#FidgetSpinner: Stainless (“Star” configuration?)

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Stainless Steel Spinner with Removable Points. Lead Testing Results: ND/ Non-Detect, “Negative” – Safe! Purchase Price: Could not find this exact item online. Date Purchased: May 2017 (?) Sent in by a friend in New York City Vendor/ Brand: Unknown / No Maker’s Mark – link to similar one on Amazon here.* *I am including my affiliate link for the…

#FidgetSpinner: Green/ Yellow with Red Bearings

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Green & Yellow Plastic Spinner with Red and Silver Bearing Circles. Lead Testing Results: ND/ Non-Detect, “Negative” – Safe! Purchase Price: Could not find this exact item online. Date Purchased: May 2017 (?) Sent in by Tara in Farmington, New York Vendor/ Brand: Unknown / No Maker’s Mark – link to similar one on Amazon here.*  *I am including…

#FidgetSpinner: American Flag

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American Flag Design Plastic Spinner with Solid Black Bearing Circles. Lead Testing Results: ND/ Non-Detect, “Negative” – Safe! Purchase Price: Could not find this exact item online. Date Purchased: May 2017 (?) Sent in by Tara in Farmington, New York Vendor/ Brand: Unknown / No Maker’s Mark – link to similar one on Amazon here.*  *I am including my…

#FidgetSpinner: Pink Plastic Camo

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Pink Camo Design Plastic Spinner with Solid Black Bearing Circles. Lead Testing Results: ND/ Non-Detect, “Negative” – Safe! Purchase Price: Could not find this exact item online. Date Purchased: May 2017 (?) Sent in by Tara in Farmington, New York Vendor/ Brand: Unknown / No Maker’s Mark – link to similar one on Amazon here.*  *I am including…

#FidgetSpinner: White Plastic

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White Plastic Spinner with Black Bearing Circles. Lead Testing Results: ND/ Non-Detect, “Negative” – Safe! Purchase Price: Could not find this exact item online. Date Purchased: May 2017 (?) Sent in by Tara in Farmington, New York Vendor/ Brand: Unknown / No Maker’s Mark – link to similar one on Amazon here.* *I am including my affiliate link…

#FidgetSpinner: Metallic Rainbow with Brass Center

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Sent in by: Melanie in Portland. Lead Testing Result: Positive for lead (Pb) at a very high level. Lead Level: 32,900 ppm lead. [Hazard level for items intended for use by children (including toys) is anything 90 ppm lead or higher.] Purchase Price: $4.28 Purchase Date: May 23, 2017 Vendor/ Brand: Atesson* (Affiliate link. Appears to be…

#FidgetSpinner: Metal with Rainbow Finish

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Sent in by: Melanie in Portland. Color: Metallic Rainbow with Metallic Rainbow Center Dot. Lead Testing Result:  SUPRISE! This one was NEGATIVE for lead! (ND / Non-Detect). Purchase Date: May 26, 2017. Purchase Price: $8.46. Vendor/ Brand: “Finger Spinner“?* *I am including my affiliate link for the fidgets I can find on Amazon, however given the…

#FidgetSpinner: Orange Camo Plastic

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Orange Camo Plastic Spinner with Black Bearing Circles. Lead Testing Results: 85 +/- 23 ppm lead. Very LOW – considered SAFE by all standards! Purchase Price: Could not find this exact item online. Date Purchased: June 2017 (?). Vendor/ Brand: Hyperdictive Camo Fidget Spinner (Camo Flame) [affiliate link]* *I am including my affiliate link for the fidgets I…

#FidgetSpinner: XDesign Black Plastic

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Sent in by: Sheryl (Minnesota). Black Plastic. Lead Test Result: Positive. Lead Level: 129 +/- 85 ppm, VERY LOW, considered safe by all standards. Purchase Price: $12.99. Date Purchased: June 2017. Vendor/ Brand: “XDesign” [affiliate link]* *I am including my affiliate link for the fidgets I can find on Amazon, however given the unpredictability of these products and the…

#FidgetSpinner: White Plastic

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White Plastic with Black Bearing Circles. Made in China. Lead Testing Results: Negative/ ND / “Non-Detect” for Lead. Purchase Price: $3.86. Date Purchased: June 2017. Sent in by Martina in Texas (direct from Amazon.) Vendor/ Brand: LeShop Fidget Spinner White [affiliate link]* *I am including my affiliate link for the fidgets I can find on Amazon, however given the…

#AskTamara – Question: Do Walmart jelly shoes have Lead? & if not, why do people think they do? [Video]

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In response to concern of parents around the country about the potential for lead (Pb) contamination in “Jelly Shoes” sold by Walmart, I decided to take a trip to Walmart with my friend Carissa from Creative Green Living and to bring with us an X-Ray fluorescence spectrometer (also called an XRF or an XRF Instrument),…

