items.Some Cool #FunFacts came up yesterday: 9,362,578 page views in just three years! 3,120,859 average per year!(Video) Some companies NEVER learn! Redmond BABY POWDER positive for Lead at levels that are unsafe in dust (& it IS dust!)QVC Temp-tations Espresso Cup Christmas Ornaments (Xmas 2020): 2,924 ppm Lead + 981 ppm Cadmium — QVC tells customers to use them for cocoa with the grandkids!“Is it bigger than a bread box?”Washington Fresh Breeze Organic Glass Reusable Stan Pac Milk Bottle with Blue Lead Paint: 13,400 ppm Lead + 193 ppm Cadmium.Greenbrier International Christmas House (Dollar Tree) 2021 Plastic Tube Ornament (Santa belt design): Positive for Lead, Arsenic, & AntimonyTraditional green ball-style plastic Christmas ornament from Aldi (2020): 44,400 ppm ARSENIC! (NOT safe for children!)Midwest Gift Ganz (Made in China) Glass Christmas Ornament — 2021: Very low levels of Antimony, Cadmium & MercuryFortessa Fortaluxe (Amanda) white porcelain dish from Pottery Barn: 25 ppm Lead (safe by all standards).I “splurged” and bought myself some sterling silver earrings (from Amazon) for my birthday. They tested positive for Mercury and Arsenic — yet NO SILVER AT ALL!Is Pillivuyt brand china safe? Is Pillivuyt china Lead-free?Pillivuyt brand china piece (3 of 3) – plate with ridged edges (Modele Depose): 32 ppm Lead on the food surface (safe by all standards).Pillivuyt brand china piece (2 of 3) – casserole with solid handles: 21 ppm Lead on the food surface (safe by all standards).Pillivuyt brand china piece (1 of 3) – white dish with looped handles [Design Sismo]: 9 ppm Lead on the food surface (safe by all standards). Posts pagination Previous Page 1 … 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 … 180 Next Page SharePin200PostEmailPrint200Shares
Preliminary XRF test results for one sample of Black Oxygen Organics (BOO) Fulvic Acid: Lot #21720, expires 08/2023
HABA stuffed snail rattle baby toy with flower: 144 ppm Antimony in the snail head (typical in stuffed animals with polyfil.)
2014 Nintendo Super Mario Stuffed Doll (#2) – Made in China: 170 ppm Antimony (commonly found in stuffed animals.)
Fantasia Brand Christmas Tree Ornaments (Made in Poland): 23 ppm Lead + 9 ppm Arsenic (plus the finish is peeling!)
Silicone Push Pop Bubble Fidget — Rainbow Frosted Cup Cake Design: 18 ppm Cadmium (a known carcinogen). Safe by all standards.
Vintage Belleek Ireland Shamrock Pattern Creamer: 55,500 ppm Lead (+ Mercury) on the food-contact areas of the glaze.
Vintage plastic Tupperware blocks toy: non-detect for Lead, Cadmium, Arsenic, Mercury (likely has BPA given the age.)
Fabric from a sofa arm rest: 43 ppm Antimony. There are no regulatory standards for Antimony in Fabric. This is low compared to other synthetic fabric items.
Some Cool #FunFacts came up yesterday: 9,362,578 page views in just three years! 3,120,859 average per year!
(Video) Some companies NEVER learn! Redmond BABY POWDER positive for Lead at levels that are unsafe in dust (& it IS dust!)
QVC Temp-tations Espresso Cup Christmas Ornaments (Xmas 2020): 2,924 ppm Lead + 981 ppm Cadmium — QVC tells customers to use them for cocoa with the grandkids!
Washington Fresh Breeze Organic Glass Reusable Stan Pac Milk Bottle with Blue Lead Paint: 13,400 ppm Lead + 193 ppm Cadmium.
Greenbrier International Christmas House (Dollar Tree) 2021 Plastic Tube Ornament (Santa belt design): Positive for Lead, Arsenic, & Antimony
Traditional green ball-style plastic Christmas ornament from Aldi (2020): 44,400 ppm ARSENIC! (NOT safe for children!)
Midwest Gift Ganz (Made in China) Glass Christmas Ornament — 2021: Very low levels of Antimony, Cadmium & Mercury
Fortessa Fortaluxe (Amanda) white porcelain dish from Pottery Barn: 25 ppm Lead (safe by all standards).
I “splurged” and bought myself some sterling silver earrings (from Amazon) for my birthday. They tested positive for Mercury and Arsenic — yet NO SILVER AT ALL!
Pillivuyt brand china piece (3 of 3) – plate with ridged edges (Modele Depose): 32 ppm Lead on the food surface (safe by all standards).
Pillivuyt brand china piece (2 of 3) – casserole with solid handles: 21 ppm Lead on the food surface (safe by all standards).
Pillivuyt brand china piece (1 of 3) – white dish with looped handles [Design Sismo]: 9 ppm Lead on the food surface (safe by all standards).