1,766,348 unique individual readers here in 2022 alone! (Why I cannot answer every question!)More Lead Safe Mama Lead-free favorites: water bottles I have purchased for my familyLetter to the owners of the Bindle Bottles company with “next step” instructions“Houston, we have a problem… ” STOP using your Bindle Bottle IMMEDIATELY (significant Lead-contamination of storage chamber)Join me & my whole family at The 1905 this Friday (1/6/23) to see the fabulous & talented Rubin Brothers perform (all FOUR of them!)Final 2022 online engagement numbers for Lead Safe Mama’s website & social media.XRF test results for small blue glazed ceramic bowl purchased at Monoprix in France (2022)XRF test results for brand new Le Creuset red (“Cerise”) glazed stoneware espresso mug: Positive for Lead & Cadmium (a known carcinogen)The people at Longmont Dairy (in Colorado) seem to be dismissive jerks. Here’s my note to them just now.Lead Safe Mama, LLC’s 2023 Goals!Tamara, how were your kids poisoned?A link to my film.EOY Request for support of the work of Lead Safe Mama, LLC – 12/31/22 updateCan you share an article today to help us reach our readership goal for the month?Top 20 Articles of 2022 on LeadSafeMama.com (as of 12/31/2022)Did you get a gift of spending money this holiday season? Here’s something you might want to buy for yourself!Check the bottom of your reusable glass milk bottle… If it says StanPac, chances are it is painted with high-Lead paint.Hershey sued over chocolate containing high levels of Lead & Cadmium!Scene about Lead in chocolate & wine (filmed in February of 2012) from MisLEAD:America’s Secret Epidemic (a documentary.)One last thing…Deconstructing KitchenAid’s greenwashed response to findings of Lead in their stand mixer attachmentsHere’s a template for messaging or calling KitchenAid and demanding Lead-free replacement stand mixer attachmentsA point-by-point response to KitchenAid’s public statements regarding Lead Safe Mama, LLC’s findings of Lead contamination in their standard mixer attachmentsTips for Navigating This Website Posts pagination Previous Page 1 … 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 … 179 Next Page SharePin200PostEmailPrint200Shares
“Houston, we have a problem… ” STOP using your Bindle Bottle IMMEDIATELY (significant Lead-contamination of storage chamber)
Join me & my whole family at The 1905 this Friday (1/6/23) to see the fabulous & talented Rubin Brothers perform (all FOUR of them!)
XRF test results for brand new Le Creuset red (“Cerise”) glazed stoneware espresso mug: Positive for Lead & Cadmium (a known carcinogen)
The people at Longmont Dairy (in Colorado) seem to be dismissive jerks. Here’s my note to them just now.
Did you get a gift of spending money this holiday season? Here’s something you might want to buy for yourself!
Check the bottom of your reusable glass milk bottle… If it says StanPac, chances are it is painted with high-Lead paint.
Scene about Lead in chocolate & wine (filmed in February of 2012) from MisLEAD:America’s Secret Epidemic (a documentary.)
Deconstructing KitchenAid’s greenwashed response to findings of Lead in their stand mixer attachments
Here’s a template for messaging or calling KitchenAid and demanding Lead-free replacement stand mixer attachments
A point-by-point response to KitchenAid’s public statements regarding Lead Safe Mama, LLC’s findings of Lead contamination in their standard mixer attachments