Bunnykins Baby Set (c. 1970s): 73,800 ppm Lead (over 90 ppm is unsafe for kids)

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This Bunnykins vintage (1970s?) ceramic dish set tested positive with an XRF for 73,800 parts per million Lead. Learn more about XRF instruments and XRF testing here, and here. If this were sold today (with this level of Lead), it would be considered highly illegal because it is a dishware set sold specifically for use…

1991 Beatrix Potter Wedgwood Peter Rabbit Baby Dishes: 52,000 ppm Lead (over 90 ppm is considered unsafe & illegal today)

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For those new to this website: Tamara Rubin is a multiple-federal-award-winning independent advocate for childhood Lead poisoning prevention and consumer goods safety, and a documentary filmmaker. She is also a mother of Lead-poisoned children (two of her sons were acutely Lead-poisoned in 2005). Since 2009, Tamara has been using XRF technology (a scientific method used…

Fidget Spinner Testing, Episode 8 (video)

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Coming to you from our “secret lab”… here’s our EIGHTH video doing Fidget Spinner Testing!  We’re getting slammed with questions, so please only ask questions if you have already watched the whole video! 🙂 Thank you! This video includes testing of: Blue plastic fidget spinner with black bearings Red plastic fidget spinner with black bearings Blue…

Fidget Spinner Testing, Episode 7 (video)

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Coming to you from our “secret lab”… here’s our SEVENTH video doing Fidget Spinner Testing!  We’re getting slammed with questions, so please only ask questions if you have already watched the whole video! 🙂 Thank you! Fidgets Tested in This Video Include: Dark Blue Plastic Fidget. Purple Plastic Fidget. Stainless Steel Silver Colored Fidget. Pink Metallic…

Fidget Spinner Testing, Episode 6 (video)

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Coming to you from our “secret lab”… here’s our SIXTH video doing Fidget Spinner Testing!  We’re getting slammed with questions, so please only ask questions if you have already watched the whole video! 🙂 Thank you! Fidgets tested in this video include: Red Plastic Spinner with Black Bearings. Silver Metallic Plastic Spinner. Dark Green Cammo Plastic…

Fidget Spinner Testing, Episode 5 (video)

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Coming to you from our “secret lab”… here’s our FIFTH video doing Fidget Spinner Testing!  We’re getting slammed with questions, so please only ask questions if you have already watched the whole video! 🙂 Thank you! Fidgets tested in this video: X-Design Black Plastic Spinner. White Plastic Spinner. Orange Cammo Plastic Spinner.

Fidget Spinner Testing, Episode 4 (video)

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Coming to you from our “secret lab”… here’s our FOURTH video doing Fidget Spinner Testing!  We’re getting slammed with questions, so please only ask questions if you have already watched the whole video! 🙂 Thank you! This video includes testing of: Gray 3-D printed plastic fidget from FidgetPros. Light Pink 3-D printed plastic fidget from FidgetPros. Magenta…

Amazon Affiliate Update June

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This post is an update on how much I’ve earned as an Amazon affiliate – thanks to all of you! Please keep clicking on my links before you start your shopping and Amazon will put a referral cookie in your browser so I will get a percentage of whatever you purchase, at no extra cost to…

Viral Again! Walmart Jelly Shoes (Video)

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Carissa and I posted this video (embedded video is at the bottom of the page) on Facebook yesterday evening at 5:27 p.m. Just over 25 hours later, at 6:37 p.m. tonight, the video had 22,000+ views and the post had reached 73,494 people!  Just 19 minutes later I checked back and the views were at 23,000+…

#GuerrillaXRFTesting @ Walmart! Clear Glasses (video)

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More #GuerrillaXRFTesting videos featuring Tamara and Carissa! Please watch and share and let us know if you have any questions! For more lead-free kitchen choices, click here! To support our work so we can make more of these videos, please consider donating to my GoFundMe! Thank you! Clear Drinking Glasses from Tamara Rubin on Vimeo.

#GuerrillaXRFTesting @ Walmart!, Crockpots (video)

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More #GuerrillaXRFTesting videos featuring Tamara and Carissa! Please watch and share and let us know if you have any questions! For lead-free kitchen choices, click here! To support our work so we can make more of these videos, please consider donating to my GoFundMe! Thank you!

#GuerrillaXRFTesting @ Walmart!, Pioneer Woman Glasses (video)

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More #GuerrillaXRFTesting videos featuring Tamara and Carissa! Please watch and share and let us know if you have any questions! For more lead-free glassware choices, click here! To support our work so we can make more of these videos, please consider donating to my GoFundMe! Thank you!